Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 08:34
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 08:34.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393200720607 +39 320 072 0607 320 072 0607 tel:+39-320-072-0607
+393200737016 +39 320 073 7016 320 073 7016 tel:+39-320-073-7016
+393200836524 +39 320 083 6524 320 083 6524 tel:+39-320-083-6524
+393200887307 +39 320 088 7307 320 088 7307 tel:+39-320-088-7307
+393200944448 +39 320 094 4448 320 094 4448 tel:+39-320-094-4448
+393200945085 +39 320 094 5085 320 094 5085 tel:+39-320-094-5085
+393201523527 +39 320 152 3527 320 152 3527 tel:+39-320-152-3527
+393201593228 +39 320 159 3228 320 159 3228 tel:+39-320-159-3228
+393201758992 +39 320 175 8992 320 175 8992 tel:+39-320-175-8992
+393201888720 +39 320 188 8720 320 188 8720 tel:+39-320-188-8720
+393202020200 +39 320 202 0200 320 202 0200 tel:+39-320-202-0200
+393202032665 +39 320 203 2665 320 203 2665 tel:+39-320-203-2665
+393202032666 +39 320 203 2666 320 203 2666 tel:+39-320-203-2666
+393202032668 +39 320 203 2668 320 203 2668 tel:+39-320-203-2668
+393202032669 +39 320 203 2669 320 203 2669 tel:+39-320-203-2669
+393202032671 +39 320 203 2671 320 203 2671 tel:+39-320-203-2671
+393202041008 +39 320 204 1008 320 204 1008 tel:+39-320-204-1008
+393202041031 +39 320 204 1031 320 204 1031 tel:+39-320-204-1031
+393202041032 +39 320 204 1032 320 204 1032 tel:+39-320-204-1032
+393202041223 +39 320 204 1223 320 204 1223 tel:+39-320-204-1223
+393202041283 +39 320 204 1283 320 204 1283 tel:+39-320-204-1283
+393202041302 +39 320 204 1302 320 204 1302 tel:+39-320-204-1302
+393202041648 +39 320 204 1648 320 204 1648 tel:+39-320-204-1648
+393202041706 +39 320 204 1706 320 204 1706 tel:+39-320-204-1706
+393202041716 +39 320 204 1716 320 204 1716 tel:+39-320-204-1716
+393202041884 +39 320 204 1884 320 204 1884 tel:+39-320-204-1884
+393202041977 +39 320 204 1977 320 204 1977 tel:+39-320-204-1977
+393202042180 +39 320 204 2180 320 204 2180 tel:+39-320-204-2180
+393202071001 +39 320 207 1001 320 207 1001 tel:+39-320-207-1001
+393202071006 +39 320 207 1006 320 207 1006 tel:+39-320-207-1006
+393202071010 +39 320 207 1010 320 207 1010 tel:+39-320-207-1010
+393202071016 +39 320 207 1016 320 207 1016 tel:+39-320-207-1016
+393202071019 +39 320 207 1019 320 207 1019 tel:+39-320-207-1019
+393202071021 +39 320 207 1021 320 207 1021 tel:+39-320-207-1021
+393202071031 +39 320 207 1031 320 207 1031 tel:+39-320-207-1031
+393202071036 +39 320 207 1036 320 207 1036 tel:+39-320-207-1036
+393202071037 +39 320 207 1037 320 207 1037 tel:+39-320-207-1037
+393202071039 +39 320 207 1039 320 207 1039 tel:+39-320-207-1039
+393202071041 +39 320 207 1041 320 207 1041 tel:+39-320-207-1041
+393202071111 +39 320 207 1111 320 207 1111 tel:+39-320-207-1111
+393202072024 +39 320 207 2024 320 207 2024 tel:+39-320-207-2024
+393202113021 +39 320 211 3021 320 211 3021 tel:+39-320-211-3021
+393202155090 +39 320 215 5090 320 215 5090 tel:+39-320-215-5090
+393202169525 +39 320 216 9525 320 216 9525 tel:+39-320-216-9525
+393202228423 +39 320 222 8423 320 222 8423 tel:+39-320-222-8423
+393202389813 +39 320 238 9813 320 238 9813 tel:+39-320-238-9813
+393202414000 +39 320 241 4000 320 241 4000 tel:+39-320-241-4000
+393202466929 +39 320 246 6929 320 246 6929 tel:+39-320-246-6929
+393202472363 +39 320 247 2363 320 247 2363 tel:+39-320-247-2363
+393202474611 +39 320 247 4611 320 247 4611 tel:+39-320-247-4611