Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 21:40
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 21:40.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393202610770 +39 320 261 0770 320 261 0770 tel:+39-320-261-0770
+393202664645 +39 320 266 4645 320 266 4645 tel:+39-320-266-4645
+393202776983 +39 320 277 6983 320 277 6983 tel:+39-320-277-6983
+393202822122 +39 320 282 2122 320 282 2122 tel:+39-320-282-2122
+393202827115 +39 320 282 7115 320 282 7115 tel:+39-320-282-7115
+393202844590 +39 320 284 4590 320 284 4590 tel:+39-320-284-4590
+393202887624 +39 320 288 7624 320 288 7624 tel:+39-320-288-7624
+393202991972 +39 320 299 1972 320 299 1972 tel:+39-320-299-1972
+393203071391 +39 320 307 1391 320 307 1391 tel:+39-320-307-1391
+393203266669 +39 320 326 6669 320 326 6669 tel:+39-320-326-6669
+393203305921 +39 320 330 5921 320 330 5921 tel:+39-320-330-5921
+393203332170 +39 320 333 2170 320 333 2170 tel:+39-320-333-2170
+393203333015 +39 320 333 3015 320 333 3015 tel:+39-320-333-3015
+393203395191 +39 320 339 5191 320 339 5191 tel:+39-320-339-5191
+393203445485 +39 320 344 5485 320 344 5485 tel:+39-320-344-5485
+393203455914 +39 320 345 5914 320 345 5914 tel:+39-320-345-5914
+393203785340 +39 320 378 5340 320 378 5340 tel:+39-320-378-5340
+393203853718 +39 320 385 3718 320 385 3718 tel:+39-320-385-3718
+393203920411 +39 320 392 0411 320 392 0411 tel:+39-320-392-0411
+393204050893 +39 320 405 0893 320 405 0893 tel:+39-320-405-0893
+393204052179 +39 320 405 2179 320 405 2179 tel:+39-320-405-2179
+393204217689 +39 320 421 7689 320 421 7689 tel:+39-320-421-7689
+393204428176 +39 320 442 8176 320 442 8176 tel:+39-320-442-8176
+393204527486 +39 320 452 7486 320 452 7486 tel:+39-320-452-7486
+393204628545 +39 320 462 8545 320 462 8545 tel:+39-320-462-8545
+393204628582 +39 320 462 8582 320 462 8582 tel:+39-320-462-8582
+393204628612 +39 320 462 8612 320 462 8612 tel:+39-320-462-8612
+393204635801 +39 320 463 5801 320 463 5801 tel:+39-320-463-5801
+393204635879 +39 320 463 5879 320 463 5879 tel:+39-320-463-5879
+393204635880 +39 320 463 5880 320 463 5880 tel:+39-320-463-5880
+393204635882 +39 320 463 5882 320 463 5882 tel:+39-320-463-5882
+393204635947 +39 320 463 5947 320 463 5947 tel:+39-320-463-5947
+393204635962 +39 320 463 5962 320 463 5962 tel:+39-320-463-5962
+393204635965 +39 320 463 5965 320 463 5965 tel:+39-320-463-5965
+393204635973 +39 320 463 5973 320 463 5973 tel:+39-320-463-5973
+393204664598 +39 320 466 4598 320 466 4598 tel:+39-320-466-4598
+393204664607 +39 320 466 4607 320 466 4607 tel:+39-320-466-4607
+393204664612 +39 320 466 4612 320 466 4612 tel:+39-320-466-4612
+393204670599 +39 320 467 0599 320 467 0599 tel:+39-320-467-0599
+393315497414 +39 331 549 7414 331 549 7414 tel:+39-331-549-7414
+393315702344 +39 331 570 2344 331 570 2344 tel:+39-331-570-2344
+393315867316 +39 331 586 7316 331 586 7316 tel:+39-331-586-7316
+393315881113 +39 331 588 1113 331 588 1113 tel:+39-331-588-1113
+393316074874 +39 331 607 4874 331 607 4874 tel:+39-331-607-4874
+393316085085 +39 331 608 5085 331 608 5085 tel:+39-331-608-5085
+393316117002 +39 331 611 7002 331 611 7002 tel:+39-331-611-7002
+393316158871 +39 331 615 8871 331 615 8871 tel:+39-331-615-8871
+393316166409 +39 331 616 6409 331 616 6409 tel:+39-331-616-6409
+393316175181 +39 331 617 5181 331 617 5181 tel:+39-331-617-5181
+393316182991 +39 331 618 2991 331 618 2991 tel:+39-331-618-2991