Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 04:25
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 04:25.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393338146800 +39 333 814 6800 333 814 6800 tel:+39-333-814-6800
+393338250330 +39 333 825 0330 333 825 0330 tel:+39-333-825-0330
+393338290848 +39 333 829 0848 333 829 0848 tel:+39-333-829-0848
+393338536137 +39 333 853 6137 333 853 6137 tel:+39-333-853-6137
+39333856900 +39 333 856 900 333 856 900 tel:+39-333-856-900
+393338768469 +39 333 876 8469 333 876 8469 tel:+39-333-876-8469
+393339336755 +39 333 933 6755 333 933 6755 tel:+39-333-933-6755
+393339336871 +39 333 933 6871 333 933 6871 tel:+39-333-933-6871
+393339336896 +39 333 933 6896 333 933 6896 tel:+39-333-933-6896
+393339336918 +39 333 933 6918 333 933 6918 tel:+39-333-933-6918
+393339337061 +39 333 933 7061 333 933 7061 tel:+39-333-933-7061
+393339337701 +39 333 933 7701 333 933 7701 tel:+39-333-933-7701
+393339337719 +39 333 933 7719 333 933 7719 tel:+39-333-933-7719
+393339337752 +39 333 933 7752 333 933 7752 tel:+39-333-933-7752
+393339337755 +39 333 933 7755 333 933 7755 tel:+39-333-933-7755
+393339337816 +39 333 933 7816 333 933 7816 tel:+39-333-933-7816
+393339337819 +39 333 933 7819 333 933 7819 tel:+39-333-933-7819
+393339337843 +39 333 933 7843 333 933 7843 tel:+39-333-933-7843
+393339337919 +39 333 933 7919 333 933 7919 tel:+39-333-933-7919
+393339337938 +39 333 933 7938 333 933 7938 tel:+39-333-933-7938
+393339338070 +39 333 933 8070 333 933 8070 tel:+39-333-933-8070
+393339338084 +39 333 933 8084 333 933 8084 tel:+39-333-933-8084
+393339338122 +39 333 933 8122 333 933 8122 tel:+39-333-933-8122
+393339338648 +39 333 933 8648 333 933 8648 tel:+39-333-933-8648
+393339338699 +39 333 933 8699 333 933 8699 tel:+39-333-933-8699
+393339338732 +39 333 933 8732 333 933 8732 tel:+39-333-933-8732
+393339338779 +39 333 933 8779 333 933 8779 tel:+39-333-933-8779
+393339338784 +39 333 933 8784 333 933 8784 tel:+39-333-933-8784
+393339338799 +39 333 933 8799 333 933 8799 tel:+39-333-933-8799
+393339338855 +39 333 933 8855 333 933 8855 tel:+39-333-933-8855
+393339340399 +39 333 934 0399 333 934 0399 tel:+39-333-934-0399
+393339340402 +39 333 934 0402 333 934 0402 tel:+39-333-934-0402
+393339340472 +39 333 934 0472 333 934 0472 tel:+39-333-934-0472
+393339340473 +39 333 934 0473 333 934 0473 tel:+39-333-934-0473
+393339349049 +39 333 934 9049 333 934 9049 tel:+39-333-934-9049
+393339349052 +39 333 934 9052 333 934 9052 tel:+39-333-934-9052
+393339349067 +39 333 934 9067 333 934 9067 tel:+39-333-934-9067
+393339349075 +39 333 934 9075 333 934 9075 tel:+39-333-934-9075
+393339349089 +39 333 934 9089 333 934 9089 tel:+39-333-934-9089
+393339349138 +39 333 934 9138 333 934 9138 tel:+39-333-934-9138
+393339349140 +39 333 934 9140 333 934 9140 tel:+39-333-934-9140
+393339349187 +39 333 934 9187 333 934 9187 tel:+39-333-934-9187
+393339349223 +39 333 934 9223 333 934 9223 tel:+39-333-934-9223
+393339349309 +39 333 934 9309 333 934 9309 tel:+39-333-934-9309
+393339349311 +39 333 934 9311 333 934 9311 tel:+39-333-934-9311
+393339349328 +39 333 934 9328 333 934 9328 tel:+39-333-934-9328
+393339349332 +39 333 934 9332 333 934 9332 tel:+39-333-934-9332
+393339349346 +39 333 934 9346 333 934 9346 tel:+39-333-934-9346
+393339349347 +39 333 934 9347 333 934 9347 tel:+39-333-934-9347
+393339349348 +39 333 934 9348 333 934 9348 tel:+39-333-934-9348