Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 10:43
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 10:43.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393339349660 +39 333 934 9660 333 934 9660 tel:+39-333-934-9660
+393339349688 +39 333 934 9688 333 934 9688 tel:+39-333-934-9688
+393339349782 +39 333 934 9782 333 934 9782 tel:+39-333-934-9782
+393339349784 +39 333 934 9784 333 934 9784 tel:+39-333-934-9784
+393339349840 +39 333 934 9840 333 934 9840 tel:+39-333-934-9840
+393339349857 +39 333 934 9857 333 934 9857 tel:+39-333-934-9857
+393339349907 +39 333 934 9907 333 934 9907 tel:+39-333-934-9907
+393339349923 +39 333 934 9923 333 934 9923 tel:+39-333-934-9923
+393339349979 +39 333 934 9979 333 934 9979 tel:+39-333-934-9979
+393339350001 +39 333 935 0001 333 935 0001 tel:+39-333-935-0001
+393339350023 +39 333 935 0023 333 935 0023 tel:+39-333-935-0023
+393339350069 +39 333 935 0069 333 935 0069 tel:+39-333-935-0069
+393339350106 +39 333 935 0106 333 935 0106 tel:+39-333-935-0106
+393339350946 +39 333 935 0946 333 935 0946 tel:+39-333-935-0946
+393339350980 +39 333 935 0980 333 935 0980 tel:+39-333-935-0980
+393339350989 +39 333 935 0989 333 935 0989 tel:+39-333-935-0989
+393339351042 +39 333 935 1042 333 935 1042 tel:+39-333-935-1042
+393339351048 +39 333 935 1048 333 935 1048 tel:+39-333-935-1048
+393339353967 +39 333 935 3967 333 935 3967 tel:+39-333-935-3967
+393339354009 +39 333 935 4009 333 935 4009 tel:+39-333-935-4009
+393339354060 +39 333 935 4060 333 935 4060 tel:+39-333-935-4060
+393339354064 +39 333 935 4064 333 935 4064 tel:+39-333-935-4064
+393339354075 +39 333 935 4075 333 935 4075 tel:+39-333-935-4075
+393339354824 +39 333 935 4824 333 935 4824 tel:+39-333-935-4824
+393339354869 +39 333 935 4869 333 935 4869 tel:+39-333-935-4869
+393339354909 +39 333 935 4909 333 935 4909 tel:+39-333-935-4909
+393339354939 +39 333 935 4939 333 935 4939 tel:+39-333-935-4939
+393339355011 +39 333 935 5011 333 935 5011 tel:+39-333-935-5011
+393339355020 +39 333 935 5020 333 935 5020 tel:+39-333-935-5020
+393339355042 +39 333 935 5042 333 935 5042 tel:+39-333-935-5042
+393339355062 +39 333 935 5062 333 935 5062 tel:+39-333-935-5062
+393339367126 +39 333 936 7126 333 936 7126 tel:+39-333-936-7126
+393339367165 +39 333 936 7165 333 936 7165 tel:+39-333-936-7165
+393339367619 +39 333 936 7619 333 936 7619 tel:+39-333-936-7619
+393339367673 +39 333 936 7673 333 936 7673 tel:+39-333-936-7673
+393339519042 +39 333 951 9042 333 951 9042 tel:+39-333-951-9042
+393339524261 +39 333 952 4261 333 952 4261 tel:+39-333-952-4261
+393339593350 +39 333 959 3350 333 959 3350 tel:+39-333-959-3350
+393339727535 +39 333 972 7535 333 972 7535 tel:+39-333-972-7535
+393339853949 +39 333 985 3949 333 985 3949 tel:+39-333-985-3949
+393339912434 +39 333 991 2434 333 991 2434 tel:+39-333-991-2434
+393339912919 +39 333 991 2919 333 991 2919 tel:+39-333-991-2919
+393339912938 +39 333 991 2938 333 991 2938 tel:+39-333-991-2938
+393339946048 +39 333 994 6048 333 994 6048 tel:+39-333-994-6048
+393341034794 +39 334 103 4794 334 103 4794 tel:+39-334-103-4794
+393341044167 +39 334 104 4167 334 104 4167 tel:+39-334-104-4167
+393341044173 +39 334 104 4173 334 104 4173 tel:+39-334-104-4173
+393341044175 +39 334 104 4175 334 104 4175 tel:+39-334-104-4175
+393341044591 +39 334 104 4591 334 104 4591 tel:+39-334-104-4591
+393341052894 +39 334 105 2894 334 105 2894 tel:+39-334-105-2894