Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 04:36
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 04:36.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393345070191 +39 334 507 0191 334 507 0191 tel:+39-334-507-0191
+393345622294 +39 334 562 2294 334 562 2294 tel:+39-334-562-2294
+393345639185 +39 334 563 9185 334 563 9185 tel:+39-334-563-9185
+393345827423 +39 334 582 7423 334 582 7423 tel:+39-334-582-7423
+393345917557 +39 334 591 7557 334 591 7557 tel:+39-334-591-7557
+393345936001 +39 334 593 6001 334 593 6001 tel:+39-334-593-6001
+393346007668 +39 334 600 7668 334 600 7668 tel:+39-334-600-7668
+393346007669 +39 334 600 7669 334 600 7669 tel:+39-334-600-7669
+393346007670 +39 334 600 7670 334 600 7670 tel:+39-334-600-7670
+393346007672 +39 334 600 7672 334 600 7672 tel:+39-334-600-7672
+393346007675 +39 334 600 7675 334 600 7675 tel:+39-334-600-7675
+393346007677 +39 334 600 7677 334 600 7677 tel:+39-334-600-7677
+393346007678 +39 334 600 7678 334 600 7678 tel:+39-334-600-7678
+393346007680 +39 334 600 7680 334 600 7680 tel:+39-334-600-7680
+393346007682 +39 334 600 7682 334 600 7682 tel:+39-334-600-7682
+393346007684 +39 334 600 7684 334 600 7684 tel:+39-334-600-7684
+393346007685 +39 334 600 7685 334 600 7685 tel:+39-334-600-7685
+393346007690 +39 334 600 7690 334 600 7690 tel:+39-334-600-7690
+393346007691 +39 334 600 7691 334 600 7691 tel:+39-334-600-7691
+393346007692 +39 334 600 7692 334 600 7692 tel:+39-334-600-7692
+393346007696 +39 334 600 7696 334 600 7696 tel:+39-334-600-7696
+393346019011 +39 334 601 9011 334 601 9011 tel:+39-334-601-9011
+393346019015 +39 334 601 9015 334 601 9015 tel:+39-334-601-9015
+393346072006 +39 334 607 2006 334 607 2006 tel:+39-334-607-2006
+393346085375 +39 334 608 5375 334 608 5375 tel:+39-334-608-5375
+393346103351 +39 334 610 3351 334 610 3351 tel:+39-334-610-3351
+393346114004 +39 334 611 4004 334 611 4004 tel:+39-334-611-4004
+393346116531 +39 334 611 6531 334 611 6531 tel:+39-334-611-6531
+393346119923 +39 334 611 9923 334 611 9923 tel:+39-334-611-9923
+393346122018 +39 334 612 2018 334 612 2018 tel:+39-334-612-2018
+393346144974 +39 334 614 4974 334 614 4974 tel:+39-334-614-4974
+393346175200 +39 334 617 5200 334 617 5200 tel:+39-334-617-5200
+393346203560 +39 334 620 3560 334 620 3560 tel:+39-334-620-3560
+393346203561 +39 334 620 3561 334 620 3561 tel:+39-334-620-3561
+393346203562 +39 334 620 3562 334 620 3562 tel:+39-334-620-3562
+393346416819 +39 334 641 6819 334 641 6819 tel:+39-334-641-6819
+393346439481 +39 334 643 9481 334 643 9481 tel:+39-334-643-9481
+393346441132 +39 334 644 1132 334 644 1132 tel:+39-334-644-1132
+393346441224 +39 334 644 1224 334 644 1224 tel:+39-334-644-1224
+393346461918 +39 334 646 1918 334 646 1918 tel:+39-334-646-1918
+393346506957 +39 334 650 6957 334 650 6957 tel:+39-334-650-6957
+393346519523 +39 334 651 9523 334 651 9523 tel:+39-334-651-9523
+393346520770 +39 334 652 0770 334 652 0770 tel:+39-334-652-0770
+393346524833 +39 334 652 4833 334 652 4833 tel:+39-334-652-4833
+393346524839 +39 334 652 4839 334 652 4839 tel:+39-334-652-4839
+393346524840 +39 334 652 4840 334 652 4840 tel:+39-334-652-4840
+393346524843 +39 334 652 4843 334 652 4843 tel:+39-334-652-4843
+393346524844 +39 334 652 4844 334 652 4844 tel:+39-334-652-4844
+393346555345 +39 334 655 5345 334 655 5345 tel:+39-334-655-5345
+393346604107 +39 334 660 4107 334 660 4107 tel:+39-334-660-4107