Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 17:06
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 17:06.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+39337294658 +39 337 294 658 337 294 658 tel:+39-337-294-658
+393373534718 +39 337 353 4718 337 353 4718 tel:+39-337-353-4718
+3933801329849 +39 338 0132 9849 338 0132 9849 tel:+39-338-0132-9849
+3933804236912 +39 338 0423 6912 338 0423 6912 tel:+39-338-0423-6912
+39338106980 +39 338 106 980 338 106 980 tel:+39-338-106-980
+39338106981 +39 338 106 981 338 106 981 tel:+39-338-106-981
+393381241727 +39 338 124 1727 338 124 1727 tel:+39-338-124-1727
+393381436101 +39 338 143 6101 338 143 6101 tel:+39-338-143-6101
+393381681772 +39 338 168 1772 338 168 1772 tel:+39-338-168-1772
+393381683509 +39 338 168 3509 338 168 3509 tel:+39-338-168-3509
+393381704315 +39 338 170 4315 338 170 4315 tel:+39-338-170-4315
+393381793807 +39 338 179 3807 338 179 3807 tel:+39-338-179-3807
+393382181767 +39 338 218 1767 338 218 1767 tel:+39-338-218-1767
+393382200938 +39 338 220 0938 338 220 0938 tel:+39-338-220-0938
+393382300988 +39 338 230 0988 338 230 0988 tel:+39-338-230-0988
+393382368782 +39 338 236 8782 338 236 8782 tel:+39-338-236-8782
+393382450634 +39 338 245 0634 338 245 0634 tel:+39-338-245-0634
+393382551519 +39 338 255 1519 338 255 1519 tel:+39-338-255-1519
+393382649400 +39 338 264 9400 338 264 9400 tel:+39-338-264-9400
+393382815019 +39 338 281 5019 338 281 5019 tel:+39-338-281-5019
+393382892481 +39 338 289 2481 338 289 2481 tel:+39-338-289-2481
+393382892503 +39 338 289 2503 338 289 2503 tel:+39-338-289-2503
+393383010252 +39 338 301 0252 338 301 0252 tel:+39-338-301-0252
+393383019564 +39 338 301 9564 338 301 9564 tel:+39-338-301-9564
+393383062618 +39 338 306 2618 338 306 2618 tel:+39-338-306-2618
+393383184959 +39 338 318 4959 338 318 4959 tel:+39-338-318-4959
+393383245846 +39 338 324 5846 338 324 5846 tel:+39-338-324-5846
+393383296677 +39 338 329 6677 338 329 6677 tel:+39-338-329-6677
+393383406015 +39 338 340 6015 338 340 6015 tel:+39-338-340-6015
+393383463430 +39 338 346 3430 338 346 3430 tel:+39-338-346-3430
+393383569197 +39 338 356 9197 338 356 9197 tel:+39-338-356-9197
+393383569277 +39 338 356 9277 338 356 9277 tel:+39-338-356-9277
+393383569288 +39 338 356 9288 338 356 9288 tel:+39-338-356-9288
+393383569290 +39 338 356 9290 338 356 9290 tel:+39-338-356-9290
+393383569300 +39 338 356 9300 338 356 9300 tel:+39-338-356-9300
+393383569314 +39 338 356 9314 338 356 9314 tel:+39-338-356-9314
+393383569360 +39 338 356 9360 338 356 9360 tel:+39-338-356-9360
+393383569391 +39 338 356 9391 338 356 9391 tel:+39-338-356-9391
+393383569393 +39 338 356 9393 338 356 9393 tel:+39-338-356-9393
+393383569455 +39 338 356 9455 338 356 9455 tel:+39-338-356-9455
+393383569486 +39 338 356 9486 338 356 9486 tel:+39-338-356-9486
+393383569603 +39 338 356 9603 338 356 9603 tel:+39-338-356-9603
+393383569628 +39 338 356 9628 338 356 9628 tel:+39-338-356-9628
+393383569645 +39 338 356 9645 338 356 9645 tel:+39-338-356-9645
+393383569698 +39 338 356 9698 338 356 9698 tel:+39-338-356-9698
+393383569865 +39 338 356 9865 338 356 9865 tel:+39-338-356-9865
+393383569907 +39 338 356 9907 338 356 9907 tel:+39-338-356-9907
+393383569929 +39 338 356 9929 338 356 9929 tel:+39-338-356-9929
+393383597430 +39 338 359 7430 338 359 7430 tel:+39-338-359-7430
+393383597435 +39 338 359 7435 338 359 7435 tel:+39-338-359-7435