Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 17:22
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 17:22.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393383597443 +39 338 359 7443 338 359 7443 tel:+39-338-359-7443
+393383597446 +39 338 359 7446 338 359 7446 tel:+39-338-359-7446
+393383597454 +39 338 359 7454 338 359 7454 tel:+39-338-359-7454
+393383597458 +39 338 359 7458 338 359 7458 tel:+39-338-359-7458
+393383597475 +39 338 359 7475 338 359 7475 tel:+39-338-359-7475
+393383597478 +39 338 359 7478 338 359 7478 tel:+39-338-359-7478
+393383597479 +39 338 359 7479 338 359 7479 tel:+39-338-359-7479
+393383597511 +39 338 359 7511 338 359 7511 tel:+39-338-359-7511
+393383597513 +39 338 359 7513 338 359 7513 tel:+39-338-359-7513
+393383597515 +39 338 359 7515 338 359 7515 tel:+39-338-359-7515
+393383635893 +39 338 363 5893 338 363 5893 tel:+39-338-363-5893
+393383655286 +39 338 365 5286 338 365 5286 tel:+39-338-365-5286
+393383661029 +39 338 366 1029 338 366 1029 tel:+39-338-366-1029
+393383661103 +39 338 366 1103 338 366 1103 tel:+39-338-366-1103
+393383661106 +39 338 366 1106 338 366 1106 tel:+39-338-366-1106
+393383661784 +39 338 366 1784 338 366 1784 tel:+39-338-366-1784
+393383662186 +39 338 366 2186 338 366 2186 tel:+39-338-366-2186
+393383786712 +39 338 378 6712 338 378 6712 tel:+39-338-378-6712
+393383917732 +39 338 391 7732 338 391 7732 tel:+39-338-391-7732
+393384189625 +39 338 418 9625 338 418 9625 tel:+39-338-418-9625
+393384222225 +39 338 422 2225 338 422 2225 tel:+39-338-422-2225
+393384293296 +39 338 429 3296 338 429 3296 tel:+39-338-429-3296
+393384375296 +39 338 437 5296 338 437 5296 tel:+39-338-437-5296
+393384516731 +39 338 451 6731 338 451 6731 tel:+39-338-451-6731
+393384533554 +39 338 453 3554 338 453 3554 tel:+39-338-453-3554
+3933845369078 +39 338 4536 9078 338 4536 9078 tel:+39-338-4536-9078
+393384753280 +39 338 475 3280 338 475 3280 tel:+39-338-475-3280
+393384817644 +39 338 481 7644 338 481 7644 tel:+39-338-481-7644
+393384817938 +39 338 481 7938 338 481 7938 tel:+39-338-481-7938
+393385078587 +39 338 507 8587 338 507 8587 tel:+39-338-507-8587
+393385242694 +39 338 524 2694 338 524 2694 tel:+39-338-524-2694
+393385292436 +39 338 529 2436 338 529 2436 tel:+39-338-529-2436
+393385324252 +39 338 532 4252 338 532 4252 tel:+39-338-532-4252
+393385331160 +39 338 533 1160 338 533 1160 tel:+39-338-533-1160
+393385364125 +39 338 536 4125 338 536 4125 tel:+39-338-536-4125
+393385489067 +39 338 548 9067 338 548 9067 tel:+39-338-548-9067
+393385614633 +39 338 561 4633 338 561 4633 tel:+39-338-561-4633
+393385712271 +39 338 571 2271 338 571 2271 tel:+39-338-571-2271
+393385736873 +39 338 573 6873 338 573 6873 tel:+39-338-573-6873
+393385763634 +39 338 576 3634 338 576 3634 tel:+39-338-576-3634
+393385778286 +39 338 577 8286 338 577 8286 tel:+39-338-577-8286
+393385871114 +39 338 587 1114 338 587 1114 tel:+39-338-587-1114
+393385959718 +39 338 595 9718 338 595 9718 tel:+39-338-595-9718
+393385967284 +39 338 596 7284 338 596 7284 tel:+39-338-596-7284
+393386079228 +39 338 607 9228 338 607 9228 tel:+39-338-607-9228
+393386080294 +39 338 608 0294 338 608 0294 tel:+39-338-608-0294
+393386143179 +39 338 614 3179 338 614 3179 tel:+39-338-614-3179
+393386143212 +39 338 614 3212 338 614 3212 tel:+39-338-614-3212
+393386221713 +39 338 622 1713 338 622 1713 tel:+39-338-622-1713
+393386223805 +39 338 622 3805 338 622 3805 tel:+39-338-622-3805