Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 03:39
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 03:39.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393423388644 +39 342 338 8644 342 338 8644 tel:+39-342-338-8644
+393423388896 +39 342 338 8896 342 338 8896 tel:+39-342-338-8896
+393423426537 +39 342 342 6537 342 342 6537 tel:+39-342-342-6537
+393423585791 +39 342 358 5791 342 358 5791 tel:+39-342-358-5791
+393423901623 +39 342 390 1623 342 390 1623 tel:+39-342-390-1623
+393423917533 +39 342 391 7533 342 391 7533 tel:+39-342-391-7533
+393423957957 +39 342 395 7957 342 395 7957 tel:+39-342-395-7957
+393423989142 +39 342 398 9142 342 398 9142 tel:+39-342-398-9142
+393423990188 +39 342 399 0188 342 399 0188 tel:+39-342-399-0188
+393424112543 +39 342 411 2543 342 411 2543 tel:+39-342-411-2543
+393424112582 +39 342 411 2582 342 411 2582 tel:+39-342-411-2582
+393424112608 +39 342 411 2608 342 411 2608 tel:+39-342-411-2608
+393424112629 +39 342 411 2629 342 411 2629 tel:+39-342-411-2629
+393424112635 +39 342 411 2635 342 411 2635 tel:+39-342-411-2635
+393424112655 +39 342 411 2655 342 411 2655 tel:+39-342-411-2655
+393424112671 +39 342 411 2671 342 411 2671 tel:+39-342-411-2671
+393424112673 +39 342 411 2673 342 411 2673 tel:+39-342-411-2673
+393424112698 +39 342 411 2698 342 411 2698 tel:+39-342-411-2698
+393424112704 +39 342 411 2704 342 411 2704 tel:+39-342-411-2704
+393424113333 +39 342 411 3333 342 411 3333 tel:+39-342-411-3333
+393424120019 +39 342 412 0019 342 412 0019 tel:+39-342-412-0019
+393424121509 +39 342 412 1509 342 412 1509 tel:+39-342-412-1509
+393424122222 +39 342 412 2222 342 412 2222 tel:+39-342-412-2222
+393424126004 +39 342 412 6004 342 412 6004 tel:+39-342-412-6004
+393424126006 +39 342 412 6006 342 412 6006 tel:+39-342-412-6006
+393424126017 +39 342 412 6017 342 412 6017 tel:+39-342-412-6017
+393424126027 +39 342 412 6027 342 412 6027 tel:+39-342-412-6027
+393424126031 +39 342 412 6031 342 412 6031 tel:+39-342-412-6031
+393424129292 +39 342 412 9292 342 412 9292 tel:+39-342-412-9292
+393424134455 +39 342 413 4455 342 413 4455 tel:+39-342-413-4455
+393424150015 +39 342 415 0015 342 415 0015 tel:+39-342-415-0015
+393424150345 +39 342 415 0345 342 415 0345 tel:+39-342-415-0345
+393424150544 +39 342 415 0544 342 415 0544 tel:+39-342-415-0544
+393424150584 +39 342 415 0584 342 415 0584 tel:+39-342-415-0584
+393425067435 +39 342 506 7435 342 506 7435 tel:+39-342-506-7435
+393425192942 +39 342 519 2942 342 519 2942 tel:+39-342-519-2942
+393425200108 +39 342 520 0108 342 520 0108 tel:+39-342-520-0108
+393425206090 +39 342 520 6090 342 520 6090 tel:+39-342-520-6090
+393425220898 +39 342 522 0898 342 522 0898 tel:+39-342-522-0898
+393425249605 +39 342 524 9605 342 524 9605 tel:+39-342-524-9605
+393425280194 +39 342 528 0194 342 528 0194 tel:+39-342-528-0194
+393425290584 +39 342 529 0584 342 529 0584 tel:+39-342-529-0584
+393425414967 +39 342 541 4967 342 541 4967 tel:+39-342-541-4967
+393425431306 +39 342 543 1306 342 543 1306 tel:+39-342-543-1306
+393425503939 +39 342 550 3939 342 550 3939 tel:+39-342-550-3939
+393425513239 +39 342 551 3239 342 551 3239 tel:+39-342-551-3239
+393425520254 +39 342 552 0254 342 552 0254 tel:+39-342-552-0254
+393425525537 +39 342 552 5537 342 552 5537 tel:+39-342-552-5537
+393425549049 +39 342 554 9049 342 554 9049 tel:+39-342-554-9049
+393425549180 +39 342 554 9180 342 554 9180 tel:+39-342-554-9180