Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 21:49
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 21:49.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393425740407 +39 342 574 0407 342 574 0407 tel:+39-342-574-0407
+393425740665 +39 342 574 0665 342 574 0665 tel:+39-342-574-0665
+393425753085 +39 342 575 3085 342 575 3085 tel:+39-342-575-3085
+393425760877 +39 342 576 0877 342 576 0877 tel:+39-342-576-0877
+393425774865 +39 342 577 4865 342 577 4865 tel:+39-342-577-4865
+393425778332 +39 342 577 8332 342 577 8332 tel:+39-342-577-8332
+393425783007 +39 342 578 3007 342 578 3007 tel:+39-342-578-3007
+393425786641 +39 342 578 6641 342 578 6641 tel:+39-342-578-6641
+393425798036 +39 342 579 8036 342 579 8036 tel:+39-342-579-8036
+393425826921 +39 342 582 6921 342 582 6921 tel:+39-342-582-6921
+393425859801 +39 342 585 9801 342 585 9801 tel:+39-342-585-9801
+393425914202 +39 342 591 4202 342 591 4202 tel:+39-342-591-4202
+393425937546 +39 342 593 7546 342 593 7546 tel:+39-342-593-7546
+393425957793 +39 342 595 7793 342 595 7793 tel:+39-342-595-7793
+393425965408 +39 342 596 5408 342 596 5408 tel:+39-342-596-5408
+393425965667 +39 342 596 5667 342 596 5667 tel:+39-342-596-5667
+393425965681 +39 342 596 5681 342 596 5681 tel:+39-342-596-5681
+393425965943 +39 342 596 5943 342 596 5943 tel:+39-342-596-5943
+393425965973 +39 342 596 5973 342 596 5973 tel:+39-342-596-5973
+393425966119 +39 342 596 6119 342 596 6119 tel:+39-342-596-6119
+393425966121 +39 342 596 6121 342 596 6121 tel:+39-342-596-6121
+393425966184 +39 342 596 6184 342 596 6184 tel:+39-342-596-6184
+393425966417 +39 342 596 6417 342 596 6417 tel:+39-342-596-6417
+393425966481 +39 342 596 6481 342 596 6481 tel:+39-342-596-6481
+393425966765 +39 342 596 6765 342 596 6765 tel:+39-342-596-6765
+393425966774 +39 342 596 6774 342 596 6774 tel:+39-342-596-6774
+393425966782 +39 342 596 6782 342 596 6782 tel:+39-342-596-6782
+393425966830 +39 342 596 6830 342 596 6830 tel:+39-342-596-6830
+393425967113 +39 342 596 7113 342 596 7113 tel:+39-342-596-7113
+393425967198 +39 342 596 7198 342 596 7198 tel:+39-342-596-7198
+393425967219 +39 342 596 7219 342 596 7219 tel:+39-342-596-7219
+393425967251 +39 342 596 7251 342 596 7251 tel:+39-342-596-7251
+393425967771 +39 342 596 7771 342 596 7771 tel:+39-342-596-7771
+393425967892 +39 342 596 7892 342 596 7892 tel:+39-342-596-7892
+393425967991 +39 342 596 7991 342 596 7991 tel:+39-342-596-7991
+393425968232 +39 342 596 8232 342 596 8232 tel:+39-342-596-8232
+393425968282 +39 342 596 8282 342 596 8282 tel:+39-342-596-8282
+393425968309 +39 342 596 8309 342 596 8309 tel:+39-342-596-8309
+393425968424 +39 342 596 8424 342 596 8424 tel:+39-342-596-8424
+393425968554 +39 342 596 8554 342 596 8554 tel:+39-342-596-8554
+393425968925 +39 342 596 8925 342 596 8925 tel:+39-342-596-8925
+393425968949 +39 342 596 8949 342 596 8949 tel:+39-342-596-8949
+393425968975 +39 342 596 8975 342 596 8975 tel:+39-342-596-8975
+393425969044 +39 342 596 9044 342 596 9044 tel:+39-342-596-9044
+393425986434 +39 342 598 6434 342 598 6434 tel:+39-342-598-6434
+393426047301 +39 342 604 7301 342 604 7301 tel:+39-342-604-7301
+393426098508 +39 342 609 8508 342 609 8508 tel:+39-342-609-8508
+393426116312 +39 342 611 6312 342 611 6312 tel:+39-342-611-6312
+393426163811 +39 342 616 3811 342 616 3811 tel:+39-342-616-3811
+393426196881 +39 342 619 6881 342 619 6881 tel:+39-342-619-6881