Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 14:08
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 14:08.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393441188881 +39 344 118 8881 344 118 8881 tel:+39-344-118-8881
+393441209631 +39 344 120 9631 344 120 9631 tel:+39-344-120-9631
+393441231605 +39 344 123 1605 344 123 1605 tel:+39-344-123-1605
+393441234202 +39 344 123 4202 344 123 4202 tel:+39-344-123-4202
+393441271400 +39 344 127 1400 344 127 1400 tel:+39-344-127-1400
+393441297744 +39 344 129 7744 344 129 7744 tel:+39-344-129-7744
+393441308863 +39 344 130 8863 344 130 8863 tel:+39-344-130-8863
+393441375897 +39 344 137 5897 344 137 5897 tel:+39-344-137-5897
+393441449585 +39 344 144 9585 344 144 9585 tel:+39-344-144-9585
+393441481084 +39 344 148 1084 344 148 1084 tel:+39-344-148-1084
+393441481768 +39 344 148 1768 344 148 1768 tel:+39-344-148-1768
+393441495681 +39 344 149 5681 344 149 5681 tel:+39-344-149-5681
+393441502856 +39 344 150 2856 344 150 2856 tel:+39-344-150-2856
+393441518121 +39 344 151 8121 344 151 8121 tel:+39-344-151-8121
+393441521220 +39 344 152 1220 344 152 1220 tel:+39-344-152-1220
+393441604312 +39 344 160 4312 344 160 4312 tel:+39-344-160-4312
+393441667394 +39 344 166 7394 344 166 7394 tel:+39-344-166-7394
+393441724832 +39 344 172 4832 344 172 4832 tel:+39-344-172-4832
+393441745090 +39 344 174 5090 344 174 5090 tel:+39-344-174-5090
+393441862666 +39 344 186 2666 344 186 2666 tel:+39-344-186-2666
+393441871675 +39 344 187 1675 344 187 1675 tel:+39-344-187-1675
+393441954130 +39 344 195 4130 344 195 4130 tel:+39-344-195-4130
+393441954223 +39 344 195 4223 344 195 4223 tel:+39-344-195-4223
+393441954351 +39 344 195 4351 344 195 4351 tel:+39-344-195-4351
+393441954496 +39 344 195 4496 344 195 4496 tel:+39-344-195-4496
+393441954915 +39 344 195 4915 344 195 4915 tel:+39-344-195-4915
+393441954957 +39 344 195 4957 344 195 4957 tel:+39-344-195-4957
+393441954990 +39 344 195 4990 344 195 4990 tel:+39-344-195-4990
+393441955149 +39 344 195 5149 344 195 5149 tel:+39-344-195-5149
+393441955210 +39 344 195 5210 344 195 5210 tel:+39-344-195-5210
+393441955353 +39 344 195 5353 344 195 5353 tel:+39-344-195-5353
+393441955876 +39 344 195 5876 344 195 5876 tel:+39-344-195-5876
+393441956154 +39 344 195 6154 344 195 6154 tel:+39-344-195-6154
+393441956242 +39 344 195 6242 344 195 6242 tel:+39-344-195-6242
+393441956278 +39 344 195 6278 344 195 6278 tel:+39-344-195-6278
+393441956318 +39 344 195 6318 344 195 6318 tel:+39-344-195-6318
+393441956337 +39 344 195 6337 344 195 6337 tel:+39-344-195-6337
+393441956355 +39 344 195 6355 344 195 6355 tel:+39-344-195-6355
+393441956452 +39 344 195 6452 344 195 6452 tel:+39-344-195-6452
+393441956490 +39 344 195 6490 344 195 6490 tel:+39-344-195-6490
+393441956495 +39 344 195 6495 344 195 6495 tel:+39-344-195-6495
+393441956815 +39 344 195 6815 344 195 6815 tel:+39-344-195-6815
+393441956881 +39 344 195 6881 344 195 6881 tel:+39-344-195-6881
+393441956913 +39 344 195 6913 344 195 6913 tel:+39-344-195-6913
+393441956923 +39 344 195 6923 344 195 6923 tel:+39-344-195-6923
+393441956937 +39 344 195 6937 344 195 6937 tel:+39-344-195-6937
+393441956979 +39 344 195 6979 344 195 6979 tel:+39-344-195-6979
+393441957128 +39 344 195 7128 344 195 7128 tel:+39-344-195-7128
+393441957184 +39 344 195 7184 344 195 7184 tel:+39-344-195-7184
+393441957232 +39 344 195 7232 344 195 7232 tel:+39-344-195-7232