Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 22:16
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 22:16.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393461473023 +39 346 147 3023 346 147 3023 tel:+39-346-147-3023
+393461496938 +39 346 149 6938 346 149 6938 tel:+39-346-149-6938
+393461723982 +39 346 172 3982 346 172 3982 tel:+39-346-172-3982
+393461765529 +39 346 176 5529 346 176 5529 tel:+39-346-176-5529
+393461803777 +39 346 180 3777 346 180 3777 tel:+39-346-180-3777
+393461819988 +39 346 181 9988 346 181 9988 tel:+39-346-181-9988
+393461820585 +39 346 182 0585 346 182 0585 tel:+39-346-182-0585
+393461844421 +39 346 184 4421 346 184 4421 tel:+39-346-184-4421
+393461854340 +39 346 185 4340 346 185 4340 tel:+39-346-185-4340
+393462114795 +39 346 211 4795 346 211 4795 tel:+39-346-211-4795
+393462126050 +39 346 212 6050 346 212 6050 tel:+39-346-212-6050
+393462171946 +39 346 217 1946 346 217 1946 tel:+39-346-217-1946
+393462219146 +39 346 221 9146 346 221 9146 tel:+39-346-221-9146
+393462252496 +39 346 225 2496 346 225 2496 tel:+39-346-225-2496
+393462258509 +39 346 225 8509 346 225 8509 tel:+39-346-225-8509
+393462261662 +39 346 226 1662 346 226 1662 tel:+39-346-226-1662
+393462274869 +39 346 227 4869 346 227 4869 tel:+39-346-227-4869
+393462293563 +39 346 229 3563 346 229 3563 tel:+39-346-229-3563
+393462314529 +39 346 231 4529 346 231 4529 tel:+39-346-231-4529
+393462360319 +39 346 236 0319 346 236 0319 tel:+39-346-236-0319
+393462384647 +39 346 238 4647 346 238 4647 tel:+39-346-238-4647
+393462399336 +39 346 239 9336 346 239 9336 tel:+39-346-239-9336
+393462595451 +39 346 259 5451 346 259 5451 tel:+39-346-259-5451
+393462646892 +39 346 264 6892 346 264 6892 tel:+39-346-264-6892
+393462654034 +39 346 265 4034 346 265 4034 tel:+39-346-265-4034
+393462656712 +39 346 265 6712 346 265 6712 tel:+39-346-265-6712
+393462673907 +39 346 267 3907 346 267 3907 tel:+39-346-267-3907
+393462673943 +39 346 267 3943 346 267 3943 tel:+39-346-267-3943
+393462792212 +39 346 279 2212 346 279 2212 tel:+39-346-279-2212
+393462867797 +39 346 286 7797 346 286 7797 tel:+39-346-286-7797
+393462870212 +39 346 287 0212 346 287 0212 tel:+39-346-287-0212
+393462888981 +39 346 288 8981 346 288 8981 tel:+39-346-288-8981
+393463018932 +39 346 301 8932 346 301 8932 tel:+39-346-301-8932
+393463029017 +39 346 302 9017 346 302 9017 tel:+39-346-302-9017
+393463057276 +39 346 305 7276 346 305 7276 tel:+39-346-305-7276
+393463082362 +39 346 308 2362 346 308 2362 tel:+39-346-308-2362
+393463123707 +39 346 312 3707 346 312 3707 tel:+39-346-312-3707
+393463174961 +39 346 317 4961 346 317 4961 tel:+39-346-317-4961
+393463183188 +39 346 318 3188 346 318 3188 tel:+39-346-318-3188
+393463284196 +39 346 328 4196 346 328 4196 tel:+39-346-328-4196
+393463305022 +39 346 330 5022 346 330 5022 tel:+39-346-330-5022
+393463324452 +39 346 332 4452 346 332 4452 tel:+39-346-332-4452
+393463343166 +39 346 334 3166 346 334 3166 tel:+39-346-334-3166
+393463369997 +39 346 336 9997 346 336 9997 tel:+39-346-336-9997
+393463544250 +39 346 354 4250 346 354 4250 tel:+39-346-354-4250
+393463551840 +39 346 355 1840 346 355 1840 tel:+39-346-355-1840
+393463558268 +39 346 355 8268 346 355 8268 tel:+39-346-355-8268
+393463568727 +39 346 356 8727 346 356 8727 tel:+39-346-356-8727
+393463571847 +39 346 357 1847 346 357 1847 tel:+39-346-357-1847
+393463594862 +39 346 359 4862 346 359 4862 tel:+39-346-359-4862