Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 20:38
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 20:38.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393463628798 +39 346 362 8798 346 362 8798 tel:+39-346-362-8798
+393463658974 +39 346 365 8974 346 365 8974 tel:+39-346-365-8974
+393463698758 +39 346 369 8758 346 369 8758 tel:+39-346-369-8758
+393463722553 +39 346 372 2553 346 372 2553 tel:+39-346-372-2553
+393463740251 +39 346 374 0251 346 374 0251 tel:+39-346-374-0251
+393463741477 +39 346 374 1477 346 374 1477 tel:+39-346-374-1477
+393463828588 +39 346 382 8588 346 382 8588 tel:+39-346-382-8588
+393463868078 +39 346 386 8078 346 386 8078 tel:+39-346-386-8078
+393463964532 +39 346 396 4532 346 396 4532 tel:+39-346-396-4532
+393464004965 +39 346 400 4965 346 400 4965 tel:+39-346-400-4965
+393464043349 +39 346 404 3349 346 404 3349 tel:+39-346-404-3349
+393464085856 +39 346 408 5856 346 408 5856 tel:+39-346-408-5856
+393464154998 +39 346 415 4998 346 415 4998 tel:+39-346-415-4998
+393464283987 +39 346 428 3987 346 428 3987 tel:+39-346-428-3987
+393464298105 +39 346 429 8105 346 429 8105 tel:+39-346-429-8105
+393464737941 +39 346 473 7941 346 473 7941 tel:+39-346-473-7941
+393464760938 +39 346 476 0938 346 476 0938 tel:+39-346-476-0938
+393464931322 +39 346 493 1322 346 493 1322 tel:+39-346-493-1322
+393464945766 +39 346 494 5766 346 494 5766 tel:+39-346-494-5766
+393465014182 +39 346 501 4182 346 501 4182 tel:+39-346-501-4182
+393465125454 +39 346 512 5454 346 512 5454 tel:+39-346-512-5454
+393465134348 +39 346 513 4348 346 513 4348 tel:+39-346-513-4348
+393465300574 +39 346 530 0574 346 530 0574 tel:+39-346-530-0574
+393465301309 +39 346 530 1309 346 530 1309 tel:+39-346-530-1309
+393465326252 +39 346 532 6252 346 532 6252 tel:+39-346-532-6252
+393465380185 +39 346 538 0185 346 538 0185 tel:+39-346-538-0185
+393465420446 +39 346 542 0446 346 542 0446 tel:+39-346-542-0446
+393465451473 +39 346 545 1473 346 545 1473 tel:+39-346-545-1473
+393465465688 +39 346 546 5688 346 546 5688 tel:+39-346-546-5688
+393465540347 +39 346 554 0347 346 554 0347 tel:+39-346-554-0347
+393465710403 +39 346 571 0403 346 571 0403 tel:+39-346-571-0403
+393465714192 +39 346 571 4192 346 571 4192 tel:+39-346-571-4192
+393465719330 +39 346 571 9330 346 571 9330 tel:+39-346-571-9330
+393465733412 +39 346 573 3412 346 573 3412 tel:+39-346-573-3412
+393465755077 +39 346 575 5077 346 575 5077 tel:+39-346-575-5077
+393465768130 +39 346 576 8130 346 576 8130 tel:+39-346-576-8130
+393465817077 +39 346 581 7077 346 581 7077 tel:+39-346-581-7077
+393465843388 +39 346 584 3388 346 584 3388 tel:+39-346-584-3388
+393465911785 +39 346 591 1785 346 591 1785 tel:+39-346-591-1785
+393465946896 +39 346 594 6896 346 594 6896 tel:+39-346-594-6896
+393466039384 +39 346 603 9384 346 603 9384 tel:+39-346-603-9384
+393466107195 +39 346 610 7195 346 610 7195 tel:+39-346-610-7195
+393466117349 +39 346 611 7349 346 611 7349 tel:+39-346-611-7349
+393466149565 +39 346 614 9565 346 614 9565 tel:+39-346-614-9565
+393466183858 +39 346 618 3858 346 618 3858 tel:+39-346-618-3858
+393466238119 +39 346 623 8119 346 623 8119 tel:+39-346-623-8119
+393466238790 +39 346 623 8790 346 623 8790 tel:+39-346-623-8790
+393466240114 +39 346 624 0114 346 624 0114 tel:+39-346-624-0114
+393466243000 +39 346 624 3000 346 624 3000 tel:+39-346-624-3000
+393466243333 +39 346 624 3333 346 624 3333 tel:+39-346-624-3333