Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 03:13
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 03:13.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393473129163 +39 347 312 9163 347 312 9163 tel:+39-347-312-9163
+393473155424 +39 347 315 5424 347 315 5424 tel:+39-347-315-5424
+393473158903 +39 347 315 8903 347 315 8903 tel:+39-347-315-8903
+393473181825 +39 347 318 1825 347 318 1825 tel:+39-347-318-1825
+393473196558 +39 347 319 6558 347 319 6558 tel:+39-347-319-6558
+393473202587 +39 347 320 2587 347 320 2587 tel:+39-347-320-2587
+393473212520 +39 347 321 2520 347 321 2520 tel:+39-347-321-2520
+393473215891 +39 347 321 5891 347 321 5891 tel:+39-347-321-5891
+393473217076 +39 347 321 7076 347 321 7076 tel:+39-347-321-7076
+393473223129 +39 347 322 3129 347 322 3129 tel:+39-347-322-3129
+393473226217 +39 347 322 6217 347 322 6217 tel:+39-347-322-6217
+393473240470 +39 347 324 0470 347 324 0470 tel:+39-347-324-0470
+393473245187 +39 347 324 5187 347 324 5187 tel:+39-347-324-5187
+393473253889 +39 347 325 3889 347 325 3889 tel:+39-347-325-3889
+393473255711 +39 347 325 5711 347 325 5711 tel:+39-347-325-5711
+393473267964 +39 347 326 7964 347 326 7964 tel:+39-347-326-7964
+393473295451 +39 347 329 5451 347 329 5451 tel:+39-347-329-5451
+393473314998 +39 347 331 4998 347 331 4998 tel:+39-347-331-4998
+393473336502 +39 347 333 6502 347 333 6502 tel:+39-347-333-6502
+393473391145 +39 347 339 1145 347 339 1145 tel:+39-347-339-1145
+393473463478 +39 347 346 3478 347 346 3478 tel:+39-347-346-3478
+393473467869 +39 347 346 7869 347 346 7869 tel:+39-347-346-7869
+393473472826 +39 347 347 2826 347 347 2826 tel:+39-347-347-2826
+393473498827 +39 347 349 8827 347 349 8827 tel:+39-347-349-8827
+393473499695 +39 347 349 9695 347 349 9695 tel:+39-347-349-9695
+393473499784 +39 347 349 9784 347 349 9784 tel:+39-347-349-9784
+393473508948 +39 347 350 8948 347 350 8948 tel:+39-347-350-8948
+393473525526 +39 347 352 5526 347 352 5526 tel:+39-347-352-5526
+393473541764 +39 347 354 1764 347 354 1764 tel:+39-347-354-1764
+393473545064 +39 347 354 5064 347 354 5064 tel:+39-347-354-5064
+393473548857 +39 347 354 8857 347 354 8857 tel:+39-347-354-8857
+393473605742 +39 347 360 5742 347 360 5742 tel:+39-347-360-5742
+393473615143 +39 347 361 5143 347 361 5143 tel:+39-347-361-5143
+393473663614 +39 347 366 3614 347 366 3614 tel:+39-347-366-3614
+393473726396 +39 347 372 6396 347 372 6396 tel:+39-347-372-6396
+393473769047 +39 347 376 9047 347 376 9047 tel:+39-347-376-9047
+393473858770 +39 347 385 8770 347 385 8770 tel:+39-347-385-8770
+393473867684 +39 347 386 7684 347 386 7684 tel:+39-347-386-7684
+393473885252 +39 347 388 5252 347 388 5252 tel:+39-347-388-5252
+393473895345 +39 347 389 5345 347 389 5345 tel:+39-347-389-5345
+393473899815 +39 347 389 9815 347 389 9815 tel:+39-347-389-9815
+393473909990 +39 347 390 9990 347 390 9990 tel:+39-347-390-9990
+393473918969 +39 347 391 8969 347 391 8969 tel:+39-347-391-8969
+393473958903 +39 347 395 8903 347 395 8903 tel:+39-347-395-8903
+393473965551 +39 347 396 5551 347 396 5551 tel:+39-347-396-5551
+393474015110 +39 347 401 5110 347 401 5110 tel:+39-347-401-5110
+393474024083 +39 347 402 4083 347 402 4083 tel:+39-347-402-4083
+393474030963 +39 347 403 0963 347 403 0963 tel:+39-347-403-0963
+393474057831 +39 347 405 7831 347 405 7831 tel:+39-347-405-7831
+393474064209 +39 347 406 4209 347 406 4209 tel:+39-347-406-4209