Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 04:18
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 04:18.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393474123192 +39 347 412 3192 347 412 3192 tel:+39-347-412-3192
+393474136815 +39 347 413 6815 347 413 6815 tel:+39-347-413-6815
+393474177785 +39 347 417 7785 347 417 7785 tel:+39-347-417-7785
+393474185372 +39 347 418 5372 347 418 5372 tel:+39-347-418-5372
+393474199468 +39 347 419 9468 347 419 9468 tel:+39-347-419-9468
+393474208504 +39 347 420 8504 347 420 8504 tel:+39-347-420-8504
+393474208589 +39 347 420 8589 347 420 8589 tel:+39-347-420-8589
+393474215992 +39 347 421 5992 347 421 5992 tel:+39-347-421-5992
+393474226374 +39 347 422 6374 347 422 6374 tel:+39-347-422-6374
+393474238096 +39 347 423 8096 347 423 8096 tel:+39-347-423-8096
+393474245455 +39 347 424 5455 347 424 5455 tel:+39-347-424-5455
+393474286540 +39 347 428 6540 347 428 6540 tel:+39-347-428-6540
+393474290696 +39 347 429 0696 347 429 0696 tel:+39-347-429-0696
+393474314652 +39 347 431 4652 347 431 4652 tel:+39-347-431-4652
+393474330490 +39 347 433 0490 347 433 0490 tel:+39-347-433-0490
+393474337588 +39 347 433 7588 347 433 7588 tel:+39-347-433-7588
+393474349749 +39 347 434 9749 347 434 9749 tel:+39-347-434-9749
+393474353796 +39 347 435 3796 347 435 3796 tel:+39-347-435-3796
+393474361716 +39 347 436 1716 347 436 1716 tel:+39-347-436-1716
+393474376252 +39 347 437 6252 347 437 6252 tel:+39-347-437-6252
+393474391449 +39 347 439 1449 347 439 1449 tel:+39-347-439-1449
+393474430525 +39 347 443 0525 347 443 0525 tel:+39-347-443-0525
+393474439555 +39 347 443 9555 347 443 9555 tel:+39-347-443-9555
+393474460030 +39 347 446 0030 347 446 0030 tel:+39-347-446-0030
+393474466084 +39 347 446 6084 347 446 6084 tel:+39-347-446-6084
+393474485219 +39 347 448 5219 347 448 5219 tel:+39-347-448-5219
+393474514303 +39 347 451 4303 347 451 4303 tel:+39-347-451-4303
+393474521577 +39 347 452 1577 347 452 1577 tel:+39-347-452-1577
+393474570793 +39 347 457 0793 347 457 0793 tel:+39-347-457-0793
+393474623282 +39 347 462 3282 347 462 3282 tel:+39-347-462-3282
+393474627767 +39 347 462 7767 347 462 7767 tel:+39-347-462-7767
+393474643343 +39 347 464 3343 347 464 3343 tel:+39-347-464-3343
+393474656456 +39 347 465 6456 347 465 6456 tel:+39-347-465-6456
+393474801397 +39 347 480 1397 347 480 1397 tel:+39-347-480-1397
+393474803467 +39 347 480 3467 347 480 3467 tel:+39-347-480-3467
+393474864517 +39 347 486 4517 347 486 4517 tel:+39-347-486-4517
+393474870074 +39 347 487 0074 347 487 0074 tel:+39-347-487-0074
+393474872061 +39 347 487 2061 347 487 2061 tel:+39-347-487-2061
+393474873445 +39 347 487 3445 347 487 3445 tel:+39-347-487-3445
+393474873896 +39 347 487 3896 347 487 3896 tel:+39-347-487-3896
+393474922640 +39 347 492 2640 347 492 2640 tel:+39-347-492-2640
+393474923744 +39 347 492 3744 347 492 3744 tel:+39-347-492-3744
+393474964808 +39 347 496 4808 347 496 4808 tel:+39-347-496-4808
+393474966992 +39 347 496 6992 347 496 6992 tel:+39-347-496-6992
+393474968608 +39 347 496 8608 347 496 8608 tel:+39-347-496-8608
+393474969267 +39 347 496 9267 347 496 9267 tel:+39-347-496-9267
+393474983284 +39 347 498 3284 347 498 3284 tel:+39-347-498-3284
+393474999014 +39 347 499 9014 347 499 9014 tel:+39-347-499-9014
+393475004488 +39 347 500 4488 347 500 4488 tel:+39-347-500-4488
+393475017350 +39 347 501 7350 347 501 7350 tel:+39-347-501-7350