Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 03:18
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 03:18.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393482539783 +39 348 253 9783 348 253 9783 tel:+39-348-253-9783
+393482596027 +39 348 259 6027 348 259 6027 tel:+39-348-259-6027
+393482616552 +39 348 261 6552 348 261 6552 tel:+39-348-261-6552
+393482704057 +39 348 270 4057 348 270 4057 tel:+39-348-270-4057
+393482759919 +39 348 275 9919 348 275 9919 tel:+39-348-275-9919
+393482801903 +39 348 280 1903 348 280 1903 tel:+39-348-280-1903
+393482816012 +39 348 281 6012 348 281 6012 tel:+39-348-281-6012
+393482828503 +39 348 282 8503 348 282 8503 tel:+39-348-282-8503
+393482836264 +39 348 283 6264 348 283 6264 tel:+39-348-283-6264
+393482850581 +39 348 285 0581 348 285 0581 tel:+39-348-285-0581
+393482952799 +39 348 295 2799 348 295 2799 tel:+39-348-295-2799
+393482958168 +39 348 295 8168 348 295 8168 tel:+39-348-295-8168
+393482958353 +39 348 295 8353 348 295 8353 tel:+39-348-295-8353
+393482958566 +39 348 295 8566 348 295 8566 tel:+39-348-295-8566
+393482969131 +39 348 296 9131 348 296 9131 tel:+39-348-296-9131
+393482982739 +39 348 298 2739 348 298 2739 tel:+39-348-298-2739
+393483012507 +39 348 301 2507 348 301 2507 tel:+39-348-301-2507
+393483016509 +39 348 301 6509 348 301 6509 tel:+39-348-301-6509
+393483032661 +39 348 303 2661 348 303 2661 tel:+39-348-303-2661
+393483063160 +39 348 306 3160 348 306 3160 tel:+39-348-306-3160
+393483068255 +39 348 306 8255 348 306 8255 tel:+39-348-306-8255
+393483070914 +39 348 307 0914 348 307 0914 tel:+39-348-307-0914
+393483087640 +39 348 308 7640 348 308 7640 tel:+39-348-308-7640
+393483088744 +39 348 308 8744 348 308 8744 tel:+39-348-308-8744
+393483089987 +39 348 308 9987 348 308 9987 tel:+39-348-308-9987
+393483091596 +39 348 309 1596 348 309 1596 tel:+39-348-309-1596
+393483092203 +39 348 309 2203 348 309 2203 tel:+39-348-309-2203
+393483096117 +39 348 309 6117 348 309 6117 tel:+39-348-309-6117
+393483119121 +39 348 311 9121 348 311 9121 tel:+39-348-311-9121
+393483163671 +39 348 316 3671 348 316 3671 tel:+39-348-316-3671
+393483186274 +39 348 318 6274 348 318 6274 tel:+39-348-318-6274
+393483195006 +39 348 319 5006 348 319 5006 tel:+39-348-319-5006
+393483224424 +39 348 322 4424 348 322 4424 tel:+39-348-322-4424
+393483230017 +39 348 323 0017 348 323 0017 tel:+39-348-323-0017
+393483265682 +39 348 326 5682 348 326 5682 tel:+39-348-326-5682
+393483288077 +39 348 328 8077 348 328 8077 tel:+39-348-328-8077
+393483293052 +39 348 329 3052 348 329 3052 tel:+39-348-329-3052
+393483335803 +39 348 333 5803 348 333 5803 tel:+39-348-333-5803
+393483350913 +39 348 335 0913 348 335 0913 tel:+39-348-335-0913
+393483453804 +39 348 345 3804 348 345 3804 tel:+39-348-345-3804
+393483474719 +39 348 347 4719 348 347 4719 tel:+39-348-347-4719
+393483481178 +39 348 348 1178 348 348 1178 tel:+39-348-348-1178
+393483516446 +39 348 351 6446 348 351 6446 tel:+39-348-351-6446
+393483538946 +39 348 353 8946 348 353 8946 tel:+39-348-353-8946
+393483603182 +39 348 360 3182 348 360 3182 tel:+39-348-360-3182
+393483691502 +39 348 369 1502 348 369 1502 tel:+39-348-369-1502
+393483700630 +39 348 370 0630 348 370 0630 tel:+39-348-370-0630
+393483778040 +39 348 377 8040 348 377 8040 tel:+39-348-377-8040
+393483778338 +39 348 377 8338 348 377 8338 tel:+39-348-377-8338
+393483778800 +39 348 377 8800 348 377 8800 tel:+39-348-377-8800