Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 15:24
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 15:24.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393512388894 +39 351 238 8894 351 238 8894 tel:+39-351-238-8894
+393512395704 +39 351 239 5704 351 239 5704 tel:+39-351-239-5704
+393512440120 +39 351 244 0120 351 244 0120 tel:+39-351-244-0120
+393512450686 +39 351 245 0686 351 245 0686 tel:+39-351-245-0686
+393512463259 +39 351 246 3259 351 246 3259 tel:+39-351-246-3259
+393512498790 +39 351 249 8790 351 249 8790 tel:+39-351-249-8790
+393512498791 +39 351 249 8791 351 249 8791 tel:+39-351-249-8791
+393512498792 +39 351 249 8792 351 249 8792 tel:+39-351-249-8792
+393512546005 +39 351 254 6005 351 254 6005 tel:+39-351-254-6005
+393512573835 +39 351 257 3835 351 257 3835 tel:+39-351-257-3835
+393512578336 +39 351 257 8336 351 257 8336 tel:+39-351-257-8336
+393512624044 +39 351 262 4044 351 262 4044 tel:+39-351-262-4044
+393512641012 +39 351 264 1012 351 264 1012 tel:+39-351-264-1012
+393512647357 +39 351 264 7357 351 264 7357 tel:+39-351-264-7357
+393512647411 +39 351 264 7411 351 264 7411 tel:+39-351-264-7411
+393512665160 +39 351 266 5160 351 266 5160 tel:+39-351-266-5160
+393512671427 +39 351 267 1427 351 267 1427 tel:+39-351-267-1427
+393512799819 +39 351 279 9819 351 279 9819 tel:+39-351-279-9819
+393512846988 +39 351 284 6988 351 284 6988 tel:+39-351-284-6988
+393512898294 +39 351 289 8294 351 289 8294 tel:+39-351-289-8294
+393512926069 +39 351 292 6069 351 292 6069 tel:+39-351-292-6069
+393512935473 +39 351 293 5473 351 293 5473 tel:+39-351-293-5473
+393512957831 +39 351 295 7831 351 295 7831 tel:+39-351-295-7831
+393533004078 +39 353 300 4078 353 300 4078 tel:+39-353-300-4078
+393533188952 +39 353 318 8952 353 318 8952 tel:+39-353-318-8952
+393535248426 +39 353 524 8426 353 524 8426 tel:+39-353-524-8426
+393556889478 +39 355 688 9478 355 688 9478 tel:+39-355-688-9478
+393576431680 +39 357 643 1680 357 643 1680 tel:+39-357-643-1680
+393500479335 +39 350 047 9335 350 047 9335 tel:+39-350-047-9335
+393500479339 +39 350 047 9339 350 047 9339 tel:+39-350-047-9339
+393500597550 +39 350 059 7550 350 059 7550 tel:+39-350-059-7550
+393500597553 +39 350 059 7553 350 059 7553 tel:+39-350-059-7553
+393500597555 +39 350 059 7555 350 059 7555 tel:+39-350-059-7555
+393500597589 +39 350 059 7589 350 059 7589 tel:+39-350-059-7589
+393500597642 +39 350 059 7642 350 059 7642 tel:+39-350-059-7642
+393500597643 +39 350 059 7643 350 059 7643 tel:+39-350-059-7643
+393500597693 +39 350 059 7693 350 059 7693 tel:+39-350-059-7693
+393500597698 +39 350 059 7698 350 059 7698 tel:+39-350-059-7698
+393500597737 +39 350 059 7737 350 059 7737 tel:+39-350-059-7737
+393500597752 +39 350 059 7752 350 059 7752 tel:+39-350-059-7752
+393500597753 +39 350 059 7753 350 059 7753 tel:+39-350-059-7753
+393500597766 +39 350 059 7766 350 059 7766 tel:+39-350-059-7766
+393500597780 +39 350 059 7780 350 059 7780 tel:+39-350-059-7780
+393500597849 +39 350 059 7849 350 059 7849 tel:+39-350-059-7849
+393500708503 +39 350 070 8503 350 070 8503 tel:+39-350-070-8503
+393500810476 +39 350 081 0476 350 081 0476 tel:+39-350-081-0476
+393500810477 +39 350 081 0477 350 081 0477 tel:+39-350-081-0477
+393500810478 +39 350 081 0478 350 081 0478 tel:+39-350-081-0478
+393500820636 +39 350 082 0636 350 082 0636 tel:+39-350-082-0636
+393500962304 +39 350 096 2304 350 096 2304 tel:+39-350-096-2304