Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 08:32
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 08:32.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393511230103 +39 351 123 0103 351 123 0103 tel:+39-351-123-0103
+393511277165 +39 351 127 7165 351 127 7165 tel:+39-351-127-7165
+393511277202 +39 351 127 7202 351 127 7202 tel:+39-351-127-7202
+393511313338 +39 351 131 3338 351 131 3338 tel:+39-351-131-3338
+393511314480 +39 351 131 4480 351 131 4480 tel:+39-351-131-4480
+393511314915 +39 351 131 4915 351 131 4915 tel:+39-351-131-4915
+393511315197 +39 351 131 5197 351 131 5197 tel:+39-351-131-5197
+393511315416 +39 351 131 5416 351 131 5416 tel:+39-351-131-5416
+393511315813 +39 351 131 5813 351 131 5813 tel:+39-351-131-5813
+393511491824 +39 351 149 1824 351 149 1824 tel:+39-351-149-1824
+393511499625 +39 351 149 9625 351 149 9625 tel:+39-351-149-9625
+393511596426 +39 351 159 6426 351 159 6426 tel:+39-351-159-6426
+393511715303 +39 351 171 5303 351 171 5303 tel:+39-351-171-5303
+393511715648 +39 351 171 5648 351 171 5648 tel:+39-351-171-5648
+393511719029 +39 351 171 9029 351 171 9029 tel:+39-351-171-9029
+393511719178 +39 351 171 9178 351 171 9178 tel:+39-351-171-9178
+393511719432 +39 351 171 9432 351 171 9432 tel:+39-351-171-9432
+393511719632 +39 351 171 9632 351 171 9632 tel:+39-351-171-9632
+393511720319 +39 351 172 0319 351 172 0319 tel:+39-351-172-0319
+393511720439 +39 351 172 0439 351 172 0439 tel:+39-351-172-0439
+393511720773 +39 351 172 0773 351 172 0773 tel:+39-351-172-0773
+393511745888 +39 351 174 5888 351 174 5888 tel:+39-351-174-5888
+393511754717 +39 351 175 4717 351 175 4717 tel:+39-351-175-4717
+393511830253 +39 351 183 0253 351 183 0253 tel:+39-351-183-0253
+393511831302 +39 351 183 1302 351 183 1302 tel:+39-351-183-1302
+393511866820 +39 351 186 6820 351 186 6820 tel:+39-351-186-6820
+393511866857 +39 351 186 6857 351 186 6857 tel:+39-351-186-6857
+393511881141 +39 351 188 1141 351 188 1141 tel:+39-351-188-1141
+393511886152 +39 351 188 6152 351 188 6152 tel:+39-351-188-6152
+393511889349 +39 351 188 9349 351 188 9349 tel:+39-351-188-9349
+393511890768 +39 351 189 0768 351 189 0768 tel:+39-351-189-0768
+393511925683 +39 351 192 5683 351 192 5683 tel:+39-351-192-5683
+393512009321 +39 351 200 9321 351 200 9321 tel:+39-351-200-9321
+393512026063 +39 351 202 6063 351 202 6063 tel:+39-351-202-6063
+393512032684 +39 351 203 2684 351 203 2684 tel:+39-351-203-2684
+393512222930 +39 351 222 2930 351 222 2930 tel:+39-351-222-2930
+393512228309 +39 351 222 8309 351 222 8309 tel:+39-351-222-8309
+393512228409 +39 351 222 8409 351 222 8409 tel:+39-351-222-8409
+393512228445 +39 351 222 8445 351 222 8445 tel:+39-351-222-8445
+393512228538 +39 351 222 8538 351 222 8538 tel:+39-351-222-8538
+393512228551 +39 351 222 8551 351 222 8551 tel:+39-351-222-8551
+393512232735 +39 351 223 2735 351 223 2735 tel:+39-351-223-2735
+393512232783 +39 351 223 2783 351 223 2783 tel:+39-351-223-2783
+393512232790 +39 351 223 2790 351 223 2790 tel:+39-351-223-2790
+393512232796 +39 351 223 2796 351 223 2796 tel:+39-351-223-2796
+393512232802 +39 351 223 2802 351 223 2802 tel:+39-351-223-2802
+393512247048 +39 351 224 7048 351 224 7048 tel:+39-351-224-7048
+393512283854 +39 351 228 3854 351 228 3854 tel:+39-351-228-3854
+393512335452 +39 351 233 5452 351 233 5452 tel:+39-351-233-5452
+393512346279 +39 351 234 6279 351 234 6279 tel:+39-351-234-6279