Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 01:21
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 01:21.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393510540402 +39 351 054 0402 351 054 0402 tel:+39-351-054-0402
+393510540605 +39 351 054 0605 351 054 0605 tel:+39-351-054-0605
+393510548494 +39 351 054 8494 351 054 8494 tel:+39-351-054-8494
+393510550083 +39 351 055 0083 351 055 0083 tel:+39-351-055-0083
+393510550161 +39 351 055 0161 351 055 0161 tel:+39-351-055-0161
+393510553091 +39 351 055 3091 351 055 3091 tel:+39-351-055-3091
+393510587349 +39 351 058 7349 351 058 7349 tel:+39-351-058-7349
+393510680145 +39 351 068 0145 351 068 0145 tel:+39-351-068-0145
+393510707068 +39 351 070 7068 351 070 7068 tel:+39-351-070-7068
+393510720749 +39 351 072 0749 351 072 0749 tel:+39-351-072-0749
+393510722469 +39 351 072 2469 351 072 2469 tel:+39-351-072-2469
+393510723447 +39 351 072 3447 351 072 3447 tel:+39-351-072-3447
+393510725483 +39 351 072 5483 351 072 5483 tel:+39-351-072-5483
+393510726773 +39 351 072 6773 351 072 6773 tel:+39-351-072-6773
+393510758776 +39 351 075 8776 351 075 8776 tel:+39-351-075-8776
+393510758807 +39 351 075 8807 351 075 8807 tel:+39-351-075-8807
+393510759139 +39 351 075 9139 351 075 9139 tel:+39-351-075-9139
+393510759307 +39 351 075 9307 351 075 9307 tel:+39-351-075-9307
+393510759319 +39 351 075 9319 351 075 9319 tel:+39-351-075-9319
+393510780271 +39 351 078 0271 351 078 0271 tel:+39-351-078-0271
+393510807944 +39 351 080 7944 351 080 7944 tel:+39-351-080-7944
+393510905063 +39 351 090 5063 351 090 5063 tel:+39-351-090-5063
+393511019232 +39 351 101 9232 351 101 9232 tel:+39-351-101-9232
+393511019242 +39 351 101 9242 351 101 9242 tel:+39-351-101-9242
+393511090779 +39 351 109 0779 351 109 0779 tel:+39-351-109-0779
+393511091576 +39 351 109 1576 351 109 1576 tel:+39-351-109-1576
+393511091801 +39 351 109 1801 351 109 1801 tel:+39-351-109-1801
+393511091988 +39 351 109 1988 351 109 1988 tel:+39-351-109-1988
+393665717899 +39 366 571 7899 366 571 7899 tel:+39-366-571-7899
+393665718617 +39 366 571 8617 366 571 8617 tel:+39-366-571-8617
+393665756709 +39 366 575 6709 366 575 6709 tel:+39-366-575-6709
+393665756711 +39 366 575 6711 366 575 6711 tel:+39-366-575-6711
+393665770241 +39 366 577 0241 366 577 0241 tel:+39-366-577-0241
+393665805000 +39 366 580 5000 366 580 5000 tel:+39-366-580-5000
+393665809197 +39 366 580 9197 366 580 9197 tel:+39-366-580-9197
+39366580960 +39 366 580 960 366 580 960 tel:+39-366-580-960
+393665860317 +39 366 586 0317 366 586 0317 tel:+39-366-586-0317
+393665962611 +39 366 596 2611 366 596 2611 tel:+39-366-596-2611
+393666000839 +39 366 600 0839 366 600 0839 tel:+39-366-600-0839
+393666028572 +39 366 602 8572 366 602 8572 tel:+39-366-602-8572
+393666029652 +39 366 602 9652 366 602 9652 tel:+39-366-602-9652
+393666031765 +39 366 603 1765 366 603 1765 tel:+39-366-603-1765
+393666057636 +39 366 605 7636 366 605 7636 tel:+39-366-605-7636
+393666214195 +39 366 621 4195 366 621 4195 tel:+39-366-621-4195
+393666214202 +39 366 621 4202 366 621 4202 tel:+39-366-621-4202
+393666214204 +39 366 621 4204 366 621 4204 tel:+39-366-621-4204
+393666271459 +39 366 627 1459 366 627 1459 tel:+39-366-627-1459
+393666275074 +39 366 627 5074 366 627 5074 tel:+39-366-627-5074
+393666313912 +39 366 631 3912 366 631 3912 tel:+39-366-631-3912
+393666313915 +39 366 631 3915 366 631 3915 tel:+39-366-631-3915