Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 08:03
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 08:03.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393755056444 +39 375 505 6444 375 505 6444 tel:+39-375-505-6444
+393755056524 +39 375 505 6524 375 505 6524 tel:+39-375-505-6524
+393755056530 +39 375 505 6530 375 505 6530 tel:+39-375-505-6530
+393755056732 +39 375 505 6732 375 505 6732 tel:+39-375-505-6732
+393755056734 +39 375 505 6734 375 505 6734 tel:+39-375-505-6734
+393755079568 +39 375 507 9568 375 507 9568 tel:+39-375-507-9568
+393755079649 +39 375 507 9649 375 507 9649 tel:+39-375-507-9649
+393755132640 +39 375 513 2640 375 513 2640 tel:+39-375-513-2640
+393755133372 +39 375 513 3372 375 513 3372 tel:+39-375-513-3372
+393755146294 +39 375 514 6294 375 514 6294 tel:+39-375-514-6294
+393755146721 +39 375 514 6721 375 514 6721 tel:+39-375-514-6721
+393755201664 +39 375 520 1664 375 520 1664 tel:+39-375-520-1664
+393755236504 +39 375 523 6504 375 523 6504 tel:+39-375-523-6504
+393755244134 +39 375 524 4134 375 524 4134 tel:+39-375-524-4134
+393755244181 +39 375 524 4181 375 524 4181 tel:+39-375-524-4181
+393755244318 +39 375 524 4318 375 524 4318 tel:+39-375-524-4318
+393755244365 +39 375 524 4365 375 524 4365 tel:+39-375-524-4365
+393755307598 +39 375 530 7598 375 530 7598 tel:+39-375-530-7598
+393755307599 +39 375 530 7599 375 530 7599 tel:+39-375-530-7599
+393755307614 +39 375 530 7614 375 530 7614 tel:+39-375-530-7614
+393755308010 +39 375 530 8010 375 530 8010 tel:+39-375-530-8010
+393755308041 +39 375 530 8041 375 530 8041 tel:+39-375-530-8041
+393755308046 +39 375 530 8046 375 530 8046 tel:+39-375-530-8046
+393755346954 +39 375 534 6954 375 534 6954 tel:+39-375-534-6954
+393755349262 +39 375 534 9262 375 534 9262 tel:+39-375-534-9262
+393755349290 +39 375 534 9290 375 534 9290 tel:+39-375-534-9290
+393755349291 +39 375 534 9291 375 534 9291 tel:+39-375-534-9291
+393755349292 +39 375 534 9292 375 534 9292 tel:+39-375-534-9292
+393755380582 +39 375 538 0582 375 538 0582 tel:+39-375-538-0582
+393755380623 +39 375 538 0623 375 538 0623 tel:+39-375-538-0623
+393755462952 +39 375 546 2952 375 546 2952 tel:+39-375-546-2952
+393755487332 +39 375 548 7332 375 548 7332 tel:+39-375-548-7332
+393755586150 +39 375 558 6150 375 558 6150 tel:+39-375-558-6150
+393756054612 +39 375 605 4612 375 605 4612 tel:+39-375-605-4612
+393756147617 +39 375 614 7617 375 614 7617 tel:+39-375-614-7617
+393756276379 +39 375 627 6379 375 627 6379 tel:+39-375-627-6379
+393756277578 +39 375 627 7578 375 627 7578 tel:+39-375-627-7578
+393756277579 +39 375 627 7579 375 627 7579 tel:+39-375-627-7579
+393756277581 +39 375 627 7581 375 627 7581 tel:+39-375-627-7581
+393756277695 +39 375 627 7695 375 627 7695 tel:+39-375-627-7695
+393756277696 +39 375 627 7696 375 627 7696 tel:+39-375-627-7696
+393766042782 +39 376 604 2782 376 604 2782 tel:+39-376-604-2782
+393766277698 +39 376 627 7698 376 627 7698 tel:+39-376-627-7698
+393771040865 +39 377 104 0865 377 104 0865 tel:+39-377-104-0865
+393771510683 +39 377 151 0683 377 151 0683 tel:+39-377-151-0683
+393771699847 +39 377 169 9847 377 169 9847 tel:+39-377-169-9847
+393771770455 +39 377 177 0455 377 177 0455 tel:+39-377-177-0455
+393771770456 +39 377 177 0456 377 177 0456 tel:+39-377-177-0456
+393772041606 +39 377 204 1606 377 204 1606 tel:+39-377-204-1606
+393772484592 +39 377 248 4592 377 248 4592 tel:+39-377-248-4592