Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 16:35
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 16:35.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393772869666 +39 377 286 9666 377 286 9666 tel:+39-377-286-9666
+393773234164 +39 377 323 4164 377 323 4164 tel:+39-377-323-4164
+393773234174 +39 377 323 4174 377 323 4174 tel:+39-377-323-4174
+393773532864 +39 377 353 2864 377 353 2864 tel:+39-377-353-2864
+393773532865 +39 377 353 2865 377 353 2865 tel:+39-377-353-2865
+393773547338 +39 377 354 7338 377 354 7338 tel:+39-377-354-7338
+393773583510 +39 377 358 3510 377 358 3510 tel:+39-377-358-3510
+393774281254 +39 377 428 1254 377 428 1254 tel:+39-377-428-1254
+393775172378 +39 377 517 2378 377 517 2378 tel:+39-377-517-2378
+393775224478 +39 377 522 4478 377 522 4478 tel:+39-377-522-4478
+393775224479 +39 377 522 4479 377 522 4479 tel:+39-377-522-4479
+393775230912 +39 377 523 0912 377 523 0912 tel:+39-377-523-0912
+393775255062 +39 377 525 5062 377 525 5062 tel:+39-377-525-5062
+393775255063 +39 377 525 5063 377 525 5063 tel:+39-377-525-5063
+393775409764 +39 377 540 9764 377 540 9764 tel:+39-377-540-9764
+393775409771 +39 377 540 9771 377 540 9771 tel:+39-377-540-9771
+393775409773 +39 377 540 9773 377 540 9773 tel:+39-377-540-9773
+393775510114 +39 377 551 0114 377 551 0114 tel:+39-377-551-0114
+393775510901 +39 377 551 0901 377 551 0901 tel:+39-377-551-0901
+393775510994 +39 377 551 0994 377 551 0994 tel:+39-377-551-0994
+393775513705 +39 377 551 3705 377 551 3705 tel:+39-377-551-3705
+393776134651 +39 377 613 4651 377 613 4651 tel:+39-377-613-4651
+393776161352 +39 377 616 1352 377 616 1352 tel:+39-377-616-1352
+393776650642 +39 377 665 0642 377 665 0642 tel:+39-377-665-0642
+393776703070 +39 377 670 3070 377 670 3070 tel:+39-377-670-3070
+393776708439 +39 377 670 8439 377 670 8439 tel:+39-377-670-8439
+393776713300 +39 377 671 3300 377 671 3300 tel:+39-377-671-3300
+393777052759 +39 377 705 2759 377 705 2759 tel:+39-377-705-2759
+393777057737 +39 377 705 7737 377 705 7737 tel:+39-377-705-7737
+393777751693 +39 377 775 1693 377 775 1693 tel:+39-377-775-1693
+393777751707 +39 377 775 1707 377 775 1707 tel:+39-377-775-1707
+393777751711 +39 377 775 1711 377 775 1711 tel:+39-377-775-1711
+393777751720 +39 377 775 1720 377 775 1720 tel:+39-377-775-1720
+393777751762 +39 377 775 1762 377 775 1762 tel:+39-377-775-1762
+393777751766 +39 377 775 1766 377 775 1766 tel:+39-377-775-1766
+393777751767 +39 377 775 1767 377 775 1767 tel:+39-377-775-1767
+393777751796 +39 377 775 1796 377 775 1796 tel:+39-377-775-1796
+393779808247 +39 377 980 8247 377 980 8247 tel:+39-377-980-8247
+393779838122 +39 377 983 8122 377 983 8122 tel:+39-377-983-8122
+393701041478 +39 370 104 1478 370 104 1478 tel:+39-370-104-1478
+393701041489 +39 370 104 1489 370 104 1489 tel:+39-370-104-1489
+393701056481 +39 370 105 6481 370 105 6481 tel:+39-370-105-6481
+393701056482 +39 370 105 6482 370 105 6482 tel:+39-370-105-6482
+393701056518 +39 370 105 6518 370 105 6518 tel:+39-370-105-6518
+393701056520 +39 370 105 6520 370 105 6520 tel:+39-370-105-6520
+393701056525 +39 370 105 6525 370 105 6525 tel:+39-370-105-6525
+393701056526 +39 370 105 6526 370 105 6526 tel:+39-370-105-6526
+393701056527 +39 370 105 6527 370 105 6527 tel:+39-370-105-6527
+393701121980 +39 370 112 1980 370 112 1980 tel:+39-370-112-1980
+393701228856 +39 370 122 8856 370 122 8856 tel:+39-370-122-8856