Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 04:53
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 04:53.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393892529336 +39 389 252 9336 389 252 9336 tel:+39-389-252-9336
+393892544717 +39 389 254 4717 389 254 4717 tel:+39-389-254-4717
+393892955961 +39 389 295 5961 389 295 5961 tel:+39-389-295-5961
+393892970966 +39 389 297 0966 389 297 0966 tel:+39-389-297-0966
+393893111991 +39 389 311 1991 389 311 1991 tel:+39-389-311-1991
+393893170511 +39 389 317 0511 389 317 0511 tel:+39-389-317-0511
+393893431288 +39 389 343 1288 389 343 1288 tel:+39-389-343-1288
+393893446243 +39 389 344 6243 389 344 6243 tel:+39-389-344-6243
+393893446630 +39 389 344 6630 389 344 6630 tel:+39-389-344-6630
+393893488170 +39 389 348 8170 389 348 8170 tel:+39-389-348-8170
+393894222841 +39 389 422 2841 389 422 2841 tel:+39-389-422-2841
+393894289542 +39 389 428 9542 389 428 9542 tel:+39-389-428-9542
+393894344509 +39 389 434 4509 389 434 4509 tel:+39-389-434-4509
+393894417977 +39 389 441 7977 389 441 7977 tel:+39-389-441-7977
+393894487271 +39 389 448 7271 389 448 7271 tel:+39-389-448-7271
+393894535881 +39 389 453 5881 389 453 5881 tel:+39-389-453-5881
+393894560750 +39 389 456 0750 389 456 0750 tel:+39-389-456-0750
+393894611715 +39 389 461 1715 389 461 1715 tel:+39-389-461-1715
+393894648850 +39 389 464 8850 389 464 8850 tel:+39-389-464-8850
+393894683920 +39 389 468 3920 389 468 3920 tel:+39-389-468-3920
+393894686429 +39 389 468 6429 389 468 6429 tel:+39-389-468-6429
+393894724687 +39 389 472 4687 389 472 4687 tel:+39-389-472-4687
+393894805534 +39 389 480 5534 389 480 5534 tel:+39-389-480-5534
+393894924417 +39 389 492 4417 389 492 4417 tel:+39-389-492-4417
+393894980976 +39 389 498 0976 389 498 0976 tel:+39-389-498-0976
+393895016259 +39 389 501 6259 389 501 6259 tel:+39-389-501-6259
+393895032860 +39 389 503 2860 389 503 2860 tel:+39-389-503-2860
+393895058990 +39 389 505 8990 389 505 8990 tel:+39-389-505-8990
+393895060462 +39 389 506 0462 389 506 0462 tel:+39-389-506-0462
+393895070713 +39 389 507 0713 389 507 0713 tel:+39-389-507-0713
+393895078977 +39 389 507 8977 389 507 8977 tel:+39-389-507-8977
+393895080408 +39 389 508 0408 389 508 0408 tel:+39-389-508-0408
+393895126709 +39 389 512 6709 389 512 6709 tel:+39-389-512-6709
+393895261968 +39 389 526 1968 389 526 1968 tel:+39-389-526-1968
+393895364649 +39 389 536 4649 389 536 4649 tel:+39-389-536-4649
+393895374295 +39 389 537 4295 389 537 4295 tel:+39-389-537-4295
+393895389095 +39 389 538 9095 389 538 9095 tel:+39-389-538-9095
+393895392344 +39 389 539 2344 389 539 2344 tel:+39-389-539-2344
+393895403322 +39 389 540 3322 389 540 3322 tel:+39-389-540-3322
+393895441632 +39 389 544 1632 389 544 1632 tel:+39-389-544-1632
+393895503138 +39 389 550 3138 389 550 3138 tel:+39-389-550-3138
+393895516189 +39 389 551 6189 389 551 6189 tel:+39-389-551-6189
+393895621210 +39 389 562 1210 389 562 1210 tel:+39-389-562-1210
+393895639165 +39 389 563 9165 389 563 9165 tel:+39-389-563-9165
+393895699341 +39 389 569 9341 389 569 9341 tel:+39-389-569-9341
+393895733309 +39 389 573 3309 389 573 3309 tel:+39-389-573-3309
+393895805712 +39 389 580 5712 389 580 5712 tel:+39-389-580-5712
+393895809612 +39 389 580 9612 389 580 9612 tel:+39-389-580-9612
+393895832978 +39 389 583 2978 389 583 2978 tel:+39-389-583-2978
+393895841754 +39 389 584 1754 389 584 1754 tel:+39-389-584-1754