Reported phone numbers in Italy (+39)

Local time
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +39
E.164 (Country Code): 39
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Rome
Language: Italian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 08:50
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Population: 60 431 283
Land Area: 301 230 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Italy without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Italy but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Italy / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +39 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Italy is 08:50.

Unspecified phone numbers from Italy

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Italy.

+393888370161 +39 388 837 0161 388 837 0161 tel:+39-388-837-0161
+393888370164 +39 388 837 0164 388 837 0164 tel:+39-388-837-0164
+393888504649 +39 388 850 4649 388 850 4649 tel:+39-388-850-4649
+393888505192 +39 388 850 5192 388 850 5192 tel:+39-388-850-5192
+393888563348 +39 388 856 3348 388 856 3348 tel:+39-388-856-3348
+393888605686 +39 388 860 5686 388 860 5686 tel:+39-388-860-5686
+393888606275 +39 388 860 6275 388 860 6275 tel:+39-388-860-6275
+393888639856 +39 388 863 9856 388 863 9856 tel:+39-388-863-9856
+393888643206 +39 388 864 3206 388 864 3206 tel:+39-388-864-3206
+393888662264 +39 388 866 2264 388 866 2264 tel:+39-388-866-2264
+393888690283 +39 388 869 0283 388 869 0283 tel:+39-388-869-0283
+393888756685 +39 388 875 6685 388 875 6685 tel:+39-388-875-6685
+393888791943 +39 388 879 1943 388 879 1943 tel:+39-388-879-1943
+393888793877 +39 388 879 3877 388 879 3877 tel:+39-388-879-3877
+393888834463 +39 388 883 4463 388 883 4463 tel:+39-388-883-4463
+393888834480 +39 388 883 4480 388 883 4480 tel:+39-388-883-4480
+393888837628 +39 388 883 7628 388 883 7628 tel:+39-388-883-7628
+393888837643 +39 388 883 7643 388 883 7643 tel:+39-388-883-7643
+393888837656 +39 388 883 7656 388 883 7656 tel:+39-388-883-7656
+393888837663 +39 388 883 7663 388 883 7663 tel:+39-388-883-7663
+393888837681 +39 388 883 7681 388 883 7681 tel:+39-388-883-7681
+393888837682 +39 388 883 7682 388 883 7682 tel:+39-388-883-7682
+393888837683 +39 388 883 7683 388 883 7683 tel:+39-388-883-7683
+393888837685 +39 388 883 7685 388 883 7685 tel:+39-388-883-7685
+393888837687 +39 388 883 7687 388 883 7687 tel:+39-388-883-7687
+393888841220 +39 388 884 1220 388 884 1220 tel:+39-388-884-1220
+393888841246 +39 388 884 1246 388 884 1246 tel:+39-388-884-1246
+393888841273 +39 388 884 1273 388 884 1273 tel:+39-388-884-1273
+393888843889 +39 388 884 3889 388 884 3889 tel:+39-388-884-3889
+393888847009 +39 388 884 7009 388 884 7009 tel:+39-388-884-7009
+393888847016 +39 388 884 7016 388 884 7016 tel:+39-388-884-7016
+393888847018 +39 388 884 7018 388 884 7018 tel:+39-388-884-7018
+393888847021 +39 388 884 7021 388 884 7021 tel:+39-388-884-7021
+393888847027 +39 388 884 7027 388 884 7027 tel:+39-388-884-7027
+393888847032 +39 388 884 7032 388 884 7032 tel:+39-388-884-7032
+393888847035 +39 388 884 7035 388 884 7035 tel:+39-388-884-7035
+393888847039 +39 388 884 7039 388 884 7039 tel:+39-388-884-7039
+393888852064 +39 388 885 2064 388 885 2064 tel:+39-388-885-2064
+393888857777 +39 388 885 7777 388 885 7777 tel:+39-388-885-7777
+393888918345 +39 388 891 8345 388 891 8345 tel:+39-388-891-8345
+393888988345 +39 388 898 8345 388 898 8345 tel:+39-388-898-8345
+393888991363 +39 388 899 1363 388 899 1363 tel:+39-388-899-1363
+393888997388 +39 388 899 7388 388 899 7388 tel:+39-388-899-7388
+393889036038 +39 388 903 6038 388 903 6038 tel:+39-388-903-6038
+393889044197 +39 388 904 4197 388 904 4197 tel:+39-388-904-4197
+393889081737 +39 388 908 1737 388 908 1737 tel:+39-388-908-1737
+393889081817 +39 388 908 1817 388 908 1817 tel:+39-388-908-1817
+393889309508 +39 388 930 9508 388 930 9508 tel:+39-388-930-9508
+393889594353 +39 388 959 4353 388 959 4353 tel:+39-388-959-4353
+393889747729 +39 388 974 7729 388 974 7729 tel:+39-388-974-7729