Reported phone numbers in Latvia (+371)

Local time
63 534
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +371
E.164 (Country Code): 371
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Riga
Language: Latvian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 11:45
Timezone: Europe/Riga
Population: 63 534
Land Area: 64 589 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Latvia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Latvia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Latvia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +371 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Jelgava is 11:45. Jelgava has a population of 63 534 citiciens (2017-12-29).

Reported phone numbers in Jelgava

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+37163399710 +371 63 399 710 63 399 710 tel:+371-63-399-710
+37163471711 +371 63 471 711 63 471 711 tel:+371-63-471-711
+37163508411 +371 63 508 411 63 508 411 tel:+371-63-508-411
+37163711310 +371 63 711 310 63 711 310 tel:+371-63-711-310
+37163711311 +371 63 711 311 63 711 311 tel:+371-63-711-311
+37163815010 +371 63 815 010 63 815 010 tel:+371-63-815-010
+37163815011 +371 63 815 011 63 815 011 tel:+371-63-815-011
+37163911910 +371 63 911 910 63 911 910 tel:+371-63-911-910
+37163911911 +371 63 911 911 63 911 911 tel:+371-63-911-911
+37164015911 +371 64 015 911 64 015 911 tel:+371-64-015-911
+37164116810 +371 64 116 810 64 116 810 tel:+371-64-116-810
+37164216710 +371 64 216 710 64 216 710 tel:+371-64-216-710
+37164216711 +371 64 216 711 64 216 711 tel:+371-64-216-711
+37164311410 +371 64 311 410 64 311 410 tel:+371-64-311-410
+37164311411 +371 64 311 411 64 311 411 tel:+371-64-311-411
+37164415010 +371 64 415 010 64 415 010 tel:+371-64-415-010
+37164415011 +371 64 415 011 64 415 011 tel:+371-64-415-011
+37164588910 +371 64 588 910 64 588 910 tel:+371-64-588-910
+37164588911 +371 64 588 911 64 588 911 tel:+371-64-588-911
+37164686911 +371 64 686 911 64 686 911 tel:+371-64-686-911
+37164796711 +371 64 796 711 64 796 711 tel:+371-64-796-711
+37164811210 +371 64 811 210 64 811 210 tel:+371-64-811-210
+37164811211 +371 64 811 211 64 811 211 tel:+371-64-811-211
+37165011510 +371 65 011 510 65 011 510 tel:+371-65-011-510
+37165011511 +371 65 011 511 65 011 511 tel:+371-65-011-511
+37165111810 +371 65 111 810 65 111 810 tel:+371-65-111-810
+37165187822 +371 65 187 822 65 187 822 tel:+371-65-187-822
+37165215010 +371 65 215 010 65 215 010 tel:+371-65-215-010
+37165215011 +371 65 215 011 65 215 011 tel:+371-65-215-011
+37165396811 +371 65 396 811 65 396 811 tel:+371-65-396-811
+37165615010 +371 65 615 010 65 615 010 tel:+371-65-615-010
+37165615011 +371 65 615 011 65 615 011 tel:+371-65-615-011
+37165715010 +371 65 715 010 65 715 010 tel:+371-65-715-010
+37165715011 +371 65 715 011 65 715 011 tel:+371-65-715-011
+37165808110 +371 65 808 110 65 808 110 tel:+371-65-808-110
+37166013730 +371 66 013 730 66 013 730 tel:+371-66-013-730
+37166015213 +371 66 015 213 66 015 213 tel:+371-66-015-213
+37166015481 +371 66 015 481 66 015 481 tel:+371-66-015-481
+37166015482 +371 66 015 482 66 015 482 tel:+371-66-015-482
+37166053900 +371 66 053 900 66 053 900 tel:+371-66-053-900
+37166053901 +371 66 053 901 66 053 901 tel:+371-66-053-901
+37166090757 +371 66 090 757 66 090 757 tel:+371-66-090-757
+37166090765 +371 66 090 765 66 090 765 tel:+371-66-090-765
+37166163828 +371 66 163 828 66 163 828 tel:+371-66-163-828
+37166164548 +371 66 164 548 66 164 548 tel:+371-66-164-548
+37166441643 +371 66 441 643 66 441 643 tel:+371-66-441-643
+37166934974 +371 66 934 974 66 934 974 tel:+371-66-934-974
+37167000177 +371 67 000 177 67 000 177 tel:+371-67-000-177
+37167060500 +371 67 060 500 67 060 500 tel:+371-67-060-500
+37167060585 +371 67 060 585 67 060 585 tel:+371-67-060-585