Reported phone numbers in Latvia (+371)

Local time
63 534
Emergency phone number
Country Calling Code: +371
E.164 (Country Code): 371
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Riga
Language: Latvian
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 11:24
Timezone: Europe/Riga
Population: 63 534
Land Area: 64 589 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Latvia without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Latvia but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Latvia / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +371 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Jelgava is 11:24. Jelgava has a population of 63 534 citiciens (2017-12-29).

Reported phone numbers in Jelgava

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+37167169003 +371 67 169 003 67 169 003 tel:+371-67-169-003
+37167479159 +371 67 479 159 67 479 159 tel:+371-67-479-159
+37167517152 +371 67 517 152 67 517 152 tel:+371-67-517-152
+37167609631 +371 67 609 631 67 609 631 tel:+371-67-609-631
+37167651129 +371 67 651 129 67 651 129 tel:+371-67-651-129
+37167651476 +371 67 651 476 67 651 476 tel:+371-67-651-476
+37167717351 +371 67 717 351 67 717 351 tel:+371-67-717-351
+37167728862 +371 67 728 862 67 728 862 tel:+371-67-728-862
+37167796230 +371 67 796 230 67 796 230 tel:+371-67-796-230
+37167798101 +371 67 798 101 67 798 101 tel:+371-67-798-101
+37167798107 +371 67 798 107 67 798 107 tel:+371-67-798-107
+37167798112 +371 67 798 112 67 798 112 tel:+371-67-798-112
+37167806619 +371 67 806 619 67 806 619 tel:+371-67-806-619
+37167852502 +371 67 852 502 67 852 502 tel:+371-67-852-502
+37167852503 +371 67 852 503 67 852 503 tel:+371-67-852-503
+37167852512 +371 67 852 512 67 852 512 tel:+371-67-852-512
+37167853472 +371 67 853 472 67 853 472 tel:+371-67-853-472
+37167855997 +371 67 855 997 67 855 997 tel:+371-67-855-997
+37167885476 +371 67 885 476 67 885 476 tel:+371-67-885-476
+37167886539 +371 67 886 539 67 886 539 tel:+371-67-886-539
+37167889611 +371 67 889 611 67 889 611 tel:+371-67-889-611
+37167889612 +371 67 889 612 67 889 612 tel:+371-67-889-612
+37166930017 +371 66 930 017 66 930 017 tel:+371-66-930-017
+37123271700 +371 23 271 700 23 271 700 tel:+371-23-271-700
+37167799513 +371 67 799 513 67 799 513 tel:+371-67-799-513
+37120769999 +371 20 769 999 20 769 999 tel:+371-20-769-999
+37163588932 +371 63 588 932 63 588 932 tel:+371-63-588-932
+37120386428 +371 20 386 428 20 386 428 tel:+371-20-386-428
+37163911895 +371 63 911 895 63 911 895 tel:+371-63-911-895
+37128676605 +371 28 676 605 28 676 605 tel:+371-28-676-605
+37129490279 +371 29 490 279 29 490 279 tel:+371-29-490-279
+37167718191 +371 67 718 191 67 718 191 tel:+371-67-718-191
+37162444496 +371 62 444 496 62 444 496 tel:+371-62-444-496
+37127067388 +371 27 067 388 27 067 388 tel:+371-27-067-388
+37125330310 +371 25 330 310 25 330 310 tel:+371-25-330-310
+37127758001 +371 27 758 001 27 758 001 tel:+371-27-758-001
+37129687319 +371 29 687 319 29 687 319 tel:+371-29-687-319
+37123273303 +371 23 273 303 23 273 303 tel:+371-23-273-303
+37128924399 +371 28 924 399 28 924 399 tel:+371-28-924-399
+37126740621 +371 26 740 621 26 740 621 tel:+371-26-740-621
+37166930022 +371 66 930 022 66 930 022 tel:+371-66-930-022
+37122337397 +371 22 337 397 22 337 397 tel:+371-22-337-397
+37127272968 +371 27 272 968 27 272 968 tel:+371-27-272-968
+37168617850 +371 68 617 850 68 617 850 tel:+371-68-617-850
+37122339466 +371 22 339 466 22 339 466 tel:+371-22-339-466
+37129251402 +371 29 251 402 29 251 402 tel:+371-29-251-402
+37128810928 +371 28 810 928 28 810 928 tel:+371-28-810-928
+37128009966 +371 28 009 966 28 009 966 tel:+371-28-009-966
+37120542584 +371 20 542 584 20 542 584 tel:+371-20-542-584
+37126789447 +371 26 789 447 26 789 447 tel:+371-26-789-447