Area code 351 (Lisbon)

Local time
547 733
Emergency phone number
Area: Lisbon
Country Calling Code: +351
E.164 (Country Code): 351
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Lisbon
Language: Portuguese
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 13:48
Timezone: Europe/Lisbon
Population: 547 733
Land Area: 92 391 KM2

Area code 351 - Lisbon

Lisbon is located in Portugal and has area code 351. When calling a person or company located in Lisbon from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +351351 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Lisbon is 13:48. Lisbon has a population of 547 733 citiciens (2019-07-24).

Reported phone numbers in Lisbon

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+351212699585 +351 21 269 9585 21 269 9585 tel:+351-21-269-9585
+351212747600 +351 21 274 7600 21 274 7600 tel:+351-21-274-7600
+351212840535 +351 21 284 0535 21 284 0535 tel:+351-21-284-0535
+351212840538 +351 21 284 0538 21 284 0538 tel:+351-21-284-0538
+351212840541 +351 21 284 0541 21 284 0541 tel:+351-21-284-0541
+351212840550 +351 21 284 0550 21 284 0550 tel:+351-21-284-0550
+351212840552 +351 21 284 0552 21 284 0552 tel:+351-21-284-0552
+351212840568 +351 21 284 0568 21 284 0568 tel:+351-21-284-0568
+351212840573 +351 21 284 0573 21 284 0573 tel:+351-21-284-0573
+351212840574 +351 21 284 0574 21 284 0574 tel:+351-21-284-0574
+351212840575 +351 21 284 0575 21 284 0575 tel:+351-21-284-0575
+351212840583 +351 21 284 0583 21 284 0583 tel:+351-21-284-0583
+351212840585 +351 21 284 0585 21 284 0585 tel:+351-21-284-0585
+351212840587 +351 21 284 0587 21 284 0587 tel:+351-21-284-0587
+351212840592 +351 21 284 0592 21 284 0592 tel:+351-21-284-0592
+351212840593 +351 21 284 0593 21 284 0593 tel:+351-21-284-0593
+351212840595 +351 21 284 0595 21 284 0595 tel:+351-21-284-0595
+351212840596 +351 21 284 0596 21 284 0596 tel:+351-21-284-0596
+351212840597 +351 21 284 0597 21 284 0597 tel:+351-21-284-0597
+351212840599 +351 21 284 0599 21 284 0599 tel:+351-21-284-0599
+351212840603 +351 21 284 0603 21 284 0603 tel:+351-21-284-0603
+351212840605 +351 21 284 0605 21 284 0605 tel:+351-21-284-0605
+351212840606 +351 21 284 0606 21 284 0606 tel:+351-21-284-0606
+351212840607 +351 21 284 0607 21 284 0607 tel:+351-21-284-0607
+351212840626 +351 21 284 0626 21 284 0626 tel:+351-21-284-0626
+351212840627 +351 21 284 0627 21 284 0627 tel:+351-21-284-0627
+351212840629 +351 21 284 0629 21 284 0629 tel:+351-21-284-0629
+351212840630 +351 21 284 0630 21 284 0630 tel:+351-21-284-0630
+351212841436 +351 21 284 1436 21 284 1436 tel:+351-21-284-1436
+351212945570 +351 21 294 5570 21 294 5570 tel:+351-21-294-5570
+351212972422 +351 21 297 2422 21 297 2422 tel:+351-21-297-2422
+351212975565 +351 21 297 5565 21 297 5565 tel:+351-21-297-5565
+351213002042 +351 21 300 2042 21 300 2042 tel:+351-21-300-2042
+351213105066 +351 21 310 5066 21 310 5066 tel:+351-21-310-5066
+351213113900 +351 21 311 3900 21 311 3900 tel:+351-21-311-3900
+351213132750 +351 21 313 2750 21 313 2750 tel:+351-21-313-2750
+351213134100 +351 21 313 4100 21 313 4100 tel:+351-21-313-4100
+351213136038 +351 21 313 6038 21 313 6038 tel:+351-21-313-6038
+351213172204 +351 21 317 2204 21 317 2204 tel:+351-21-317-2204
+351213172212 +351 21 317 2212 21 317 2212 tel:+351-21-317-2212
+351213173470 +351 21 317 3470 21 317 3470 tel:+351-21-317-3470
+351213175234 +351 21 317 5234 21 317 5234 tel:+351-21-317-5234
+351213183500 +351 21 318 3500 21 318 3500 tel:+351-21-318-3500
+351213212001 +351 21 321 2001 21 321 2001 tel:+351-21-321-2001
+351213231460 +351 21 323 1460 21 323 1460 tel:+351-21-323-1460
+351213231461 +351 21 323 1461 21 323 1461 tel:+351-21-323-1461
+351213231464 +351 21 323 1464 21 323 1464 tel:+351-21-323-1464
+351213231465 +351 21 323 1465 21 323 1465 tel:+351-21-323-1465
+351213231466 +351 21 323 1466 21 323 1466 tel:+351-21-323-1466
+351213231468 +351 21 323 1468 21 323 1468 tel:+351-21-323-1468