Area code 351 (Lisbon)

Local time
547 733
Emergency phone number
Area: Lisbon
Country Calling Code: +351
E.164 (Country Code): 351
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Lisbon
Language: Portuguese
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 14:38
Timezone: Europe/Lisbon
Population: 547 733
Land Area: 92 391 KM2

Area code 351 - Lisbon

Lisbon is located in Portugal and has area code 351. When calling a person or company located in Lisbon from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +351351 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Lisbon is 14:38. Lisbon has a population of 547 733 citiciens (2019-07-24).

Reported phone numbers in Lisbon

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+351213231471 +351 21 323 1471 21 323 1471 tel:+351-21-323-1471
+351213231472 +351 21 323 1472 21 323 1472 tel:+351-21-323-1472
+351213231474 +351 21 323 1474 21 323 1474 tel:+351-21-323-1474
+351213231475 +351 21 323 1475 21 323 1475 tel:+351-21-323-1475
+351213231478 +351 21 323 1478 21 323 1478 tel:+351-21-323-1478
+351213231479 +351 21 323 1479 21 323 1479 tel:+351-21-323-1479
+351213231481 +351 21 323 1481 21 323 1481 tel:+351-21-323-1481
+351213231482 +351 21 323 1482 21 323 1482 tel:+351-21-323-1482
+351213231487 +351 21 323 1487 21 323 1487 tel:+351-21-323-1487
+351213231488 +351 21 323 1488 21 323 1488 tel:+351-21-323-1488
+351213231490 +351 21 323 1490 21 323 1490 tel:+351-21-323-1490
+351213231495 +351 21 323 1495 21 323 1495 tel:+351-21-323-1495
+351213231496 +351 21 323 1496 21 323 1496 tel:+351-21-323-1496
+351213231498 +351 21 323 1498 21 323 1498 tel:+351-21-323-1498
+351213231499 +351 21 323 1499 21 323 1499 tel:+351-21-323-1499
+351213248200 +351 21 324 8200 21 324 8200 tel:+351-21-324-8200
+351213260100 +351 21 326 0100 21 326 0100 tel:+351-21-326-0100
+351213260111 +351 21 326 0111 21 326 0111 tel:+351-21-326-0111
+351213260113 +351 21 326 0113 21 326 0113 tel:+351-21-326-0113
+351213260186 +351 21 326 0186 21 326 0186 tel:+351-21-326-0186
+351213260187 +351 21 326 0187 21 326 0187 tel:+351-21-326-0187
+351213260900 +351 21 326 0900 21 326 0900 tel:+351-21-326-0900
+351213301700 +351 21 330 1700 21 330 1700 tel:+351-21-330-1700
+351213305386 +351 21 330 5386 21 330 5386 tel:+351-21-330-5386
+351213306700 +351 21 330 6700 21 330 6700 tel:+351-21-330-6700
+351213306748 +351 21 330 6748 21 330 6748 tel:+351-21-330-6748
+351213306767 +351 21 330 6767 21 330 6767 tel:+351-21-330-6767
+351213306786 +351 21 330 6786 21 330 6786 tel:+351-21-330-6786
+351213403430 +351 21 340 3430 21 340 3430 tel:+351-21-340-3430
+351213405700 +351 21 340 5700 21 340 5700 tel:+351-21-340-5700
+351213407084 +351 21 340 7084 21 340 7084 tel:+351-21-340-7084
+351213500407 +351 21 350 0407 21 350 0407 tel:+351-21-350-0407
+351213500409 +351 21 350 0409 21 350 0409 tel:+351-21-350-0409
+351213501500 +351 21 350 1500 21 350 1500 tel:+351-21-350-1500
+351213510060 +351 21 351 0060 21 351 0060 tel:+351-21-351-0060
+351213511300 +351 21 351 1300 21 351 1300 tel:+351-21-351-1300
+351213524132 +351 21 352 4132 21 352 4132 tel:+351-21-352-4132
+351213553462 +351 21 355 3462 21 355 3462 tel:+351-21-355-3462
+351213553465 +351 21 355 3465 21 355 3465 tel:+351-21-355-3465
+351213569060 +351 21 356 9060 21 356 9060 tel:+351-21-356-9060
+351213584170 +351 21 358 4170 21 358 4170 tel:+351-21-358-4170
+351213587700 +351 21 358 7700 21 358 7700 tel:+351-21-358-7700
+351213587708 +351 21 358 7708 21 358 7708 tel:+351-21-358-7708
+351213587749 +351 21 358 7749 21 358 7749 tel:+351-21-358-7749
+351213587757 +351 21 358 7757 21 358 7757 tel:+351-21-358-7757
+351213588845 +351 21 358 8845 21 358 8845 tel:+351-21-358-8845
+351213588878 +351 21 358 8878 21 358 8878 tel:+351-21-358-8878
+351213588900 +351 21 358 8900 21 358 8900 tel:+351-21-358-8900
+351213588955 +351 21 358 8955 21 358 8955 tel:+351-21-358-8955
+351213592344 +351 21 359 2344 21 359 2344 tel:+351-21-359-2344