Area code 351 (Lisbon)

Local time
547 733
Emergency phone number
Area: Lisbon
Country Calling Code: +351
E.164 (Country Code): 351
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Lisbon
Language: Portuguese
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 02:01
Timezone: Europe/Lisbon
Population: 547 733
Land Area: 92 391 KM2

Area code 351 - Lisbon

Lisbon is located in Portugal and has area code 351. When calling a person or company located in Lisbon from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +351351 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Lisbon is 02:01. Lisbon has a population of 547 733 citiciens (2019-07-24).

Reported phone numbers in Lisbon

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+351216014924 +351 21 601 4924 21 601 4924 tel:+351-21-601-4924
+351217100741 +351 21 710 0741 21 710 0741 tel:+351-21-710-0741
+351217142417 +351 21 714 2417 21 714 2417 tel:+351-21-714-2417
+351217219850 +351 21 721 9850 21 721 9850 tel:+351-21-721-9850
+351217236200 +351 21 723 6200 21 723 6200 tel:+351-21-723-6200
+351217236204 +351 21 723 6204 21 723 6204 tel:+351-21-723-6204
+351217241624 +351 21 724 1624 21 724 1624 tel:+351-21-724-1624
+351217260598 +351 21 726 0598 21 726 0598 tel:+351-21-726-0598
+351217260599 +351 21 726 0599 21 726 0599 tel:+351-21-726-0599
+351217260607 +351 21 726 0607 21 726 0607 tel:+351-21-726-0607
+351217261649 +351 21 726 1649 21 726 1649 tel:+351-21-726-1649
+351217261731 +351 21 726 1731 21 726 1731 tel:+351-21-726-1731
+351217266507 +351 21 726 6507 21 726 6507 tel:+351-21-726-6507
+351217276579 +351 21 727 6579 21 727 6579 tel:+351-21-727-6579
+351217515500 +351 21 751 5500 21 751 5500 tel:+351-21-751-5500
+351217529050 +351 21 752 9050 21 752 9050 tel:+351-21-752-9050
+351217611837 +351 21 761 1837 21 761 1837 tel:+351-21-761-1837
+351217611864 +351 21 761 1864 21 761 1864 tel:+351-21-761-1864
+351217611894 +351 21 761 1894 21 761 1894 tel:+351-21-761-1894
+351217613900 +351 21 761 3900 21 761 3900 tel:+351-21-761-3900
+351217655440 +351 21 765 5440 21 765 5440 tel:+351-21-765-5440
+351217655824 +351 21 765 5824 21 765 5824 tel:+351-21-765-5824
+351217657451 +351 21 765 7451 21 765 7451 tel:+351-21-765-7451
+351217657453 +351 21 765 7453 21 765 7453 tel:+351-21-765-7453
+351217657459 +351 21 765 7459 21 765 7459 tel:+351-21-765-7459
+351217657460 +351 21 765 7460 21 765 7460 tel:+351-21-765-7460
+351217657466 +351 21 765 7466 21 765 7466 tel:+351-21-765-7466
+351217657471 +351 21 765 7471 21 765 7471 tel:+351-21-765-7471
+351217657484 +351 21 765 7484 21 765 7484 tel:+351-21-765-7484
+351217657488 +351 21 765 7488 21 765 7488 tel:+351-21-765-7488
+351217657492 +351 21 765 7492 21 765 7492 tel:+351-21-765-7492
+351217657500 +351 21 765 7500 21 765 7500 tel:+351-21-765-7500
+351217657532 +351 21 765 7532 21 765 7532 tel:+351-21-765-7532
+351217657538 +351 21 765 7538 21 765 7538 tel:+351-21-765-7538
+351217657545 +351 21 765 7545 21 765 7545 tel:+351-21-765-7545
+351217657950 +351 21 765 7950 21 765 7950 tel:+351-21-765-7950
+351217804200 +351 21 780 4200 21 780 4200 tel:+351-21-780-4200
+351217804300 +351 21 780 4300 21 780 4300 tel:+351-21-780-4300
+351217806000 +351 21 780 6000 21 780 6000 tel:+351-21-780-6000
+351217806051 +351 21 780 6051 21 780 6051 tel:+351-21-780-6051
+351217806052 +351 21 780 6052 21 780 6052 tel:+351-21-780-6052
+351217806075 +351 21 780 6075 21 780 6075 tel:+351-21-780-6075
+351217806077 +351 21 780 6077 21 780 6077 tel:+351-21-780-6077
+351217806500 +351 21 780 6500 21 780 6500 tel:+351-21-780-6500
+351217912800 +351 21 791 2800 21 791 2800 tel:+351-21-791-2800
+351217912867 +351 21 791 2867 21 791 2867 tel:+351-21-791-2867
+351217931618 +351 21 793 1618 21 793 1618 tel:+351-21-793-1618
+351217931635 +351 21 793 1635 21 793 1635 tel:+351-21-793-1635
+351217931644 +351 21 793 1644 21 793 1644 tel:+351-21-793-1644
+351217931668 +351 21 793 1668 21 793 1668 tel:+351-21-793-1668