Area code 351 (Lisbon)

Local time
12:04:50 AM
547 733
Emergency phone number
Area: Lisbon
Country Calling Code: +351
E.164 (Country Code): 351
Emergency phone number: 112
Capital: Lisbon
Language: Portuguese
Valuta: Euro (EUR)
Local Time: 00:04:50
Time difference: None
Timezone: Europe/Lisbon
Population: 547 733
Land Area: 92 391 KM2

Area code 351 - Lisbon

Lisbon is located in Portugal and has area code 351. When calling a person or company located in Lisbon from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +351351 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Lisbon is 00:04:50. Lisbon has a population of 547 733 citiciens (2019-07-24).

Reported phone numbers in Lisbon

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+351213665341 +351 21 366 5341 21 366 5341 tel:+351-21-366-5341
+351213701000 +351 21 370 1000 21 370 1000 tel:+351-21-370-1000
+351213715410 +351 21 371 5410 21 371 5410 tel:+351-21-371-5410
+351213715411 +351 21 371 5411 21 371 5411 tel:+351-21-371-5411
+351213716610 +351 21 371 6610 21 371 6610 tel:+351-21-371-6610
+351213839560 +351 21 383 9560 21 383 9560 tel:+351-21-383-9560
+351213845400 +351 21 384 5400 21 384 5400 tel:+351-21-384-5400
+351213849038 +351 21 384 9038 21 384 9038 tel:+351-21-384-9038
+351213931370 +351 21 393 1370 21 393 1370 tel:+351-21-393-1370
+351214126800 +351 21 412 6800 21 412 6800 tel:+351-21-412-6800
+351214126828 +351 21 412 6828 21 412 6828 tel:+351-21-412-6828
+351214129100 +351 21 412 9100 21 412 9100 tel:+351-21-412-9100
+351214138400 +351 21 413 8400 21 413 8400 tel:+351-21-413-8400
+351214138457 +351 21 413 8457 21 413 8457 tel:+351-21-413-8457
+351214152620 +351 21 415 2620 21 415 2620 tel:+351-21-415-2620
+351214169308 +351 21 416 9308 21 416 9308 tel:+351-21-416-9308
+351214201976 +351 21 420 1976 21 420 1976 tel:+351-21-420-1976
+351214205308 +351 21 420 5308 21 420 5308 tel:+351-21-420-5308
+351214229301 +351 21 422 9301 21 422 9301 tel:+351-21-422-9301
+351214229302 +351 21 422 9302 21 422 9302 tel:+351-21-422-9302
+351214229306 +351 21 422 9306 21 422 9306 tel:+351-21-422-9306
+351214229307 +351 21 422 9307 21 422 9307 tel:+351-21-422-9307
+351214229309 +351 21 422 9309 21 422 9309 tel:+351-21-422-9309
+351214229310 +351 21 422 9310 21 422 9310 tel:+351-21-422-9310
+351214229312 +351 21 422 9312 21 422 9312 tel:+351-21-422-9312
+351214229316 +351 21 422 9316 21 422 9316 tel:+351-21-422-9316
+351214229318 +351 21 422 9318 21 422 9318 tel:+351-21-422-9318
+351214229328 +351 21 422 9328 21 422 9328 tel:+351-21-422-9328
+351214229345 +351 21 422 9345 21 422 9345 tel:+351-21-422-9345
+351214229350 +351 21 422 9350 21 422 9350 tel:+351-21-422-9350
+351214229393 +351 21 422 9393 21 422 9393 tel:+351-21-422-9393
+351214308000 +351 21 430 8000 21 430 8000 tel:+351-21-430-8000
+351214342410 +351 21 434 2410 21 434 2410 tel:+351-21-434-2410
+351214359619 +351 21 435 9619 21 435 9619 tel:+351-21-435-9619
+351214361785 +351 21 436 1785 21 436 1785 tel:+351-21-436-1785
+351214402421 +351 21 440 2421 21 440 2421 tel:+351-21-440-2421
+351214402542 +351 21 440 2542 21 440 2542 tel:+351-21-440-2542
+351214402563 +351 21 440 2563 21 440 2563 tel:+351-21-440-2563
+351214402578 +351 21 440 2578 21 440 2578 tel:+351-21-440-2578
+351214402581 +351 21 440 2581 21 440 2581 tel:+351-21-440-2581
+351214402584 +351 21 440 2584 21 440 2584 tel:+351-21-440-2584
+351214402598 +351 21 440 2598 21 440 2598 tel:+351-21-440-2598
+351214404900 +351 21 440 4900 21 440 4900 tel:+351-21-440-4900
+351214405099 +351 21 440 5099 21 440 5099 tel:+351-21-440-5099
+351214464350 +351 21 446 4350 21 446 4350 tel:+351-21-446-4350
+351214468900 +351 21 446 8900 21 446 8900 tel:+351-21-446-8900
+351214568110 +351 21 456 8110 21 456 8110 tel:+351-21-456-8110
+351214709015 +351 21 470 9015 21 470 9015 tel:+351-21-470-9015
+351214710816 +351 21 471 0816 21 471 0816 tel:+351-21-471-0816
+351214729758 +351 21 472 9758 21 472 9758 tel:+351-21-472-9758