Reported phone numbers in Thailand (+66)

Local time
Emergency phone number
191 or 911
Country Calling Code: +66
E.164 (Country Code): 66
Emergency phone number: 191 or 911
Capital: Bangkok
Language: Thai
Valuta: Thai Baht (THB)
Local Time: 23:34
Timezone: Asia/Bangkok
Population: 69 428 524
Land Area: 514 000 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Thailand without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Thailand but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Thailand / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +66 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Thailand is 23:34.

Unspecified phone numbers from Thailand

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Thailand.

+66885695340 +66 88 569 5340 088 569 5340 tel:+66-88-569-5340
+66959389760 +66 95 938 9760 095 938 9760 tel:+66-95-938-9760
+66944598907 +66 94 459 8907 094 459 8907 tel:+66-94-459-8907
+66620060670 +66 62 006 0670 062 006 0670 tel:+66-62-006-0670
+66834853423 +66 83 485 3423 083 485 3423 tel:+66-83-485-3423
+66567998563 +66 56 799 8563 056 799 8563 tel:+66-56-799-8563
+66627853669 +66 62 785 3669 062 785 3669 tel:+66-62-785-3669
+66969714035 +66 96 971 4035 096 971 4035 tel:+66-96-971-4035
+66946610615 +66 94 661 0615 094 661 0615 tel:+66-94-661-0615
+66945627226 +66 94 562 7226 094 562 7226 tel:+66-94-562-7226
+66944236813 +66 94 423 6813 094 423 6813 tel:+66-94-423-6813
+66660566539 +66 66 056 6539 066 056 6539 tel:+66-66-056-6539
+66822985927 +66 82 298 5927 082 298 5927 tel:+66-82-298-5927
+66661590866 +66 66 159 0866 066 159 0866 tel:+66-66-159-0866
+66618987587 +66 61 898 7587 061 898 7587 tel:+66-61-898-7587
+66956479605 +66 95 647 9605 095 647 9605 tel:+66-95-647-9605
+66930029432 +66 93 002 9432 093 002 9432 tel:+66-93-002-9432
+66932772492 +66 93 277 2492 093 277 2492 tel:+66-93-277-2492
+66984759932 +66 98 475 9932 098 475 9932 tel:+66-98-475-9932
+66634369051 +66 63 436 9051 063 436 9051 tel:+66-63-436-9051
+66949463255 +66 94 946 3255 094 946 3255 tel:+66-94-946-3255
+66994564393 +66 99 456 4393 099 456 4393 tel:+66-99-456-4393
+66949700349 +66 94 970 0349 094 970 0349 tel:+66-94-970-0349
+66982913246 +66 98 291 3246 098 291 3246 tel:+66-98-291-3246
+66946968129 +66 94 696 8129 094 696 8129 tel:+66-94-696-8129
+66660343969 +66 66 034 3969 066 034 3969 tel:+66-66-034-3969
+66822239394 +66 82 223 9394 082 223 9394 tel:+66-82-223-9394
+66631189350 +66 63 118 9350 063 118 9350 tel:+66-63-118-9350
+66620916800 +66 62 091 6800 062 091 6800 tel:+66-62-091-6800
+66988514101 +66 98 851 4101 098 851 4101 tel:+66-98-851-4101
+66866524955 +66 86 652 4955 086 652 4955 tel:+66-86-652-4955
+66951284211 +66 95 128 4211 095 128 4211 tel:+66-95-128-4211
+66947287717 +66 94 728 7717 094 728 7717 tel:+66-94-728-7717
+66960347194 +66 96 034 7194 096 034 7194 tel:+66-96-034-7194
+66969390306 +66 96 939 0306 096 939 0306 tel:+66-96-939-0306
+66977657463 +66 97 765 7463 097 765 7463 tel:+66-97-765-7463
+66943864942 +66 94 386 4942 094 386 4942 tel:+66-94-386-4942
+66636240155 +66 63 624 0155 063 624 0155 tel:+66-63-624-0155
+66646368121 +66 64 636 8121 064 636 8121 tel:+66-64-636-8121
+66947096897 +66 94 709 6897 094 709 6897 tel:+66-94-709-6897
+66961253635 +66 96 125 3635 096 125 3635 tel:+66-96-125-3635
+66932754259 +66 93 275 4259 093 275 4259 tel:+66-93-275-4259
+66805726602 +66 80 572 6602 080 572 6602 tel:+66-80-572-6602
+66824841141 +66 82 484 1141 082 484 1141 tel:+66-82-484-1141
+66804577252 +66 80 457 7252 080 457 7252 tel:+66-80-457-7252
+66968106640 +66 96 810 6640 096 810 6640 tel:+66-96-810-6640
+66938093449 +66 93 809 3449 093 809 3449 tel:+66-93-809-3449
+66648603014 +66 64 860 3014 064 860 3014 tel:+66-64-860-3014
+66648603015 +66 64 860 3015 064 860 3015 tel:+66-64-860-3015
+66626148571 +66 62 614 8571 062 614 8571 tel:+66-62-614-8571