Reported phone numbers in Thailand (+66)

Local time
Emergency phone number
191 or 911
Country Calling Code: +66
E.164 (Country Code): 66
Emergency phone number: 191 or 911
Capital: Bangkok
Language: Thai
Valuta: Thai Baht (THB)
Local Time: 20:21
Timezone: Asia/Bangkok
Population: 69 428 524
Land Area: 514 000 KM2

Reported phone numbers from Thailand without area code location

These reported phone numbers originate from Thailand but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in Thailand / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +66 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Thailand is 20:21.

Unspecified phone numbers from Thailand

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from Thailand.

+66994475144 +66 99 447 5144 099 447 5144 tel:+66-99-447-5144
+66809042505 +66 80 904 2505 080 904 2505 tel:+66-80-904-2505
+66825310294 +66 82 531 0294 082 531 0294 tel:+66-82-531-0294
+66864473280 +66 86 447 3280 086 447 3280 tel:+66-86-447-3280
+66991904246 +66 99 190 4246 099 190 4246 tel:+66-99-190-4246
+66946969485 +66 94 696 9485 094 696 9485 tel:+66-94-696-9485
+66925646752 +66 92 564 6752 092 564 6752 tel:+66-92-564-6752
+66945306192 +66 94 530 6192 094 530 6192 tel:+66-94-530-6192
+66827769533 +66 82 776 9533 082 776 9533 tel:+66-82-776-9533
+66631414347 +66 63 141 4347 063 141 4347 tel:+66-63-141-4347
+66829477878 +66 82 947 7878 082 947 7878 tel:+66-82-947-7878
+66633988154 +66 63 398 8154 063 398 8154 tel:+66-63-398-8154
+66943848052 +66 94 384 8052 094 384 8052 tel:+66-94-384-8052
+66629253085 +66 62 925 3085 062 925 3085 tel:+66-62-925-3085
+66945371427 +66 94 537 1427 094 537 1427 tel:+66-94-537-1427
+66943193228 +66 94 319 3228 094 319 3228 tel:+66-94-319-3228
+66804833878 +66 80 483 3878 080 483 3878 tel:+66-80-483-3878
+66926260912 +66 92 626 0912 092 626 0912 tel:+66-92-626-0912
+66925615706 +66 92 561 5706 092 561 5706 tel:+66-92-561-5706
+66993172109 +66 99 317 2109 099 317 2109 tel:+66-99-317-2109
+66805807180 +66 80 580 7180 080 580 7180 tel:+66-80-580-7180
+66627693061 +66 62 769 3061 062 769 3061 tel:+66-62-769-3061
+66980038901 +66 98 003 8901 098 003 8901 tel:+66-98-003-8901
+66918056868 +66 91 805 6868 091 805 6868 tel:+66-91-805-6868
+66943219470 +66 94 321 9470 094 321 9470 tel:+66-94-321-9470
+66816801695 +66 81 680 1695 081 680 1695 tel:+66-81-680-1695
+66994802419 +66 99 480 2419 099 480 2419 tel:+66-99-480-2419
+66864508659 +66 86 450 8659 086 450 8659 tel:+66-86-450-8659
+66805827684 +66 80 582 7684 080 582 7684 tel:+66-80-582-7684
+66629822147 +66 62 982 2147 062 982 2147 tel:+66-62-982-2147
+66635191863 +66 63 519 1863 063 519 1863 tel:+66-63-519-1863
+66935702045 +66 93 570 2045 093 570 2045 tel:+66-93-570-2045