Reported phone numbers in United States (+1518)

Local time
United States
Emergency phone number
United States
United States
Washington D.C.
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 16:01
Timezone: America/Adak
Population: 327 167 434
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Details for calling United States

These reported phone numbers originate from United States but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in United States / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +1 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in United States is 16:01.

Unspecified phone numbers from United States

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from United States.

+15182001021 +1 518-200-1021 (518) 200-1021 tel:+1-518-200-1021
+15185051865 +1 518-505-1865 (518) 505-1865 tel:+1-518-505-1865
+15182000288 +1 518-200-0288 (518) 200-0288 tel:+1-518-200-0288
+15185051854 +1 518-505-1854 (518) 505-1854 tel:+1-518-505-1854
+15185051893 +1 518-505-1893 (518) 505-1893 tel:+1-518-505-1893
+15185051910 +1 518-505-1910 (518) 505-1910 tel:+1-518-505-1910
+15182000587 +1 518-200-0587 (518) 200-0587 tel:+1-518-200-0587
+15182000861 +1 518-200-0861 (518) 200-0861 tel:+1-518-200-0861
+15182001308 +1 518-200-1308 (518) 200-1308 tel:+1-518-200-1308
+15182000073 +1 518-200-0073 (518) 200-0073 tel:+1-518-200-0073
+15182001328 +1 518-200-1328 (518) 200-1328 tel:+1-518-200-1328
+15185051848 +1 518-505-1848 (518) 505-1848 tel:+1-518-505-1848
+15185051902 +1 518-505-1902 (518) 505-1902 tel:+1-518-505-1902
+15182000094 +1 518-200-0094 (518) 200-0094 tel:+1-518-200-0094
+15185051888 +1 518-505-1888 (518) 505-1888 tel:+1-518-505-1888
+15182000696 +1 518-200-0696 (518) 200-0696 tel:+1-518-200-0696
+15182001013 +1 518-200-1013 (518) 200-1013 tel:+1-518-200-1013
+15182001049 +1 518-200-1049 (518) 200-1049 tel:+1-518-200-1049
+15182000286 +1 518-200-0286 (518) 200-0286 tel:+1-518-200-0286
+15182001340 +1 518-200-1340 (518) 200-1340 tel:+1-518-200-1340
+15185051879 +1 518-505-1879 (518) 505-1879 tel:+1-518-505-1879
+15185051863 +1 518-505-1863 (518) 505-1863 tel:+1-518-505-1863
+15182000801 +1 518-200-0801 (518) 200-0801 tel:+1-518-200-0801
+15182001027 +1 518-200-1027 (518) 200-1027 tel:+1-518-200-1027
+15182001046 +1 518-200-1046 (518) 200-1046 tel:+1-518-200-1046
+15182001121 +1 518-200-1121 (518) 200-1121 tel:+1-518-200-1121
+15185051918 +1 518-505-1918 (518) 505-1918 tel:+1-518-505-1918
+15182000043 +1 518-200-0043 (518) 200-0043 tel:+1-518-200-0043
+15185051919 +1 518-505-1919 (518) 505-1919 tel:+1-518-505-1919
+15182001092 +1 518-200-1092 (518) 200-1092 tel:+1-518-200-1092
+15182001120 +1 518-200-1120 (518) 200-1120 tel:+1-518-200-1120
+15182000369 +1 518-200-0369 (518) 200-0369 tel:+1-518-200-0369
+15182001140 +1 518-200-1140 (518) 200-1140 tel:+1-518-200-1140
+15182000749 +1 518-200-0749 (518) 200-0749 tel:+1-518-200-0749
+15182000892 +1 518-200-0892 (518) 200-0892 tel:+1-518-200-0892
+15182000128 +1 518-200-0128 (518) 200-0128 tel:+1-518-200-0128
+15185051857 +1 518-505-1857 (518) 505-1857 tel:+1-518-505-1857
+15182000063 +1 518-200-0063 (518) 200-0063 tel:+1-518-200-0063
+15182000253 +1 518-200-0253 (518) 200-0253 tel:+1-518-200-0253
+15182001084 +1 518-200-1084 (518) 200-1084 tel:+1-518-200-1084
+15182000018 +1 518-200-0018 (518) 200-0018 tel:+1-518-200-0018
+15182000823 +1 518-200-0823 (518) 200-0823 tel:+1-518-200-0823
+15182000736 +1 518-200-0736 (518) 200-0736 tel:+1-518-200-0736
+15182001315 +1 518-200-1315 (518) 200-1315 tel:+1-518-200-1315
+15182000877 +1 518-200-0877 (518) 200-0877 tel:+1-518-200-0877
+15182001024 +1 518-200-1024 (518) 200-1024 tel:+1-518-200-1024
+15182001146 +1 518-200-1146 (518) 200-1146 tel:+1-518-200-1146
+15182001030 +1 518-200-1030 (518) 200-1030 tel:+1-518-200-1030
+15182001345 +1 518-200-1345 (518) 200-1345 tel:+1-518-200-1345
+15182000214 +1 518-200-0214 (518) 200-0214 tel:+1-518-200-0214