Reported phone numbers in United States (+1980)

Local time
United States
Emergency phone number
United States
United States
Washington D.C.
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 14:21
Timezone: America/Adak
Population: 327 167 434
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Details for calling United States

These reported phone numbers originate from United States but has no area code, this is common for mobile phone numbers and also IP phone numbers (for example Skype). When calling a person or company located in United States / abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the local phone number. In this case +1 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in United States is 14:21.

Unspecified phone numbers from United States

The list below contains all phone numbers that are missing a more specific geolocation except that it originate from United States.

+19805621284 +1 980-562-1284 (980) 562-1284 tel:+1-980-562-1284
+19806214684 +1 980-621-4684 (980) 621-4684 tel:+1-980-621-4684
+19809490662 +1 980-949-0662 (980) 949-0662 tel:+1-980-949-0662
+19809491190 +1 980-949-1190 (980) 949-1190 tel:+1-980-949-1190
+19809492531 +1 980-949-2531 (980) 949-2531 tel:+1-980-949-2531
+19809803068 +1 980-980-3068 (980) 980-3068 tel:+1-980-980-3068
+19802000025 +1 980-200-0025 (980) 200-0025 tel:+1-980-200-0025
+19802001849 +1 980-200-1849 (980) 200-1849 tel:+1-980-200-1849
+19802020862 +1 980-202-0862 (980) 202-0862 tel:+1-980-202-0862
+19802021089 +1 980-202-1089 (980) 202-1089 tel:+1-980-202-1089
+19802026063 +1 980-202-6063 (980) 202-6063 tel:+1-980-202-6063
+19802160527 +1 980-216-0527 (980) 216-0527 tel:+1-980-216-0527
+19802162084 +1 980-216-2084 (980) 216-2084 tel:+1-980-216-2084
+19802250022 +1 980-225-0022 (980) 225-0022 tel:+1-980-225-0022
+19802282258 +1 980-228-2258 (980) 228-2258 tel:+1-980-228-2258
+19802282721 +1 980-228-2721 (980) 228-2721 tel:+1-980-228-2721
+19802553185 +1 980-255-3185 (980) 255-3185 tel:+1-980-255-3185
+19802560542 +1 980-256-0542 (980) 256-0542 tel:+1-980-256-0542
+19802568420 +1 980-256-8420 (980) 256-8420 tel:+1-980-256-8420
+19802607355 +1 980-260-7355 (980) 260-7355 tel:+1-980-260-7355
+19803540583 +1 980-354-0583 (980) 354-0583 tel:+1-980-354-0583
+19803541726 +1 980-354-1726 (980) 354-1726 tel:+1-980-354-1726
+19803542566 +1 980-354-2566 (980) 354-2566 tel:+1-980-354-2566
+19803542843 +1 980-354-2843 (980) 354-2843 tel:+1-980-354-2843
+19803549669 +1 980-354-9669 (980) 354-9669 tel:+1-980-354-9669
+19803634378 +1 980-363-4378 (980) 363-4378 tel:+1-980-363-4378
+19804300267 +1 980-430-0267 (980) 430-0267 tel:+1-980-430-0267
+19805220640 +1 980-522-0640 (980) 522-0640 tel:+1-980-522-0640
+19805221870 +1 980-522-1870 (980) 522-1870 tel:+1-980-522-1870
+19805222353 +1 980-522-2353 (980) 522-2353 tel:+1-980-522-2353
+19805622136 +1 980-562-2136 (980) 562-2136 tel:+1-980-562-2136
+19805622512 +1 980-562-2512 (980) 562-2512 tel:+1-980-562-2512
+19805624033 +1 980-562-4033 (980) 562-4033 tel:+1-980-562-4033
+19809491792 +1 980-949-1792 (980) 949-1792 tel:+1-980-949-1792
+19809492729 +1 980-949-2729 (980) 949-2729 tel:+1-980-949-2729
+19809802369 +1 980-980-2369 (980) 980-2369 tel:+1-980-980-2369
+19809803170 +1 980-980-3170 (980) 980-3170 tel:+1-980-980-3170
+19809803564 +1 980-980-3564 (980) 980-3564 tel:+1-980-980-3564
+19802001706 +1 980-200-1706 (980) 200-1706 tel:+1-980-200-1706
+19802002582 +1 980-200-2582 (980) 200-2582 tel:+1-980-200-2582
+19802002743 +1 980-200-2743 (980) 200-2743 tel:+1-980-200-2743
+19802020116 +1 980-202-0116 (980) 202-0116 tel:+1-980-202-0116
+19802020834 +1 980-202-0834 (980) 202-0834 tel:+1-980-202-0834
+19802021179 +1 980-202-1179 (980) 202-1179 tel:+1-980-202-1179
+19802021992 +1 980-202-1992 (980) 202-1992 tel:+1-980-202-1992
+19802384977 +1 980-238-4977 (980) 238-4977 tel:+1-980-238-4977
+19802489534 +1 980-248-9534 (980) 248-9534 tel:+1-980-248-9534
+19802566144 +1 980-256-6144 (980) 256-6144 tel:+1-980-256-6144
+19802601098 +1 980-260-1098 (980) 260-1098 tel:+1-980-260-1098
+19802602241 +1 980-260-2241 (980) 260-2241 tel:+1-980-260-2241