Area code 140 (Calgary, AB)

Area code
Calgary, AB
Local time
Calgary, AB
11:59:35 PM
Emergency phone number
Calgary, AB
Area: Calgary, AB
Area code: 0140
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 23:59:35
Time difference: 14 hours ahead of you
Timezone: America/Adak
Population: 327 167 434
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Area code 140 - Calgary, AB

Calgary, AB is located in United States and has area code 140. When calling a person or company located in Calgary, AB from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1140 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Calgary, AB is 23:59:35.

Reported phone numbers in Calgary, AB

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+14032000936 +1 403-200-0936 (403) 200-0936 tel:+1-403-200-0936
+14032000959 +1 403-200-0959 (403) 200-0959 tel:+1-403-200-0959
+14032001089 +1 403-200-1089 (403) 200-1089 tel:+1-403-200-1089
+14032007125 +1 403-200-7125 (403) 200-7125 tel:+1-403-200-7125
+14032001069 +1 403-200-1069 (403) 200-1069 tel:+1-403-200-1069
+14032035065 +1 403-203-5065 (403) 203-5065 tel:+1-403-203-5065
+14032000736 +1 403-200-0736 (403) 200-0736 tel:+1-403-200-0736
+14032007078 +1 403-200-7078 (403) 200-7078 tel:+1-403-200-7078
+14032035153 +1 403-203-5153 (403) 203-5153 tel:+1-403-203-5153
+14032024942 +1 403-202-4942 (403) 202-4942 tel:+1-403-202-4942
+14032025000 +1 403-202-5000 (403) 202-5000 tel:+1-403-202-5000
+14032000857 +1 403-200-0857 (403) 200-0857 tel:+1-403-200-0857
+14032024914 +1 403-202-4914 (403) 202-4914 tel:+1-403-202-4914
+14032007174 +1 403-200-7174 (403) 200-7174 tel:+1-403-200-7174
+14032000747 +1 403-200-0747 (403) 200-0747 tel:+1-403-200-0747
+14032000969 +1 403-200-0969 (403) 200-0969 tel:+1-403-200-0969
+14032006914 +1 403-200-6914 (403) 200-6914 tel:+1-403-200-6914
+14032035366 +1 403-203-5366 (403) 203-5366 tel:+1-403-203-5366
+14032025138 +1 403-202-5138 (403) 202-5138 tel:+1-403-202-5138
+14032006975 +1 403-200-6975 (403) 200-6975 tel:+1-403-200-6975
+14032001273 +1 403-200-1273 (403) 200-1273 tel:+1-403-200-1273
+14032000188 +1 403-200-0188 (403) 200-0188 tel:+1-403-200-0188
+14032007371 +1 403-200-7371 (403) 200-7371 tel:+1-403-200-7371
+14032007190 +1 403-200-7190 (403) 200-7190 tel:+1-403-200-7190
+14032000635 +1 403-200-0635 (403) 200-0635 tel:+1-403-200-0635
+14032001059 +1 403-200-1059 (403) 200-1059 tel:+1-403-200-1059
+14032000956 +1 403-200-0956 (403) 200-0956 tel:+1-403-200-0956
+14032007369 +1 403-200-7369 (403) 200-7369 tel:+1-403-200-7369
+14032001080 +1 403-200-1080 (403) 200-1080 tel:+1-403-200-1080
+14032025073 +1 403-202-5073 (403) 202-5073 tel:+1-403-202-5073
+14032007230 +1 403-200-7230 (403) 200-7230 tel:+1-403-200-7230
+14032000457 +1 403-200-0457 (403) 200-0457 tel:+1-403-200-0457
+14032001053 +1 403-200-1053 (403) 200-1053 tel:+1-403-200-1053
+14032001134 +1 403-200-1134 (403) 200-1134 tel:+1-403-200-1134
+14032001181 +1 403-200-1181 (403) 200-1181 tel:+1-403-200-1181
+14032035394 +1 403-203-5394 (403) 203-5394 tel:+1-403-203-5394
+14032035226 +1 403-203-5226 (403) 203-5226 tel:+1-403-203-5226
+14032035245 +1 403-203-5245 (403) 203-5245 tel:+1-403-203-5245
+14032000957 +1 403-200-0957 (403) 200-0957 tel:+1-403-200-0957
+14032007246 +1 403-200-7246 (403) 200-7246 tel:+1-403-200-7246
+14032035173 +1 403-203-5173 (403) 203-5173 tel:+1-403-203-5173
+14032000889 +1 403-200-0889 (403) 200-0889 tel:+1-403-200-0889
+14032000963 +1 403-200-0963 (403) 200-0963 tel:+1-403-200-0963
+14032000030 +1 403-200-0030 (403) 200-0030 tel:+1-403-200-0030
+14032000829 +1 403-200-0829 (403) 200-0829 tel:+1-403-200-0829
+14032000536 +1 403-200-0536 (403) 200-0536 tel:+1-403-200-0536
+14032035097 +1 403-203-5097 (403) 203-5097 tel:+1-403-203-5097
+14032024896 +1 403-202-4896 (403) 202-4896 tel:+1-403-202-4896
+14032007159 +1 403-200-7159 (403) 200-7159 tel:+1-403-200-7159
+14032035367 +1 403-203-5367 (403) 203-5367 tel:+1-403-203-5367