College Station, Texas - Area code 197

Area code
College Station, TX
Local time
College Station, TX
Emergency phone number
College Station, TX
State: Texas
State code: TX
Area: College Station, TX
Area code: 0197
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 18:23
Timezone: America/Chicago
Population: 22 875 689
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

College Station, Texas - United States, Texas

College Station is located in United States and has area code 197. When calling a person or company located in College Station from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1197 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in College Station, TX is 18:23.

College Station - Postal numbers

College Station has 7 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
72053College StationArkansas-92.2283/34.7093
77840College StationTexas-96.3123/30.6045
77841College StationTexas-96.327/30.5726
77842College StationTexas-96.341/30.6521
77843College StationTexas-96.341/30.6521
77844College StationTexas-96.341/30.6521
77845College StationTexas-96.3171/30.5118

Other areas in Texas with area code 197

College Station share the same area code (0197) with these 9 other areas in Texas.

Carrollton, Red Oak, Grand Prairie, Richardson, Brenham, Clute, College Station, Sealy, Lake Jackson

Area code Area name
0197 Carrollton
0197 Red Oak
0197 Grand Prairie
0197 Richardson
0197 Brenham
0197 Clute
0197 College Station
0197 Sealy
0197 Lake Jackson
Reported phone numbers in College Station

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+19796942727 +1 979-694-2727 (979) 694-2727 tel:+1-979-694-2727
+19796942855 +1 979-694-2855 (979) 694-2855 tel:+1-979-694-2855
+19796932196 +1 979-693-2196 (979) 693-2196 tel:+1-979-693-2196
+19796932487 +1 979-693-2487 (979) 693-2487 tel:+1-979-693-2487
+19796900812 +1 979-690-0812 (979) 690-0812 tel:+1-979-690-0812
+19796904807 +1 979-690-4807 (979) 690-4807 tel:+1-979-690-4807
+19796908718 +1 979-690-8718 (979) 690-8718 tel:+1-979-690-8718
+19796932089 +1 979-693-2089 (979) 693-2089 tel:+1-979-693-2089
+19796938056 +1 979-693-8056 (979) 693-8056 tel:+1-979-693-8056
+19796932417 +1 979-693-2417 (979) 693-2417 tel:+1-979-693-2417
+19796941071 +1 979-694-1071 (979) 694-1071 tel:+1-979-694-1071
+19796941637 +1 979-694-1637 (979) 694-1637 tel:+1-979-694-1637
+19796942071 +1 979-694-2071 (979) 694-2071 tel:+1-979-694-2071
+19796902477 +1 979-690-2477 (979) 690-2477 tel:+1-979-690-2477
+19796932435 +1 979-693-2435 (979) 693-2435 tel:+1-979-693-2435
+19796940335 +1 979-694-0335 (979) 694-0335 tel:+1-979-694-0335
+19796931915 +1 979-693-1915 (979) 693-1915 tel:+1-979-693-1915
+19796940055 +1 979-694-0055 (979) 694-0055 tel:+1-979-694-0055
+19796940680 +1 979-694-0680 (979) 694-0680 tel:+1-979-694-0680
+19796942242 +1 979-694-2242 (979) 694-2242 tel:+1-979-694-2242
+19796902370 +1 979-690-2370 (979) 690-2370 tel:+1-979-690-2370
+19796902467 +1 979-690-2467 (979) 690-2467 tel:+1-979-690-2467
+19796937021 +1 979-693-7021 (979) 693-7021 tel:+1-979-693-7021
+19796942230 +1 979-694-2230 (979) 694-2230 tel:+1-979-694-2230
+19796902451 +1 979-690-2451 (979) 690-2451 tel:+1-979-690-2451
+19796939681 +1 979-693-9681 (979) 693-9681 tel:+1-979-693-9681
+19796941988 +1 979-694-1988 (979) 694-1988 tel:+1-979-694-1988
+19796902431 +1 979-690-2431 (979) 690-2431 tel:+1-979-690-2431
+19796940625 +1 979-694-0625 (979) 694-0625 tel:+1-979-694-0625
+19796942176 +1 979-694-2176 (979) 694-2176 tel:+1-979-694-2176
+19796945195 +1 979-694-5195 (979) 694-5195 tel:+1-979-694-5195
+19796932628 +1 979-693-2628 (979) 693-2628 tel:+1-979-693-2628
+19796901918 +1 979-690-1918 (979) 690-1918 tel:+1-979-690-1918
+19796932159 +1 979-693-2159 (979) 693-2159 tel:+1-979-693-2159
+19796932516 +1 979-693-2516 (979) 693-2516 tel:+1-979-693-2516
+19796947269 +1 979-694-7269 (979) 694-7269 tel:+1-979-694-7269
+19796900210 +1 979-690-0210 (979) 690-0210 tel:+1-979-690-0210
+19796902423 +1 979-690-2423 (979) 690-2423 tel:+1-979-690-2423
+19796932987 +1 979-693-2987 (979) 693-2987 tel:+1-979-693-2987
+19796901161 +1 979-690-1161 (979) 690-1161 tel:+1-979-690-1161
+19796932282 +1 979-693-2282 (979) 693-2282 tel:+1-979-693-2282
+19796901974 +1 979-690-1974 (979) 690-1974 tel:+1-979-690-1974
+19796902368 +1 979-690-2368 (979) 690-2368 tel:+1-979-690-2368
+19796930126 +1 979-693-0126 (979) 693-0126 tel:+1-979-693-0126
+19796942006 +1 979-694-2006 (979) 694-2006 tel:+1-979-694-2006
+19796932035 +1 979-693-2035 (979) 693-2035 tel:+1-979-693-2035
+19796932512 +1 979-693-2512 (979) 693-2512 tel:+1-979-693-2512
+19796935870 +1 979-693-5870 (979) 693-5870 tel:+1-979-693-5870
+19796931729 +1 979-693-1729 (979) 693-1729 tel:+1-979-693-1729
+19796902213 +1 979-690-2213 (979) 690-2213 tel:+1-979-690-2213