Detroit Lakes, Minnesota - Area code 218

Area code
Detroit Lakes, MN
Local time
Detroit Lakes, MN
Emergency phone number
Detroit Lakes, MN
State: Minnesota
State code: MN
Area: Detroit Lakes, MN
Area code: 0218
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 17:02
Timezone: America/Chicago
Population: 5 141 953
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Detroit Lakes, Minnesota - United States, Minnesota

Detroit Lakes is located in United States and has area code 218. When calling a person or company located in Detroit Lakes from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1218 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Detroit Lakes, MN is 17:02.

Detroit Lakes - Postal numbers

Detroit Lakes has 2 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
56501Detroit LakesMinnesota-95.8453/46.8172
56502Detroit LakesMinnesota-95.8453/46.8172

Other areas in Minnesota with area code 218

Detroit Lakes share the same area code (0218) with these 79 other areas in Minnesota.

Crosby, Thief River Fls, Cloquet, Chisholm, Wadena, Karlstad, Longville, Red Lake Falls, Aurora, Fergus Falls, Crosslake, Tower, Deer River, Menahga, Ely, Nevis, Elbow Lake, Parkers Prairie, East Grand Forks, Cook, Vergas, Brainerd, Erskine, Moose Lake, Ottertail, Detroit Lakes, Emily, Hallock, Walker, Two Harbors, Carlton, Hawley, Fosston, Baudette, Pillager, Bemidji, Blackduck, Warren, Park Rapids, Internatl Falls, Grand Rapids, Red Lake, Hackensack, Duluth, Silver Bay, Laporte, Moorhead, Virginia, Lake Park, Hibbing, Crookston, Frazee, Cass Lake, Perham, Barnesville, New York Mills, Warroad, Grand Marais, Roseau, Remer, Pequot Lakes, Henning, Pine River, Breckenridge, Bagley, Bigfork, Eveleth, McGregor, Greenbush, Ada, Pelican Rapids, Battle Lake, Nashwauk, Staples, Aitkin, Mahnomen, Fertile, Nisswa, Ogema

Area code Area name
0218 Crosby
0218 Thief River Fls
0218 Cloquet
0218 Chisholm
0218 Wadena
0218 Karlstad
0218 Longville
0218 Red Lake Falls
0218 Aurora
0218 Fergus Falls
0218 Crosslake
0218 Tower
0218 Deer River
0218 Menahga
0218 Ely
0218 Nevis
0218 Elbow Lake
0218 Parkers Prairie
0218 East Grand Forks
0218 Cook
0218 Vergas
0218 Brainerd
0218 Erskine
0218 Moose Lake
0218 Ottertail
0218 Detroit Lakes
0218 Emily
0218 Hallock
0218 Walker
0218 Two Harbors
0218 Carlton
0218 Hawley
0218 Fosston
0218 Baudette
0218 Pillager
0218 Bemidji
0218 Blackduck
0218 Warren
0218 Park Rapids
0218 Internatl Falls
0218 Grand Rapids
0218 Red Lake
0218 Hackensack
0218 Duluth
0218 Silver Bay
0218 Laporte
0218 Moorhead
0218 Virginia
0218 Lake Park
0218 Hibbing
0218 Crookston
0218 Frazee
0218 Cass Lake
0218 Perham
0218 Barnesville
0218 New York Mills
0218 Warroad
0218 Grand Marais
0218 Roseau
0218 Remer
0218 Pequot Lakes
0218 Henning
0218 Pine River
0218 Breckenridge
0218 Bagley
0218 Bigfork
0218 Eveleth
0218 McGregor
0218 Greenbush
0218 Ada
0218 Pelican Rapids
0218 Battle Lake
0218 Nashwauk
0218 Staples
0218 Aitkin
0218 Mahnomen
0218 Fertile
0218 Nisswa
0218 Ogema
Reported phone numbers in Detroit Lakes

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+12188466010 +1 218-846-6010 (218) 846-6010 tel:+1-218-846-6010
+12188460206 +1 218-846-0206 (218) 846-0206 tel:+1-218-846-0206
+12188460209 +1 218-846-0209 (218) 846-0209 tel:+1-218-846-0209
+12188466015 +1 218-846-6015 (218) 846-6015 tel:+1-218-846-6015
+12188466012 +1 218-846-6012 (218) 846-6012 tel:+1-218-846-6012
+12188466008 +1 218-846-6008 (218) 846-6008 tel:+1-218-846-6008
+12188466016 +1 218-846-6016 (218) 846-6016 tel:+1-218-846-6016
+12188460203 +1 218-846-0203 (218) 846-0203 tel:+1-218-846-0203
+12188466009 +1 218-846-6009 (218) 846-6009 tel:+1-218-846-6009
+12188460204 +1 218-846-0204 (218) 846-0204 tel:+1-218-846-0204
+12188466014 +1 218-846-6014 (218) 846-6014 tel:+1-218-846-6014
+12188447639 +1 218-844-7639 (218) 844-7639 tel:+1-218-844-7639
+12188442227 +1 218-844-2227 (218) 844-2227 tel:+1-218-844-2227
+12188440539 +1 218-844-0539 (218) 844-0539 tel:+1-218-844-0539
+12188460205 +1 218-846-0205 (218) 846-0205 tel:+1-218-846-0205
+12188460201 +1 218-846-0201 (218) 846-0201 tel:+1-218-846-0201
+12188460202 +1 218-846-0202 (218) 846-0202 tel:+1-218-846-0202
+12188442226 +1 218-844-2226 (218) 844-2226 tel:+1-218-844-2226
+12188460207 +1 218-846-0207 (218) 846-0207 tel:+1-218-846-0207
+12188460208 +1 218-846-0208 (218) 846-0208 tel:+1-218-846-0208
+12188466013 +1 218-846-6013 (218) 846-6013 tel:+1-218-846-6013
+12188466011 +1 218-846-6011 (218) 846-6011 tel:+1-218-846-6011