Grand Prairie, Texas - Area code 197

Area code
Grand Prairie, TX
Local time
Grand Prairie, TX
Emergency phone number
Grand Prairie, TX
State: Texas
State code: TX
Area: Grand Prairie, TX
Area code: 0197
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 08:49
Timezone: America/Chicago
Population: 22 875 689
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Grand Prairie, Texas - United States, Texas

Grand Prairie is located in United States and has area code 197. When calling a person or company located in Grand Prairie from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1197 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Grand Prairie, TX is 08:49.

Grand Prairie - Postal numbers

Grand Prairie has 5 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
75050Grand PrairieTexas-97.0112/32.7649
75051Grand PrairieTexas-97.0069/32.7115
75052Grand PrairieTexas-97.0311/32.6605
75053Grand PrairieTexas-96.9978/32.746
75054Grand PrairieTexas-97.0405/32.5907

Other areas in Texas with area code 197

Grand Prairie share the same area code (0197) with these 9 other areas in Texas.

Carrollton, Red Oak, Grand Prairie, Richardson, Brenham, Clute, College Station, Sealy, Lake Jackson

Area code Area name
0197 Carrollton
0197 Red Oak
0197 Grand Prairie
0197 Richardson
0197 Brenham
0197 Clute
0197 College Station
0197 Sealy
0197 Lake Jackson
Reported phone numbers in Grand Prairie

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+19722379503 +1 972-237-9503 (972) 237-9503 tel:+1-972-237-9503
+19722060112 +1 972-206-0112 (972) 206-0112 tel:+1-972-206-0112
+19722373145 +1 972-237-3145 (972) 237-3145 tel:+1-972-237-3145
+19722374862 +1 972-237-4862 (972) 237-4862 tel:+1-972-237-4862
+19726411639 +1 972-641-1639 (972) 641-1639 tel:+1-972-641-1639
+19726237126 +1 972-623-7126 (972) 623-7126 tel:+1-972-623-7126
+19726411759 +1 972-641-1759 (972) 641-1759 tel:+1-972-641-1759
+19726413608 +1 972-641-3608 (972) 641-3608 tel:+1-972-641-3608
+19722379591 +1 972-237-9591 (972) 237-9591 tel:+1-972-237-9591
+19726231418 +1 972-623-1418 (972) 623-1418 tel:+1-972-623-1418
+19722373926 +1 972-237-3926 (972) 237-3926 tel:+1-972-237-3926
+19722373976 +1 972-237-3976 (972) 237-3976 tel:+1-972-237-3976
+19726239951 +1 972-623-9951 (972) 623-9951 tel:+1-972-623-9951
+19726419361 +1 972-641-9361 (972) 641-9361 tel:+1-972-641-9361
+19726236931 +1 972-623-6931 (972) 623-6931 tel:+1-972-623-6931
+19722662294 +1 972-266-2294 (972) 266-2294 tel:+1-972-266-2294
+19723523586 +1 972-352-3586 (972) 352-3586 tel:+1-972-352-3586
+19726234785 +1 972-623-4785 (972) 623-4785 tel:+1-972-623-4785
+19722060103 +1 972-206-0103 (972) 206-0103 tel:+1-972-206-0103
+19726232539 +1 972-623-2539 (972) 623-2539 tel:+1-972-623-2539
+19726419519 +1 972-641-9519 (972) 641-9519 tel:+1-972-641-9519
+19722060111 +1 972-206-0111 (972) 206-0111 tel:+1-972-206-0111
+19726410221 +1 972-641-0221 (972) 641-0221 tel:+1-972-641-0221
+19726416909 +1 972-641-6909 (972) 641-6909 tel:+1-972-641-6909
+19726418111 +1 972-641-8111 (972) 641-8111 tel:+1-972-641-8111
+19722377479 +1 972-237-7479 (972) 237-7479 tel:+1-972-237-7479
+19722662305 +1 972-266-2305 (972) 266-2305 tel:+1-972-266-2305
+19726231417 +1 972-623-1417 (972) 623-1417 tel:+1-972-623-1417
+19722376123 +1 972-237-6123 (972) 237-6123 tel:+1-972-237-6123
+19722662295 +1 972-266-2295 (972) 266-2295 tel:+1-972-266-2295
+19722370850 +1 972-237-0850 (972) 237-0850 tel:+1-972-237-0850
+19722068749 +1 972-206-8749 (972) 206-8749 tel:+1-972-206-8749
+19726236344 +1 972-623-6344 (972) 623-6344 tel:+1-972-623-6344
+19726422239 +1 972-642-2239 (972) 642-2239 tel:+1-972-642-2239
+19726239246 +1 972-623-9246 (972) 623-9246 tel:+1-972-623-9246
+19722662300 +1 972-266-2300 (972) 266-2300 tel:+1-972-266-2300
+19722370808 +1 972-237-0808 (972) 237-0808 tel:+1-972-237-0808
+19722379022 +1 972-237-9022 (972) 237-9022 tel:+1-972-237-9022
+19726236810 +1 972-623-6810 (972) 623-6810 tel:+1-972-623-6810
+19722379979 +1 972-237-9979 (972) 237-9979 tel:+1-972-237-9979
+19722060109 +1 972-206-0109 (972) 206-0109 tel:+1-972-206-0109
+19722375658 +1 972-237-5658 (972) 237-5658 tel:+1-972-237-5658
+19726233741 +1 972-623-3741 (972) 623-3741 tel:+1-972-623-3741
+19722375032 +1 972-237-5032 (972) 237-5032 tel:+1-972-237-5032
+19722377397 +1 972-237-7397 (972) 237-7397 tel:+1-972-237-7397
+19722060104 +1 972-206-0104 (972) 206-0104 tel:+1-972-206-0104
+19722378617 +1 972-237-8617 (972) 237-8617 tel:+1-972-237-8617
+19726235761 +1 972-623-5761 (972) 623-5761 tel:+1-972-623-5761
+19726411818 +1 972-641-1818 (972) 641-1818 tel:+1-972-641-1818
+19722662298 +1 972-266-2298 (972) 266-2298 tel:+1-972-266-2298