La Grange, Texas - Area code 979

Area code
La Grange, TX
Local time
La Grange, TX
Emergency phone number
La Grange, TX
State: Texas
State code: TX
Area: La Grange, TX
Area code: 0979
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 01:23
Timezone: America/Chicago
Population: 22 875 689
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

La Grange, Texas - United States, Texas

La Grange is located in United States and has area code 979. When calling a person or company located in La Grange from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1979 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in La Grange, TX is 01:23.

La Grange - Postal numbers

La Grange has 10 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
72352La GrangeArkansas-90.7552/34.7697
78945La GrangeTexas-96.886/29.904
38046La GrangeTennessee-89.2437/35.0454
28551La GrangeNorth Carolina-77.7686/35.3054
63448La GrangeMissouri-91.5182/40.0391
40032La GrangeKentucky-85.4605/38.4046
40031La GrangeKentucky-85.3928/38.4029
60525La GrangeIllinois-87.8689/41.7842
95329La GrangeCalifornia-120.3851/37.6899
60526La Grange ParkIllinois-87.874/41.8318

Reported phone numbers in La Grange

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+19792426488 +1 979-242-6488 (979) 242-6488 tel:+1-979-242-6488
+19792420457 +1 979-242-0457 (979) 242-0457 tel:+1-979-242-0457
+19799688196 +1 979-968-8196 (979) 968-8196 tel:+1-979-968-8196
+19799684411 +1 979-968-4411 (979) 968-4411 tel:+1-979-968-4411
+19792428465 +1 979-242-8465 (979) 242-8465 tel:+1-979-242-8465
+19792426621 +1 979-242-6621 (979) 242-6621 tel:+1-979-242-6621
+19792425171 +1 979-242-5171 (979) 242-5171 tel:+1-979-242-5171
+19792426483 +1 979-242-6483 (979) 242-6483 tel:+1-979-242-6483
+19792426490 +1 979-242-6490 (979) 242-6490 tel:+1-979-242-6490
+19792426486 +1 979-242-6486 (979) 242-6486 tel:+1-979-242-6486
+19799685514 +1 979-968-5514 (979) 968-5514 tel:+1-979-968-5514
+19799687351 +1 979-968-7351 (979) 968-7351 tel:+1-979-968-7351
+19792428467 +1 979-242-8467 (979) 242-8467 tel:+1-979-242-8467
+19799681591 +1 979-968-1591 (979) 968-1591 tel:+1-979-968-1591
+19799689233 +1 979-968-9233 (979) 968-9233 tel:+1-979-968-9233
+19792426485 +1 979-242-6485 (979) 242-6485 tel:+1-979-242-6485
+19792426484 +1 979-242-6484 (979) 242-6484 tel:+1-979-242-6484
+19792426482 +1 979-242-6482 (979) 242-6482 tel:+1-979-242-6482
+19792426481 +1 979-242-6481 (979) 242-6481 tel:+1-979-242-6481
+19799687657 +1 979-968-7657 (979) 968-7657 tel:+1-979-968-7657
+19799682368 +1 979-968-2368 (979) 968-2368 tel:+1-979-968-2368
+19792424676 +1 979-242-4676 (979) 242-4676 tel:+1-979-242-4676
+19792423351 +1 979-242-3351 (979) 242-3351 tel:+1-979-242-3351
+19792424076 +1 979-242-4076 (979) 242-4076 tel:+1-979-242-4076
+19792428466 +1 979-242-8466 (979) 242-8466 tel:+1-979-242-8466
+19799682044 +1 979-968-2044 (979) 968-2044 tel:+1-979-968-2044
+19792427990 +1 979-242-7990 (979) 242-7990 tel:+1-979-242-7990
+19799684815 +1 979-968-4815 (979) 968-4815 tel:+1-979-968-4815
+19799688607 +1 979-968-8607 (979) 968-8607 tel:+1-979-968-8607
+19792426487 +1 979-242-6487 (979) 242-6487 tel:+1-979-242-6487
+19792426491 +1 979-242-6491 (979) 242-6491 tel:+1-979-242-6491
+19799682304 +1 979-968-2304 (979) 968-2304 tel:+1-979-968-2304
+19799685982 +1 979-968-5982 (979) 968-5982 tel:+1-979-968-5982
+19799684690 +1 979-968-4690 (979) 968-4690 tel:+1-979-968-4690
+19799689035 +1 979-968-9035 (979) 968-9035 tel:+1-979-968-9035
+19792426489 +1 979-242-6489 (979) 242-6489 tel:+1-979-242-6489
+19799681087 +1 979-968-1087 (979) 968-1087 tel:+1-979-968-1087