Little Rock, Arkansas - Area code 501

Area code
Little Rock, AR
Local time
Little Rock, AR
Emergency phone number
Little Rock, AR
State: Arkansas
State code: AR
Area: Little Rock, AR
Area code: 0501
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 00:30
Timezone: America/Chicago
Population: 2 757 631
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Little Rock, Arkansas - United States, Arkansas

Little Rock is located in United States and has area code 501. When calling a person or company located in Little Rock from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1501 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Little Rock, AR is 00:30.

Little Rock - Postal numbers

Little Rock has 38 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Show all postal numbers
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
72260Little RockArkansas-92.34/34.7399
72225Little RockArkansas-92.3925/34.7519
72227Little RockArkansas-92.3724/34.7757
72231Little RockArkansas-92.1894/34.8019
72255Little RockArkansas-92.2894/34.7464
72295Little RockArkansas-92.3925/34.7519
51243Little RockIowa-95.8926/43.4496
39337Little RockMississippi-88.9955/32.5049
29567Little RockSouth Carolina-79.4335/34.5613
72099Little Rock Air Force BaseArkansas-92.1397/34.9074
72114North Little RockArkansas-92.2629/34.7666
72115North Little RockArkansas-92.2671/34.7695
72116North Little RockArkansas-92.2305/34.8059
72117North Little RockArkansas-92.1524/34.7658
72118North Little RockArkansas-92.3289/34.8337
72119North Little RockArkansas-92.2598/34.8017
72124North Little RockArkansas-92.3925/34.7519
72190North Little RockArkansas-92.3925/34.7519
72223Little RockArkansas-92.5044/34.7902
72222Little RockArkansas-92.3925/34.7519
72201Little RockArkansas-92.2819/34.7483
72202Little RockArkansas-92.2741/34.7363
72203Little RockArkansas-92.3908/34.8835
72204Little RockArkansas-92.344/34.7269
72205Little RockArkansas-92.3455/34.751
72206Little RockArkansas-92.2776/34.6836
72207Little RockArkansas-92.3565/34.7721
72209Little RockArkansas-92.3529/34.6725
72210Little RockArkansas-92.466/34.7076
72211Little RockArkansas-92.4222/34.7413
72212Little RockArkansas-92.4222/34.7871
72214Little RockArkansas-92.2282/34.7621
72215Little RockArkansas-92.3925/34.7519
72216Little RockArkansas-92.2357/34.8178
72217Little RockArkansas-92.1702/34.8302
72219Little RockArkansas-92.3925/34.7519
72221Little RockArkansas-92.3925/34.7519
72199North Little RockArkansas-92.2847/34.8272

Reported phone numbers in Little Rock

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+15012223045 +1 501-222-3045 (501) 222-3045 tel:+1-501-222-3045
+15012223093 +1 501-222-3093 (501) 222-3093 tel:+1-501-222-3093
+15012224102 +1 501-222-4102 (501) 222-4102 tel:+1-501-222-4102
+15012224105 +1 501-222-4105 (501) 222-4105 tel:+1-501-222-4105
+15012224108 +1 501-222-4108 (501) 222-4108 tel:+1-501-222-4108
+15012224703 +1 501-222-4703 (501) 222-4703 tel:+1-501-222-4703
+15012224705 +1 501-222-4705 (501) 222-4705 tel:+1-501-222-4705
+15012224792 +1 501-222-4792 (501) 222-4792 tel:+1-501-222-4792
+15012224795 +1 501-222-4795 (501) 222-4795 tel:+1-501-222-4795
+15012228293 +1 501-222-8293 (501) 222-8293 tel:+1-501-222-8293
+15012228381 +1 501-222-8381 (501) 222-8381 tel:+1-501-222-8381
+15012229068 +1 501-222-9068 (501) 222-9068 tel:+1-501-222-9068
+15012295465 +1 501-229-5465 (501) 229-5465 tel:+1-501-229-5465
+15012443308 +1 501-244-3308 (501) 244-3308 tel:+1-501-244-3308
+15013779255 +1 501-377-9255 (501) 377-9255 tel:+1-501-377-9255
+15013779294 +1 501-377-9294 (501) 377-9294 tel:+1-501-377-9294
+15015881716 +1 501-588-1716 (501) 588-1716 tel:+1-501-588-1716
+15015882782 +1 501-588-2782 (501) 588-2782 tel:+1-501-588-2782
+15015884409 +1 501-588-4409 (501) 588-4409 tel:+1-501-588-4409
+15015884510 +1 501-588-4510 (501) 588-4510 tel:+1-501-588-4510
+15015887607 +1 501-588-7607 (501) 588-7607 tel:+1-501-588-7607
+15016144428 +1 501-614-4428 (501) 614-4428 tel:+1-501-614-4428
+15016144446 +1 501-614-4446 (501) 614-4446 tel:+1-501-614-4446
+15016144467 +1 501-614-4467 (501) 614-4467 tel:+1-501-614-4467
+15016144521 +1 501-614-4521 (501) 614-4521 tel:+1-501-614-4521
+15016144553 +1 501-614-4553 (501) 614-4553 tel:+1-501-614-4553
+15018211441 +1 501-821-1441 (501) 821-1441 tel:+1-501-821-1441
+15018218350 +1 501-821-8350 (501) 821-8350 tel:+1-501-821-8350
+15018218352 +1 501-821-8352 (501) 821-8352 tel:+1-501-821-8352
+15018218353 +1 501-821-8353 (501) 821-8353 tel:+1-501-821-8353
+15019546219 +1 501-954-6219 (501) 954-6219 tel:+1-501-954-6219
+15019546223 +1 501-954-6223 (501) 954-6223 tel:+1-501-954-6223
+15019546265 +1 501-954-6265 (501) 954-6265 tel:+1-501-954-6265
+15019753308 +1 501-975-3308 (501) 975-3308 tel:+1-501-975-3308
+15019753368 +1 501-975-3368 (501) 975-3368 tel:+1-501-975-3368
+15012027873 +1 501-202-7873 (501) 202-7873 tel:+1-501-202-7873
+15012223559 +1 501-222-3559 (501) 222-3559 tel:+1-501-222-3559