Lockport, Louisiana - Area code 985

Area code
Lockport, LA
Local time
Lockport, LA
Emergency phone number
Lockport, LA
State: Louisiana
State code: LA
Area: Lockport, LA
Area code: 0985
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 05:15
Timezone: America/Chicago
Population: 4 515 939
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Lockport, Louisiana - United States, Louisiana

Lockport is located in United States and has area code 985. When calling a person or company located in Lockport from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1985 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Lockport, LA is 05:15.

Lockport - Postal numbers

Lockport has 5 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
14094LockportNew York-78.6923/43.16
14095LockportNew York-78.6903/43.1706

Reported phone numbers in Lockport

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+19855320962 +1 985-532-0962 (985) 532-0962 tel:+1-985-532-0962
+19855321143 +1 985-532-1143 (985) 532-1143 tel:+1-985-532-1143
+19855321768 +1 985-532-1768 (985) 532-1768 tel:+1-985-532-1768
+19855321748 +1 985-532-1748 (985) 532-1748 tel:+1-985-532-1748
+19855321897 +1 985-532-1897 (985) 532-1897 tel:+1-985-532-1897
+19855320913 +1 985-532-0913 (985) 532-0913 tel:+1-985-532-0913
+19855321272 +1 985-532-1272 (985) 532-1272 tel:+1-985-532-1272
+19855322533 +1 985-532-2533 (985) 532-2533 tel:+1-985-532-2533
+19855325507 +1 985-532-5507 (985) 532-5507 tel:+1-985-532-5507
+19855322697 +1 985-532-2697 (985) 532-2697 tel:+1-985-532-2697
+19855324973 +1 985-532-4973 (985) 532-4973 tel:+1-985-532-4973
+19855320905 +1 985-532-0905 (985) 532-0905 tel:+1-985-532-0905
+19855325219 +1 985-532-5219 (985) 532-5219 tel:+1-985-532-5219
+19855321187 +1 985-532-1187 (985) 532-1187 tel:+1-985-532-1187
+19855320635 +1 985-532-0635 (985) 532-0635 tel:+1-985-532-0635
+19855321123 +1 985-532-1123 (985) 532-1123 tel:+1-985-532-1123
+19855321842 +1 985-532-1842 (985) 532-1842 tel:+1-985-532-1842
+19855322332 +1 985-532-2332 (985) 532-2332 tel:+1-985-532-2332
+19855320331 +1 985-532-0331 (985) 532-0331 tel:+1-985-532-0331
+19855320528 +1 985-532-0528 (985) 532-0528 tel:+1-985-532-0528
+19855321960 +1 985-532-1960 (985) 532-1960 tel:+1-985-532-1960
+19855322661 +1 985-532-2661 (985) 532-2661 tel:+1-985-532-2661
+19855324888 +1 985-532-4888 (985) 532-4888 tel:+1-985-532-4888
+19855321287 +1 985-532-1287 (985) 532-1287 tel:+1-985-532-1287
+19855322565 +1 985-532-2565 (985) 532-2565 tel:+1-985-532-2565
+19855322393 +1 985-532-2393 (985) 532-2393 tel:+1-985-532-2393
+19855322587 +1 985-532-2587 (985) 532-2587 tel:+1-985-532-2587
+19855321354 +1 985-532-1354 (985) 532-1354 tel:+1-985-532-1354
+19855322600 +1 985-532-2600 (985) 532-2600 tel:+1-985-532-2600
+19855321689 +1 985-532-1689 (985) 532-1689 tel:+1-985-532-1689
+19855322207 +1 985-532-2207 (985) 532-2207 tel:+1-985-532-2207
+19855321767 +1 985-532-1767 (985) 532-1767 tel:+1-985-532-1767
+19855322176 +1 985-532-2176 (985) 532-2176 tel:+1-985-532-2176
+19855322179 +1 985-532-2179 (985) 532-2179 tel:+1-985-532-2179
+19855322183 +1 985-532-2183 (985) 532-2183 tel:+1-985-532-2183
+19855321174 +1 985-532-1174 (985) 532-1174 tel:+1-985-532-1174
+19855321207 +1 985-532-1207 (985) 532-1207 tel:+1-985-532-1207
+19855321828 +1 985-532-1828 (985) 532-1828 tel:+1-985-532-1828
+19855320335 +1 985-532-0335 (985) 532-0335 tel:+1-985-532-0335
+19855320247 +1 985-532-0247 (985) 532-0247 tel:+1-985-532-0247
+19855320278 +1 985-532-0278 (985) 532-0278 tel:+1-985-532-0278
+19855321385 +1 985-532-1385 (985) 532-1385 tel:+1-985-532-1385
+19855321341 +1 985-532-1341 (985) 532-1341 tel:+1-985-532-1341
+19855321760 +1 985-532-1760 (985) 532-1760 tel:+1-985-532-1760
+19855321519 +1 985-532-1519 (985) 532-1519 tel:+1-985-532-1519
+19855321654 +1 985-532-1654 (985) 532-1654 tel:+1-985-532-1654
+19855322159 +1 985-532-2159 (985) 532-2159 tel:+1-985-532-2159
+19855321653 +1 985-532-1653 (985) 532-1653 tel:+1-985-532-1653
+19855321729 +1 985-532-1729 (985) 532-1729 tel:+1-985-532-1729
+19855321142 +1 985-532-1142 (985) 532-1142 tel:+1-985-532-1142