Maryland area codes and area names
Local time
5 624 246
5 624 246
Emergency phone number
Maryland - United States
The state Maryland is located in United States (country code +1). There is 130 phone areas in the state of Maryland. If you are calling someone located in Maryland from abroad, you must either write a plus sign (+) or two zeros (00) followed by the country code (+1 or 001) and then the Area code (found below) and then the phone number.
Local time in Maryland is 07:57.
Area codes and names
Maryland Counties sorted by Population
Maryland consists of 24 counties with a total population of 5 624 246 citizens. The population data are from 2021.
Rank | County | Timezone | Total Population |
1 | Montgomery County | America/New_York | 971 777 |
2 | Prince George's County | America/New_York | 863 420 |
3 | Baltimore County | America/New_York | 805 029 |
4 | City of Baltimore | America/New_York | 620 961 |
5 | Anne Arundel County | America/New_York | 537 656 |
6 | Howard County | America/New_York | 287 085 |
7 | Harford County | America/New_York | 244 826 |
8 | Frederick County | America/New_York | 233 385 |
9 | Carroll County | America/New_York | 167 134 |
10 | Washington County | America/New_York | 147 430 |
11 | Charles County | America/New_York | 146 551 |
12 | Saint Mary's County | America/New_York | 105 151 |
13 | Cecil County | America/New_York | 101 108 |
14 | Wicomico County | America/New_York | 98 733 |
15 | Calvert County | America/New_York | 88 737 |
16 | Allegany County | America/New_York | 75 087 |
17 | Worcester County | America/New_York | 51 454 |
18 | Queen Anne's County | America/New_York | 47 798 |
19 | Talbot County | America/New_York | 37 782 |
20 | Caroline County | America/New_York | 33 066 |
21 | Dorchester County | America/New_York | 32 618 |
22 | Garrett County | America/New_York | 30 097 |
23 | Somerset County | America/New_York | 26 470 |
24 | Kent County | America/New_York | 20 197 |