Maine area codes and area names
Local time
1 325 518
1 325 518
Emergency phone number
Maine - United States
The state Maine is located in United States (country code +1). There is 121 phone areas in the state of Maine. If you are calling someone located in Maine from abroad, you must either write a plus sign (+) or two zeros (00) followed by the country code (+1 or 001) and then the Area code (found below) and then the phone number.
Local time in Maine is 14:13.
Area codes and names
Maine Counties sorted by Population
Maine consists of 16 counties with a total population of 1 325 518 citizens. The population data are from 2021.
Rank | County | Timezone | Total Population |
1 | Cumberland County | America/New_York | 281 674 |
2 | York County | America/New_York | 197 131 |
3 | Penobscot County | America/New_York | 153 923 |
4 | Kennebec County | America/New_York | 122 151 |
5 | Androscoggin County | America/New_York | 107 702 |
6 | Aroostook County | America/New_York | 71 870 |
7 | Oxford County | America/New_York | 57 833 |
8 | Hancock County | America/New_York | 54 418 |
9 | Somerset County | America/New_York | 52 228 |
10 | Knox County | America/New_York | 39 736 |
11 | Waldo County | America/New_York | 38 786 |
12 | Sagadahoc County | America/New_York | 35 293 |
13 | Lincoln County | America/New_York | 34 457 |
14 | Washington County | America/New_York | 32 856 |
15 | Franklin County | America/New_York | 30 768 |
16 | Piscataquis County | America/New_York | 17 535 |