Meriden, Connecticut - Area code 120

Area code
Meriden, CT
Local time
Meriden, CT
Emergency phone number
Meriden, CT
State code: CT
Area: Meriden, CT
Area code: 0120
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 20:56
Timezone: America/New_York
Population: 3 527 249
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Meriden, Connecticut - United States, Connecticut

Meriden is located in United States and has area code 120. When calling a person or company located in Meriden from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1120 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Meriden, CT is 20:56.

Meriden - Postal numbers

Meriden has 6 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
03770MeridenNew Hampshire-72.2756/43.5299

Other areas in Connecticut with area code 120

Meriden share the same area code (0120) with these 2 other areas in Connecticut.

Milford, Meriden

Area code Area name
0120 Milford
0120 Meriden
Reported phone numbers in Meriden

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+12036344366 +1 203-634-4366 (203) 634-4366 tel:+1-203-634-4366
+12034407828 +1 203-440-7828 (203) 440-7828 tel:+1-203-440-7828
+12036340609 +1 203-634-0609 (203) 634-0609 tel:+1-203-634-0609
+12036393408 +1 203-639-3408 (203) 639-3408 tel:+1-203-639-3408
+12034405002 +1 203-440-5002 (203) 440-5002 tel:+1-203-440-5002
+12034407890 +1 203-440-7890 (203) 440-7890 tel:+1-203-440-7890
+12036343892 +1 203-634-3892 (203) 634-3892 tel:+1-203-634-3892
+12036399138 +1 203-639-9138 (203) 639-9138 tel:+1-203-639-9138
+12036349194 +1 203-634-9194 (203) 634-9194 tel:+1-203-634-9194
+12034403778 +1 203-440-3778 (203) 440-3778 tel:+1-203-440-3778
+12034400326 +1 203-440-0326 (203) 440-0326 tel:+1-203-440-0326
+12034402296 +1 203-440-2296 (203) 440-2296 tel:+1-203-440-2296
+12036342257 +1 203-634-2257 (203) 634-2257 tel:+1-203-634-2257
+12036343811 +1 203-634-3811 (203) 634-3811 tel:+1-203-634-3811
+12036348157 +1 203-634-8157 (203) 634-8157 tel:+1-203-634-8157
+12036348160 +1 203-634-8160 (203) 634-8160 tel:+1-203-634-8160
+12036343809 +1 203-634-3809 (203) 634-3809 tel:+1-203-634-3809
+12036343814 +1 203-634-3814 (203) 634-3814 tel:+1-203-634-3814
+12036349081 +1 203-634-9081 (203) 634-9081 tel:+1-203-634-9081
+12036344369 +1 203-634-4369 (203) 634-4369 tel:+1-203-634-4369
+12034400527 +1 203-440-0527 (203) 440-0527 tel:+1-203-440-0527
+12036348164 +1 203-634-8164 (203) 634-8164 tel:+1-203-634-8164
+12034404999 +1 203-440-4999 (203) 440-4999 tel:+1-203-440-4999
+12034405003 +1 203-440-5003 (203) 440-5003 tel:+1-203-440-5003
+12036349431 +1 203-634-9431 (203) 634-9431 tel:+1-203-634-9431
+12036396848 +1 203-639-6848 (203) 639-6848 tel:+1-203-639-6848
+12036340404 +1 203-634-0404 (203) 634-0404 tel:+1-203-634-0404
+12036349196 +1 203-634-9196 (203) 634-9196 tel:+1-203-634-9196
+12034400325 +1 203-440-0325 (203) 440-0325 tel:+1-203-440-0325
+12034400523 +1 203-440-0523 (203) 440-0523 tel:+1-203-440-0523
+12036345112 +1 203-634-5112 (203) 634-5112 tel:+1-203-634-5112
+12034403330 +1 203-440-3330 (203) 440-3330 tel:+1-203-440-3330
+12036349077 +1 203-634-9077 (203) 634-9077 tel:+1-203-634-9077
+12034400329 +1 203-440-0329 (203) 440-0329 tel:+1-203-440-0329
+12034400528 +1 203-440-0528 (203) 440-0528 tel:+1-203-440-0528
+12036396850 +1 203-639-6850 (203) 639-6850 tel:+1-203-639-6850
+12036343884 +1 203-634-3884 (203) 634-3884 tel:+1-203-634-3884
+12036340410 +1 203-634-0410 (203) 634-0410 tel:+1-203-634-0410
+12036348148 +1 203-634-8148 (203) 634-8148 tel:+1-203-634-8148
+12036345329 +1 203-634-5329 (203) 634-5329 tel:+1-203-634-5329
+12036348158 +1 203-634-8158 (203) 634-8158 tel:+1-203-634-8158
+12036399136 +1 203-639-9136 (203) 639-9136 tel:+1-203-639-9136
+12036399145 +1 203-639-9145 (203) 639-9145 tel:+1-203-639-9145
+12034404021 +1 203-440-4021 (203) 440-4021 tel:+1-203-440-4021
+12036341234 +1 203-634-1234 (203) 634-1234 tel:+1-203-634-1234
+12036343655 +1 203-634-3655 (203) 634-3655 tel:+1-203-634-3655
+12034404025 +1 203-440-4025 (203) 440-4025 tel:+1-203-440-4025
+12034403245 +1 203-440-3245 (203) 440-3245 tel:+1-203-440-3245
+12036349440 +1 203-634-9440 (203) 634-9440 tel:+1-203-634-9440
+12036349198 +1 203-634-9198 (203) 634-9198 tel:+1-203-634-9198