Rogers City, Michigan - Area code 198

Area code
Rogers City, MI
Local time
Rogers City, MI
Emergency phone number
Rogers City, MI
State: Michigan
State code: MI
Area: Rogers City, MI
Area code: 0198
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 12:47
Timezone: America/Detroit
Population: 9 883 360
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Rogers City, Michigan - United States, Michigan

Rogers City is located in United States and has area code 198. When calling a person or company located in Rogers City from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1198 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Rogers City, MI is 12:47.

Rogers City - Postal numbers

Rogers City has 1 postal number / zip number.
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
49779Rogers CityMichigan-83.8355/45.4123

Other areas in Michigan with area code 198

Rogers City share the same area code (0198) with these 7 other areas in Michigan.

Alpena, Gaylord, Rogers City, Lincoln, Saginaw, Bay City, Merrill

Area code Area name
0198 Alpena
0198 Gaylord
0198 Rogers City
0198 Lincoln
0198 Saginaw
0198 Bay City
0198 Merrill
Reported phone numbers in Rogers City

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+19897342295 +1 989-734-2295 (989) 734-2295 tel:+1-989-734-2295
+19897345104 +1 989-734-5104 (989) 734-5104 tel:+1-989-734-5104
+19897342752 +1 989-734-2752 (989) 734-2752 tel:+1-989-734-2752
+19897344693 +1 989-734-4693 (989) 734-4693 tel:+1-989-734-4693
+19897341727 +1 989-734-1727 (989) 734-1727 tel:+1-989-734-1727
+19897341084 +1 989-734-1084 (989) 734-1084 tel:+1-989-734-1084
+19897348588 +1 989-734-8588 (989) 734-8588 tel:+1-989-734-8588
+19897341704 +1 989-734-1704 (989) 734-1704 tel:+1-989-734-1704
+19897341003 +1 989-734-1003 (989) 734-1003 tel:+1-989-734-1003
+19897345255 +1 989-734-5255 (989) 734-5255 tel:+1-989-734-5255
+19897341878 +1 989-734-1878 (989) 734-1878 tel:+1-989-734-1878
+19897340089 +1 989-734-0089 (989) 734-0089 tel:+1-989-734-0089
+19897340643 +1 989-734-0643 (989) 734-0643 tel:+1-989-734-0643
+19897340720 +1 989-734-0720 (989) 734-0720 tel:+1-989-734-0720
+19897341632 +1 989-734-1632 (989) 734-1632 tel:+1-989-734-1632
+19897342564 +1 989-734-2564 (989) 734-2564 tel:+1-989-734-2564
+19897342084 +1 989-734-2084 (989) 734-2084 tel:+1-989-734-2084
+19897342305 +1 989-734-2305 (989) 734-2305 tel:+1-989-734-2305
+19897347298 +1 989-734-7298 (989) 734-7298 tel:+1-989-734-7298
+19897341242 +1 989-734-1242 (989) 734-1242 tel:+1-989-734-1242
+19897341910 +1 989-734-1910 (989) 734-1910 tel:+1-989-734-1910
+19897340958 +1 989-734-0958 (989) 734-0958 tel:+1-989-734-0958
+19897342437 +1 989-734-2437 (989) 734-2437 tel:+1-989-734-2437
+19897340356 +1 989-734-0356 (989) 734-0356 tel:+1-989-734-0356
+19897340536 +1 989-734-0536 (989) 734-0536 tel:+1-989-734-0536
+19897341658 +1 989-734-1658 (989) 734-1658 tel:+1-989-734-1658
+19897340900 +1 989-734-0900 (989) 734-0900 tel:+1-989-734-0900
+19897342097 +1 989-734-2097 (989) 734-2097 tel:+1-989-734-2097
+19897341332 +1 989-734-1332 (989) 734-1332 tel:+1-989-734-1332
+19897341445 +1 989-734-1445 (989) 734-1445 tel:+1-989-734-1445
+19897342204 +1 989-734-2204 (989) 734-2204 tel:+1-989-734-2204
+19897340932 +1 989-734-0932 (989) 734-0932 tel:+1-989-734-0932
+19897346855 +1 989-734-6855 (989) 734-6855 tel:+1-989-734-6855
+19897340668 +1 989-734-0668 (989) 734-0668 tel:+1-989-734-0668
+19897342270 +1 989-734-2270 (989) 734-2270 tel:+1-989-734-2270
+19897340189 +1 989-734-0189 (989) 734-0189 tel:+1-989-734-0189
+19897341275 +1 989-734-1275 (989) 734-1275 tel:+1-989-734-1275
+19897342453 +1 989-734-2453 (989) 734-2453 tel:+1-989-734-2453
+19897342141 +1 989-734-2141 (989) 734-2141 tel:+1-989-734-2141
+19897341895 +1 989-734-1895 (989) 734-1895 tel:+1-989-734-1895
+19897340087 +1 989-734-0087 (989) 734-0087 tel:+1-989-734-0087
+19897341039 +1 989-734-1039 (989) 734-1039 tel:+1-989-734-1039
+19897342806 +1 989-734-2806 (989) 734-2806 tel:+1-989-734-2806
+19897341105 +1 989-734-1105 (989) 734-1105 tel:+1-989-734-1105
+19897340196 +1 989-734-0196 (989) 734-0196 tel:+1-989-734-0196
+19897340853 +1 989-734-0853 (989) 734-0853 tel:+1-989-734-0853
+19897342154 +1 989-734-2154 (989) 734-2154 tel:+1-989-734-2154
+19897340145 +1 989-734-0145 (989) 734-0145 tel:+1-989-734-0145
+19897340710 +1 989-734-0710 (989) 734-0710 tel:+1-989-734-0710
+19897342385 +1 989-734-2385 (989) 734-2385 tel:+1-989-734-2385