Saint Cloud, Minnesota - Area code 320

Area code
Saint Cloud, MN
Local time
Saint Cloud, MN
Emergency phone number
Saint Cloud, MN
State: Minnesota
State code: MN
Area: Saint Cloud, MN
Area code: 0320
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 19:32
Timezone: America/Chicago
Population: 5 141 953
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Saint Cloud, Minnesota - United States, Minnesota

Saint Cloud is located in United States and has area code 320. When calling a person or company located in Saint Cloud from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1320 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Saint Cloud, MN is 19:32.

Saint Cloud - Postal numbers

Saint Cloud has 17 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Show all postal numbers
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
34769Saint CloudFlorida-81.2876/28.248
56399Saint CloudMinnesota-94.1625/45.5608
56398Saint CloudMinnesota-94.1625/45.5608
56397Saint CloudMinnesota-94.1625/45.5608
56396Saint CloudMinnesota-94.1625/45.5608
56395Saint CloudMinnesota-94.1625/45.5608
56393Saint CloudMinnesota-94.1625/45.5608
56372Saint CloudMinnesota-94.1625/45.5608
56304Saint CloudMinnesota-94.1284/45.5521
56303Saint CloudMinnesota-94.2036/45.5713
56302Saint CloudMinnesota-94.1625/45.5608
56301Saint CloudMinnesota-94.1819/45.541
34773Saint CloudFlorida-81.0176/28.1293
34772Saint CloudFlorida-81.2645/28.1905
34771Saint CloudFlorida-81.2003/28.273
34770Saint CloudFlorida-81.2812/28.2489
53079Saint CloudWisconsin-88.1845/43.8074

Other areas in Minnesota with area code 320

Saint Cloud share the same area code (0320) with these 58 other areas in Minnesota.

Saint Cloud, Appleton, Avon, Olivia, Foley, Willmar, Hutchinson, Starbuck, Paynesville, Sandstone, Melrose, Montevideo, Annandale, Dassel, Cokato, Sauk Centre, New London, Rush City, St. Joseph, Bird Island, Hinckley, Hancock, Rice, Braham, Kimball, Eden Valley, Pierz, Winsted, Onamia, Howard Lake, Clearwater, Wheaton, Granite Falls, Morris, Litchfield, Richmond, Madison, Pine City, Little Falls, Glenwood, Isle, Mora, Cold Spring, Long Prairie, Clear Lake, Alexandria, Dawson, Spicer, Ortonville, Benson, Albany, Clara City, Hector, Osakis, Glencoe, Maple Lake, Atwater, Milaca

Area code Area name
0320 Saint Cloud
0320 Appleton
0320 Avon
0320 Olivia
0320 Foley
0320 Willmar
0320 Hutchinson
0320 Starbuck
0320 Paynesville
0320 Sandstone
0320 Melrose
0320 Montevideo
0320 Annandale
0320 Dassel
0320 Cokato
0320 Sauk Centre
0320 New London
0320 Rush City
0320 St. Joseph
0320 Bird Island
0320 Hinckley
0320 Hancock
0320 Rice
0320 Braham
0320 Kimball
0320 Eden Valley
0320 Pierz
0320 Winsted
0320 Onamia
0320 Howard Lake
0320 Clearwater
0320 Wheaton
0320 Granite Falls
0320 Morris
0320 Litchfield
0320 Richmond
0320 Madison
0320 Pine City
0320 Little Falls
0320 Glenwood
0320 Isle
0320 Mora
0320 Cold Spring
0320 Long Prairie
0320 Clear Lake
0320 Alexandria
0320 Dawson
0320 Spicer
0320 Ortonville
0320 Benson
0320 Albany
0320 Clara City
0320 Hector
0320 Osakis
0320 Glencoe
0320 Maple Lake
0320 Atwater
0320 Milaca
Reported phone numbers in Saint Cloud

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+13202572350 +1 320-257-2350 (320) 257-2350 tel:+1-320-257-2350
+13202582722 +1 320-258-2722 (320) 258-2722 tel:+1-320-258-2722