Sun City, Arizona - Area code 623

Area code
Sun City, AZ
Local time
Sun City, AZ
Emergency phone number
Sun City, AZ
State: Arizona
State code: AZ
Area: Sun City, AZ
Area code: 0623
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 05:08
Timezone: America/Phoenix
Population: 5 863 809
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Sun City, Arizona - United States, Arizona

Sun City is located in United States and has area code 623. When calling a person or company located in Sun City from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1623 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Sun City, AZ is 05:08.

Sun City - Postal numbers

Sun City has 12 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Show all postal numbers
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
94585Suisun CityCalifornia-122.042/38.2408
85375Sun City WestArizona-112.3659/33.6856
33573Sun City CenterFlorida-82.3538/27.7147
33571Sun City CenterFlorida-82.453/27.7201
67143Sun CityKansas-98.9159/37.3786
33586Sun CityFlorida-82.4787/27.6784
92586Sun CityCalifornia-117.1969/33.7044
92585Sun CityCalifornia-117.1721/33.7467
85373Sun CityArizona-112.3214/33.6588
85372Sun CityArizona-112.2718/33.5975
85351Sun CityArizona-112.2797/33.6061
85376Sun City WestArizona-112.3413/33.662

Other areas in Arizona with area code 623

Sun City share the same area code (0623) with these 4 other areas in Arizona.

Phoenix, Sun City, Buckeye, Peoria

Area code Area name
0623 Phoenix
0623 Sun City
0623 Buckeye
0623 Peoria
Reported phone numbers in Sun City

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+16239770998 +1 623-977-0998 (623) 977-0998 tel:+1-623-977-0998
+16239771002 +1 623-977-1002 (623) 977-1002 tel:+1-623-977-1002
+16239770967 +1 623-977-0967 (623) 977-0967 tel:+1-623-977-0967
+16239770972 +1 623-977-0972 (623) 977-0972 tel:+1-623-977-0972
+16239770984 +1 623-977-0984 (623) 977-0984 tel:+1-623-977-0984
+16239771001 +1 623-977-1001 (623) 977-1001 tel:+1-623-977-1001
+16239770963 +1 623-977-0963 (623) 977-0963 tel:+1-623-977-0963
+16239770968 +1 623-977-0968 (623) 977-0968 tel:+1-623-977-0968
+16239770995 +1 623-977-0995 (623) 977-0995 tel:+1-623-977-0995
+16239771000 +1 623-977-1000 (623) 977-1000 tel:+1-623-977-1000
+16239771022 +1 623-977-1022 (623) 977-1022 tel:+1-623-977-1022
+16239770964 +1 623-977-0964 (623) 977-0964 tel:+1-623-977-0964
+16239771013 +1 623-977-1013 (623) 977-1013 tel:+1-623-977-1013
+16239771024 +1 623-977-1024 (623) 977-1024 tel:+1-623-977-1024
+16239770962 +1 623-977-0962 (623) 977-0962 tel:+1-623-977-0962
+16239770986 +1 623-977-0986 (623) 977-0986 tel:+1-623-977-0986
+16239771015 +1 623-977-1015 (623) 977-1015 tel:+1-623-977-1015
+16239771010 +1 623-977-1010 (623) 977-1010 tel:+1-623-977-1010
+16239771014 +1 623-977-1014 (623) 977-1014 tel:+1-623-977-1014
+16239770981 +1 623-977-0981 (623) 977-0981 tel:+1-623-977-0981
+16239770993 +1 623-977-0993 (623) 977-0993 tel:+1-623-977-0993
+16239770971 +1 623-977-0971 (623) 977-0971 tel:+1-623-977-0971
+16239770979 +1 623-977-0979 (623) 977-0979 tel:+1-623-977-0979
+16239770992 +1 623-977-0992 (623) 977-0992 tel:+1-623-977-0992
+16239770973 +1 623-977-0973 (623) 977-0973 tel:+1-623-977-0973
+16239770991 +1 623-977-0991 (623) 977-0991 tel:+1-623-977-0991
+16239771019 +1 623-977-1019 (623) 977-1019 tel:+1-623-977-1019
+16239770987 +1 623-977-0987 (623) 977-0987 tel:+1-623-977-0987
+16239770988 +1 623-977-0988 (623) 977-0988 tel:+1-623-977-0988
+16239771003 +1 623-977-1003 (623) 977-1003 tel:+1-623-977-1003
+16239770997 +1 623-977-0997 (623) 977-0997 tel:+1-623-977-0997
+16239770976 +1 623-977-0976 (623) 977-0976 tel:+1-623-977-0976
+16239771009 +1 623-977-1009 (623) 977-1009 tel:+1-623-977-1009
+16239770983 +1 623-977-0983 (623) 977-0983 tel:+1-623-977-0983
+16239770999 +1 623-977-0999 (623) 977-0999 tel:+1-623-977-0999
+16239770990 +1 623-977-0990 (623) 977-0990 tel:+1-623-977-0990
+16239770994 +1 623-977-0994 (623) 977-0994 tel:+1-623-977-0994
+16239770969 +1 623-977-0969 (623) 977-0969 tel:+1-623-977-0969
+16239770978 +1 623-977-0978 (623) 977-0978 tel:+1-623-977-0978
+16239771016 +1 623-977-1016 (623) 977-1016 tel:+1-623-977-1016
+16239771021 +1 623-977-1021 (623) 977-1021 tel:+1-623-977-1021
+16239771018 +1 623-977-1018 (623) 977-1018 tel:+1-623-977-1018
+16239771005 +1 623-977-1005 (623) 977-1005 tel:+1-623-977-1005
+16239771020 +1 623-977-1020 (623) 977-1020 tel:+1-623-977-1020
+16239770980 +1 623-977-0980 (623) 977-0980 tel:+1-623-977-0980
+16239771007 +1 623-977-1007 (623) 977-1007 tel:+1-623-977-1007
+16239770996 +1 623-977-0996 (623) 977-0996 tel:+1-623-977-0996
+16239770982 +1 623-977-0982 (623) 977-0982 tel:+1-623-977-0982
+16239770975 +1 623-977-0975 (623) 977-0975 tel:+1-623-977-0975
+16239771011 +1 623-977-1011 (623) 977-1011 tel:+1-623-977-1011