Union City, Indiana - Area code 765

Area code
Union City, IN
Local time
Union City, IN
Emergency phone number
Union City, IN
State: Indiana
State code: IN
Area: Union City, IN
Area code: 0765
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 05:51
Timezone: America/Indiana/Indianapolis
Population: 6 265 933
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Union City, Indiana - United States, Indiana

Union City is located in United States and has area code 765. When calling a person or company located in Union City from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1765 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Union City, IN is 05:51.

Union City - Postal numbers

Union City has 10 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
94587Union CityCalifornia-122.0497/37.5895
38261Union CityTennessee-89.0667/36.4263
16438Union CityPennsylvania-79.8455/41.8939
73090Union CityOklahoma-97.9398/35.3913
45390Union CityOhio-84.7832/40.2018
07087Union CityNew Jersey-74.0323/40.7674
49094Union CityMichigan-85.1356/42.0551
47390Union CityIndiana-84.8268/40.2024
30291Union CityGeorgia-84.5499/33.5832
38281Union CityTennessee-89.057/36.4242

Other areas in Indiana with area code 765

Union City share the same area code (0765) with these 57 other areas in Indiana.

Muncie, West Lafayette, Anderson, Albany, Lafayette, Rushville, Richmond, Kokomo, Veedersburg, Martinsville, Knightstown, Hartford City, Middletown, Crawfordsville, Rossville, Converse, Thorntown, Liberty, Farmland, Peru, Cambridge City, Lebanon, Hagerstown, Cayuga, New Castle, Roachdale, Elwood, Brookston, Delphi, Rockville, Otterbein, Winchester, Greentown, Brookville, Marion, Greencastle, Frankfort, Tipton, Jamestown, Bunker Hill, Alexandria, Montpelier, Yorktown, Attica, Dunkirk, Pendleton, Covington, Cloverdale, Connersville, Clinton, Centerville, Lynn, Russiaville, Fowler, Fairmount, Union City, Upland

Area code Area name
0765 Muncie
0765 West Lafayette
0765 Anderson
0765 Albany
0765 Lafayette
0765 Rushville
0765 Richmond
0765 Kokomo
0765 Veedersburg
0765 Martinsville
0765 Knightstown
0765 Hartford City
0765 Middletown
0765 Crawfordsville
0765 Rossville
0765 Converse
0765 Thorntown
0765 Liberty
0765 Farmland
0765 Peru
0765 Cambridge City
0765 Lebanon
0765 Hagerstown
0765 Cayuga
0765 New Castle
0765 Roachdale
0765 Elwood
0765 Brookston
0765 Delphi
0765 Rockville
0765 Otterbein
0765 Winchester
0765 Greentown
0765 Brookville
0765 Marion
0765 Greencastle
0765 Frankfort
0765 Tipton
0765 Jamestown
0765 Bunker Hill
0765 Alexandria
0765 Montpelier
0765 Yorktown
0765 Attica
0765 Dunkirk
0765 Pendleton
0765 Covington
0765 Cloverdale
0765 Connersville
0765 Clinton
0765 Centerville
0765 Lynn
0765 Russiaville
0765 Fowler
0765 Fairmount
0765 Union City
0765 Upland