Utah area codes and area names

Local time
2 427 340
Emergency phone number
State: Utah
State code: UT
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 05:38
Timezone: America/Denver
Population: 2 427 340
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Utah - United States

The state Utah is located in United States (country code +1). There is 66 phone areas in the state of Utah. If you are calling someone located in Utah from abroad, you must either write a plus sign (+) or two zeros (00) followed by the country code (+1 or 001) and then the Area code (found below) and then the phone number.

Local time in Utah is 05:38.

Utah Counties sorted by Population

Utah consists of 29 counties with a total population of 2 427 340 citizens. The population data are from 2021.

Rank County Timezone Total Population
1 Salt Lake County America/Denver 1 029 655
2 Utah County America/Denver 516 564
3 Davis County America/Denver 306 479
4 Weber County America/Denver 231 236
5 Washington County America/Denver 138 115
6 Cache County America/Denver 112 656
7 Tooele County America/Denver 58 218
8 Box Elder County America/Denver 49 975
9 Iron County America/Denver 46 163
10 Summit County America/Denver 36 324
11 Uintah County America/Denver 32 588
12 Sanpete County America/Denver 27 822
13 Wasatch County America/Denver 23 530
14 Carbon County America/Denver 21 403
15 Sevier County America/Denver 20 802
16 Duchesne County America/Denver 18 607
17 San Juan County America/Denver 14 746
18 Millard County America/Denver 12 503
19 Emery County America/Denver 10 976
20 Juab County America/Denver 10 246
21 Morgan County America/Denver 9 469
22 Grand County America/Denver 9 225
23 Kane County America/Denver 7 125
24 Beaver County America/Denver 6 629
25 Garfield County America/Denver 5 172
26 Wayne County America/Denver 2 778
27 Rich County America/Denver 2 264
28 Piute County America/Denver 1 556
29 Daggett County America/Denver 1 059