Vermont area codes and area names

Local time
624 501
Emergency phone number
State: Vermont
State code: VT
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 13:04
Timezone: America/New_York
Population: 624 501
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Vermont - United States

The state Vermont is located in United States (country code +1). There is 64 phone areas in the state of Vermont. If you are calling someone located in Vermont from abroad, you must either write a plus sign (+) or two zeros (00) followed by the country code (+1 or 001) and then the Area code (found below) and then the phone number.

Local time in Vermont is 13:04.

Area codes and names

Area code Area name State
0802 Bradford Vermont
0802 Arlington Vermont
0802 Montpelier Vermont
0802 Ludlow Vermont
0802 Bethel Vermont
0802 Waterbury Vermont
0802 Brandon Vermont
0802 Brattleboro Vermont
0802 Stowe Vermont
0802 Fair Haven Vermont
0802 Poultney Vermont
0802 White River Junction Vermont
0802 Fairlee Vermont
0802 Newport Vermont
0802 Townshend Vermont
0802 Berlin Vermont
0802 Putney Vermont
0802 Middlebury Vermont
0802 Killington Vermont
0802 Charlotte Vermont
0802 Richmond Vermont
0802 Hartland Vermont
0802 West Rutland Vermont
0802 Bennington Vermont
0802 Wallingford Vermont
0802 Bristol Vermont
0802 Plainfield Vermont
0802 Woodstock Vermont
0802 Bellows Falls Vermont
0802 Wilmington Vermont
0802 Castleton Vermont
0802 Hardwick Vermont
0802 Barre Vermont
0802 Hinesburg Vermont
0802 Pittsford Vermont
0802 Northfield Vermont
0802 Burlington Vermont
0802 Waitsfield Vermont
0802 St. Albans Vermont
0802 Barton Vermont
0802 Lyndonville Vermont
0802 Johnson Vermont
0802 Norwich Vermont
0802 Windsor Vermont
0802 Chelsea Vermont
0802 Randolph Vermont
0802 Rutland Vermont
0802 St. Johnsbury Vermont
0802 Orleans Vermont
0802 South Royalton Vermont
0802 Derby Vermont
0802 Rochester Vermont
0802 Londonderry Vermont
0802 Richford Vermont
0802 Fairfax Vermont
0802 Swanton Vermont
0802 Chester Vermont
0802 Vergennes Vermont
0802 Springfield Vermont
0802 Morrisville Vermont
0802 Milton Vermont
0802 Jericho Vermont
0802 Enosburg Falls Vermont
0802 Shelburne Vermont

Vermont Counties sorted by Population

Vermont consists of 14 counties with a total population of 624 501 citizens. The population data are from 2021.

Rank County Timezone Total Population
1 Chittenden County America/New_York 156 545
2 Rutland County America/New_York 61 642
3 Washington County America/New_York 59 534
4 Windsor County America/New_York 56 670
5 Franklin County America/New_York 47 746
6 Windham County America/New_York 44 513
7 Bennington County America/New_York 37 125
8 Addison County America/New_York 36 821
9 Caledonia County America/New_York 31 227
10 Orange County America/New_York 28 936
11 Orleans County America/New_York 27 231
12 Lamoille County America/New_York 24 475
13 Grand Isle County America/New_York 6 970
14 Essex County America/New_York 6 306