Yonkers, New York - Area code 914

Area code
Yonkers, NY
Local time
Yonkers, NY
Emergency phone number
Yonkers, NY
State: New York
State code: NY
Area: Yonkers, NY
Area code: 0914
Country Calling Code: +1
E.164 (Country Code): 1
Emergency phone number: 911
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Valuta: US Dollar (USD)
Local Time: 15:39
Timezone: America/New_York
Population: 19 274 244
Land Area: 9 629 091 KM2

Yonkers, New York - United States, New York

Yonkers is located in United States and has area code 914. When calling a person or company located in Yonkers from abroad, you must first type the plus sign (+) or double zero (00) followed by the country code and then the area code. In this case +1914 followed by the phone number.

Local time and other details

Local time in Yonkers, NY is 15:39.

Yonkers - Postal numbers

Yonkers has 6 different postal numbers / zip numbers.
Postal numberMunicipalityCountyLon/Lat
10701YonkersNew York-73.8669/40.9461
10702YonkersNew York-73.8987/40.9312
10703YonkersNew York-73.8852/40.9518
10704YonkersNew York-73.8593/40.9176
10705YonkersNew York-73.895/40.9177
10710YonkersNew York-73.8434/40.9656

Reported phone numbers in Yonkers

The list below contains all phone numbers that we have received reports on.

+19147512644 +1 914-751-2644 (914) 751-2644 tel:+1-914-751-2644
+19143771329 +1 914-377-1329 (914) 377-1329 tel:+1-914-377-1329
+19143752570 +1 914-375-2570 (914) 375-2570 tel:+1-914-375-2570
+19147768663 +1 914-776-8663 (914) 776-8663 tel:+1-914-776-8663
+19147767433 +1 914-776-7433 (914) 776-7433 tel:+1-914-776-7433
+19149658995 +1 914-965-8995 (914) 965-8995 tel:+1-914-965-8995
+19143754003 +1 914-375-4003 (914) 375-4003 tel:+1-914-375-4003
+19143777214 +1 914-377-7214 (914) 377-7214 tel:+1-914-377-7214
+19147761629 +1 914-776-1629 (914) 776-1629 tel:+1-914-776-1629
+19143775235 +1 914-377-5235 (914) 377-5235 tel:+1-914-377-5235
+19143753145 +1 914-375-3145 (914) 375-3145 tel:+1-914-375-3145
+19149652084 +1 914-965-2084 (914) 965-2084 tel:+1-914-965-2084
+19143775023 +1 914-377-5023 (914) 377-5023 tel:+1-914-377-5023
+19143753146 +1 914-375-3146 (914) 375-3146 tel:+1-914-375-3146
+19143772803 +1 914-377-2803 (914) 377-2803 tel:+1-914-377-2803
+19143777499 +1 914-377-7499 (914) 377-7499 tel:+1-914-377-7499
+19147764989 +1 914-776-4989 (914) 776-4989 tel:+1-914-776-4989
+19143770734 +1 914-377-0734 (914) 377-0734 tel:+1-914-377-0734
+19147766394 +1 914-776-6394 (914) 776-6394 tel:+1-914-776-6394
+19147762078 +1 914-776-2078 (914) 776-2078 tel:+1-914-776-2078
+19149654452 +1 914-965-4452 (914) 965-4452 tel:+1-914-965-4452
+19143779571 +1 914-377-9571 (914) 377-9571 tel:+1-914-377-9571
+19149657125 +1 914-965-7125 (914) 965-7125 tel:+1-914-965-7125
+19143754974 +1 914-375-4974 (914) 375-4974 tel:+1-914-375-4974
+19149655331 +1 914-965-5331 (914) 965-5331 tel:+1-914-965-5331
+19143756314 +1 914-375-6314 (914) 375-6314 tel:+1-914-375-6314
+19147761448 +1 914-776-1448 (914) 776-1448 tel:+1-914-776-1448
+19143756329 +1 914-375-6329 (914) 375-6329 tel:+1-914-375-6329
+19143753761 +1 914-375-3761 (914) 375-3761 tel:+1-914-375-3761
+19143775180 +1 914-377-5180 (914) 377-5180 tel:+1-914-377-5180
+19143755971 +1 914-375-5971 (914) 375-5971 tel:+1-914-375-5971
+19143754491 +1 914-375-4491 (914) 375-4491 tel:+1-914-375-4491
+19147763349 +1 914-776-3349 (914) 776-3349 tel:+1-914-776-3349
+19143750158 +1 914-375-0158 (914) 375-0158 tel:+1-914-375-0158
+19149650792 +1 914-965-0792 (914) 965-0792 tel:+1-914-965-0792
+19143776105 +1 914-377-6105 (914) 377-6105 tel:+1-914-377-6105
+19147763065 +1 914-776-3065 (914) 776-3065 tel:+1-914-776-3065
+19143778216 +1 914-377-8216 (914) 377-8216 tel:+1-914-377-8216
+19147768009 +1 914-776-8009 (914) 776-8009 tel:+1-914-776-8009
+19149652361 +1 914-965-2361 (914) 965-2361 tel:+1-914-965-2361
+19143754418 +1 914-375-4418 (914) 375-4418 tel:+1-914-375-4418
+19149650282 +1 914-965-0282 (914) 965-0282 tel:+1-914-965-0282
+19149655026 +1 914-965-5026 (914) 965-5026 tel:+1-914-965-5026
+19143755970 +1 914-375-5970 (914) 375-5970 tel:+1-914-375-5970
+19147764920 +1 914-776-4920 (914) 776-4920 tel:+1-914-776-4920
+19143751996 +1 914-375-1996 (914) 375-1996 tel:+1-914-375-1996
+19147768200 +1 914-776-8200 (914) 776-8200 tel:+1-914-776-8200
+19143774007 +1 914-377-4007 (914) 377-4007 tel:+1-914-377-4007
+19143775094 +1 914-377-5094 (914) 377-5094 tel:+1-914-377-5094
+19143753174 +1 914-375-3174 (914) 375-3174 tel:+1-914-375-3174