Reported phone numbers
United States
Country code:
Local Time:
327 167 434
Land Area:
9 629 091 KM2
+35725281903 133 |
+97167072614 133 |
+97444740410 131 |
+3726189828 127 |
+3228082531 127 |
+35725029904 120 |
+37254670822 119 |
+37256253190 119 |
+35620151901 118 |
+37253008607 118 |
+3726988249 117 |
+97444205032 117 |
+35924927424 117 |
+97444205031 117 |
+97444205029 112 |
Area codes in United States (country code +1)
Area code | Area name | State |
001 | 10th of Ramadan | |
0334 | Abbeville, AL | al |
0604 | Abbotsford, BC | bc |
0208 | Aberdeen, ID | id |
0605 | Aberdeen, SD | sd |
0360 | Aberdeen, WA | wa |
0276 | Abingdon, VA | va |
0641 | Ackley, IA | ia |
0661 | Acton, CA | ca |
0978 | Acton, MA | ma |
0770 | Acworth, GA | ga |
0616 | Ada, MI | mi |
0580 | Ada, OK | ok |
0770 | Adairsville, GA | ga |
0315 | Adams, NY | ny |
0229 | Adel, GA | ga |
0515 | Adel, IA | ia |
0816 | Adrian, MO | mo |
0918 | Afton, OK | ok |
0307 | Afton, WY | wy |
0818 | Agoura Hills, CA | ca |
0252 | Ahoskie, NC | nc |
0402 | Ainsworth, NE | ne |
0905 | Ajax, ON | on |
Unspecified | Unspecified | Unspecified |
Missed phone number? - Check who just called!
This is a user supplied (and editorial reviewed before published) database of phone numbers of telemarketers, non-profit organizations, charities, political surveyors, SCAM artists, Home delivery and other companies that don't leave messages or disconnect once you answer, and simply interrupt your day.
If you received a strange call, unwanted SMS message, or just came across a number you don't recognize and want more information about, most likely you are not the only one. Search for this phone number to see the reports of others. If there are no reports yet, leave your comment to start a conversation.